Anyone who's paid any attention to gold markets in recent years can tell you that there is a lot of interest from all types of new investors. Doing well in the gold market requires lots of insight and knowledge from successful industry professionals. Continue on to begin your path towards understanding the gold market. Look into companies like GoldMoney. allows you to purchase gold without taking physical possession of it. You deposit money into an account and they assign you gold that remains in vaults. Do not worry about theft of your gold as it is insured while it is kept in the safe. Do not expect too much from a gold party. While you will make some money by attending, they are more about having fun with friends or family. Expect to reap about 80 percent of the actual value of your gold. If you are looking to get more than that, consider dealing with a jeweler or other gold dealer. Try selling gold online. You don't need to have a physical store location anymore. There are plenty of websites that are ready and willing to buy your gold. You will receive a package that details how to send you gold pieces. If the transaction goes smoothly, they'll give you a quote and you can either accept or decline the offer. When you are buying or selling gold to another person, make sure you are keeping yourself protected agaisnt identity theft. Avoid giving out your personal financial information. This includes bank account numbers, credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. Take special care to not give out this type of information, especially over the phone to people that you don't know. Only buy gold jewelry from a seller if they have a return policy You need a guarantee on any gold you buy. This is a huge problem. Research gold buyers. If decide to send your