Enzymatic secretion of immune cells (leukocytes) plays a dominant role in host immune responses to a myriad of biological triggers, including infections, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases. Current tools to probe these leukocytes inadequately profile these vital biomarkers; the need for sample preprocessing steps of cell lysis, labeling, washing, and pipetting inevitably triggers the cells, changes its basal state, and dilutes the individual cell secretion in bulk assays. Using a fully integrated system for multiplexed profiling of native immune single-cell enzyme secretion from 50 μL of undiluted blood, we eliminate sample handling. With a total analysis time of 60 min, the integrated platform performs six tasks of leukocyte extraction, cell washing, fluorescent enzyme substrate mixing, single-cell droplet making, droplet incubation, and real-time readout for leukocyte secretion profiling of neutrophil elastase, granzyme B, and metalloproteinase. We calibrated the device, optimized the protocols, and tested the leukocyte secretion of acute heart failure (AHF) patients at admission and predischarge. This paper highlights the presence of single-cell enzymatic immune phenotypes independent of CD marker labeling, which could potentially elucidate the innate immune response states. We found that patients recovering from AHF showed a corresponding reduction in immune-cell enzymatic secretion levels and donor-specific enzymatic signatures were observed, which suggests patient-to-patient heterogeneous immune response. This platform presents opportunities to elucidate the complexities of the immune response from a single drop of blood and bridge the current technological, biological, and medical gap in understanding immune response and biological triggers.The functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with luminescent sp3 defects has greatly improved their performance in applications such as quantum light sources and bioimaging. Here, we report the covalent functionalization of purified semiconducting SWCNTs with stable organic radicals (perchlorotriphenylmethyl, PTM) carrying a net spin. This model system allows us to use the near-infrared photoluminescence arising from the defect-localized exciton as a highly sensitive probe for the short-range interaction between the PTM radical and the SWCNT. Our results point toward an increased triplet exciton population due to radical-enhanced intersystem crossing, which could provide access to the elusive triplet manifold in SWCNTs. Furthermore, this simple synthetic route to spin-labeled defects could enable magnetic resonance studies complementary to in vivo fluorescence imaging with functionalized SWCNTs and facilitate the scalable fabrication of spintronic devices with magnetically switchable charge transport.T cells play an important role in immunity and repair and are implicated in diseases, including blood cancers, viral infections, and inflammation, making them attractive targets for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Over recent years, the advent of nanomedicine has shown an increase in studies that use nanoparticles as carriers to deliver therapeutic cargo to T cells for ex vivo and in vivo applications. Nanoparticle-based delivery has several advantages, including the ability to load and protect a variety of drugs, control drug release, improve drug pharmacokinetics and biodistribution, and site- or cell-specific targeting. However, the delivery of nanoparticles to T cells remains a major technological challenge, which is primarily due to the nonphagocytic nature of T cells. In this review, we discuss the physiological barriers to effective T cell targeting and describe the different approaches used to deliver cargo-loaded nanoparticles to T cells for the treatment of disease such as T cell lymphoma and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In particular, engineering strategies that aim to improve nanoparticle internalization by T cells, including ligand-based targeting, will be highlighted. These nanoparticle engineering approaches are expected to inspire the development of effective nanomaterials that can target or manipulate the function of T cells for the treatment of T cell-related diseases.Electrotrophs play an important role in biogeochemical cycles, but the effects of long-term fertilization on electrotrophic communities in paddy soils remain unclear. Here, we explored the responses of electrotrophic communities in paddy soil-based microcosms to different long-term fertilization practices using microbial electrosynthesis systems (MESs), high-throughput quantitative PCR, and 16s rRNA gene-based Illumina sequencing techniques. Compared to the case in the unfertilized soil (CK), applications of only manure (M); only chemical nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizers (NPK); and M plus NPK (MNPK) clearly changed the electrotrophic bacterial community structure. The Streptomyces genus of the Actinobacteria phylum was the dominant electrotroph in the CK, M, and MNPK soils. The latter two soils also favored Truepera of Deinococcus-Thermus or Arenimonas and Thioalkalispira of Proteobacteria. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/atezolizumab.html Furthermore, Pseudomonas of Proteobacteria and Bacillus of Firmicutes were major electrotrophs in the NPK soil. These electrotrophs consumed biocathodic currents coupled with nitrate reduction and recovered 18-38% of electrons via dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). The increased abundances of the nrfA gene for DNRA induced by electrical potential further supported that the electrotrophs enhanced DNRA for all soils. These expand our knowledge about the diversity of electrotrophs and their roles in N cycle in paddy soils and highlight the importance of fertilization in shaping electrotrophic communities.Cryogels are matrices that are formed in moderately frozen solutions of monomeric or polymeric precursors. They have the advantages of interconnected macropores, structural stability, and compressibility. Meanwhile, thermally induced shape memory is an attractive feature of certain functional materials. Although there have been several studies concerning shape-memory cryogels, little work has been conducted on shape-memory cryogels with biodegradability. In this study, a water-based biodegradable difunctional polyurethane with a shape-memory property was synthesized and used as the nanoparticulate crosslinker to react with chitosan to form a shape-memory cryogel. The thermally induced shape-memory mechanism was clarified using in situ wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) during the shape-memory process. The in situ WAXS showed the changes of crystallinity in the crosslinker and the cryogel during the shape fixation and recovery processes. The in situ SAXS revealed the orientation of crystallinity of the crosslinker and the cryogel as the mechanism for shape memory.