Resistance is a key determinant in interactions between hosts and their parasites. Understanding the amount and distribution of variation in this trait between strains can provide insights into (co)evolutionary processes and their potential to shape patterns of diversity in natural populations. Using controlled inoculation in experimental mass cultures, we investigated the quantitative variation in resistance to the bacterial parasite Holospora undulata across a worldwide collection of strains of its ciliate host Paramecium caudatum. We combined the observed variation with available information on the phylogeny and biogeography of the strains. We found substantial variation in resistance among strains, with upper-bound values of broad-sense heritability >0.5 (intraclass correlation coefficients). Strain estimates of resistance were repeatable between laboratories and ranged from total resistance to near-complete susceptibility. Early (1 week post inoculation) measurements provided higher estimates of resistans model system.A survey of bambusicolous fungi in Bijiashan Mountain Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, revealed several Arthrinium-like taxa from dead sheaths, twigs, and clumps of Bambusa species. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated based on morphology and combined analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU), beta tubulin (β-tubulin), and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef 1-α) gene sequences. Based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic data, Arthrinium acutiapicum sp. nov. and Arthrinium pseudorasikravindrae sp. nov. are introduced herein with descriptions and illustrations. Additionally, two new locality records of Arthrinium bambusae and Arthrinium guizhouense are described and illustrated.Microorganisms have long been recognized for their capacity to catalyze the weathering of silicate minerals. While the vast majority of studies on microbially mediated silicate weathering focus on organotrophic metabolism linked to nutrient acquisition, it has been recently demonstrated that chemolithotrophic ferrous iron [Fe(II)] oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) are capable of coupling the oxidation of silicate mineral Fe(II) to metabolic energy generation and cellular growth. In natural systems, complex microbial consortia with diverse metabolic capabilities can exist and interact to influence the biogeochemical cycling of essential elements, including iron. Here we combine microbiological and metagenomic analyses to investigate the potential interactions among metabolically diverse microorganisms in the near surface weathering of an outcrop of the Rio Blanco Quartz Diorite (DIO) in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Laboratory based incubations utilizing ground DIO as metabolic energy source for chemolithotrophic FeOB confirmed the ability of FeOB to grow via the oxidation of silicate-bound Fe(II). Dramatically accelerated rates of Fe(II)-oxidation were associated with an enrichment in microorganisms with the genetic capacity for iron oxidizing extracellular electron transfer (EET) pathways. Microbially oxidized DIO displayed an enhanced susceptibility to the weathering activity of organotrophic microorganisms compared to unoxidized mineral suspensions. Our results suggest that chemolithotrophic and organotrophic microorganisms are likely to coexist and contribute synergistically to the overall weathering of the in situ bedrock outcrop.Region-specific Helicobacter pylori subpopulations have been identified. It is proposed that the hspAmerind subpopulation is being displaced from the Americans by an hpEurope population following the conquest. Our study aimed to describe the genomes and methylomes of H. pylori isolates from distinct Peruvian communities 23 strains collected from three groups of Native Americans (Asháninkas [ASHA, n = 9], Shimaas [SHIM, n = 5] from Amazonas, and Punos from the Andean highlands [PUNO, n = 9]) and 9 modern mestizos from Lima (LIM). Closed genomes and DNA modification calls were obtained using SMRT/PacBio sequencing. We performed evolutionary analyses and evaluated genomic/epigenomic differences among strain groups. We also evaluated human genome-wide data from 74 individuals from the selected Native communities (including the 23 H. pylori strains donors) to compare host and bacterial backgrounds. There were varying degrees of hspAmerind ancestry in all strains, ranging from 7% in LIM to 99% in SHIM. We identifie traces found even in a heavily admixed mestizo population. Notably, our study identified three new hspAmerind subpopulations, one per Native group; and a new subpopulation among mestizos that we named hspEuropePeru. This subpopulation seems to have more virulence-related elements than hspAmerind. Purifying selection driven by variable host immune response may have shaped the evolution of Peruvian subpopulations, potentially impacting disease outcomes.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is considered an opportunistic pathogen in humans and is mainly associated with healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). This bacterium colonizes the skin and mucous membranes of healthy people and causes frequent hospital outbreaks. The aim of this study was to perform molecular typing of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) and agr loci as wells as to establish the pulsotypes and clonal complexes (CCs) for MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) outbreaks associated with the operating room (OR) at a pediatric hospital. Twenty-five clinical strains of S. aureus (19 MRSA and 6 MSSA strains) were recovered from the outbreak (patients, anesthesia equipment, and nasopharyngeal exudates from external service anesthesia technicians). These clinical S. aureus strains were mainly resistant to benzylpenicillin (100%) and erythromycin (84%) and were susceptible to vancomycin and nitrofurantoin. The SCCmec type II was amplified in 84% of the S. aureus strains, and the most frequent type of the agr locus was agrII, which was amplified in 72% of the strains; however, the agrI and agrIII genes were mainly detected in MSSA strains. A pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis grouped the 25 strains into 16 pulsotypes (P), the most frequent of which was P1, including 10 MRSA strains related to the anesthesia equipment, external service anesthesia technicians, and hospitalized patients. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) identified 15 sequence types (STs) distributed in nine CCs. The most prevalent ST was ST1011, belonging to CC5, which was associated with the SCCmec type II and agrII type. We postulate that the external service anesthesia technicians were MRSA carriers and that these strains were indirectly transmitted from the contaminated anesthesia equipment that was inappropriately disinfected. Finally, the MRSA outbreak was controlled when the anesthesia equipment disinfection was improved and hand hygiene was reinforced.