Copyright © 2020 Gou, Yuan, Wang, Wang, Xiao, Chen, Liu, Yin and Zhang.B cells fulfill multifaceted functions that influence immune responses during health and disease. In autoimmune diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, depletion of functional B cells results in an aggravation of disease in humans and respective mouse models. This could be due to a lack of a pivotal B cell subpopulation regulatory B cells (Bregs). Although Bregs represent only a small proportion of all immune cells, they exhibit critical properties in regulating immune responses, thus contributing to the maintenance of immune homeostasis in healthy individuals. In this study, we report that the induction of Bregs is differentially triggered by the immunogenicity of the host microbiota. In comparative experiments with low immunogenic Bacteroides vulgatus and strong immunogenic Escherichia coli, we found that the induction and longevity of Bregs depend on strong Toll-like receptor activation mediated by antigens of strong immunogenic commensals. The potent B ceolled treatments of microbiota-driven autoimmune disease. Copyright © 2020 Maerz, Trostel, Lange, Parusel, Michaelis, Schäfer, Yao, Löw and Frick.Immunoglobulin superfamily member (IgSF) proteins play a significant role in regulating immune responses with surface expression on all immune cell subsets, making the IgSF an attractive family of proteins for therapeutic targeting in human diseases. We have developed a directed evolution platform capable of engineering IgSF domains to increase affinities for cognate ligands and/or introduce binding to non-cognate ligands. Using this scientific platform, ICOSL domains have been derived with enhanced binding to ICOS and with additional high-affinity binding to the non-cognate receptor, CD28. Fc-fusion proteins containing these engineered ICOSL domains significantly attenuate T cell activation in vitro and in vivo and can inhibit development of inflammatory diseases in mouse models. We also present evidence that engineered ICOSL domains can be formatted to selectively provide costimulatory signals to augment T cell responses. Our scientific platform thus provides a system for developing therapeutic protein candidates with selective biological impact for treatments of a wide array of human disorders including cancer and autoimmune/inflammatory diseases. Copyright © 2020 Levin, Evans, Bort, Rickel, Lewis, Wu, Hoover, MacNeil, La, Wolfson, Rixon, Dillon, Kornacker, Swanson and Peng.Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S-1P) is a key sphingolipid involved in the pathobiology of various respiratory diseases. We have previously demonstrated the significance of S-1P in controlling non-pathogenic mycobacterial infection in macrophages, and here we demonstrate the therapeutic potential of S-1P against pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv) in the mouse model of infection. Our study revealed that S-1P is involved in the expression of iNOS proteins in macrophages, their polarization toward M1 phenotype, and secretion of interferon (IFN)-γ during the course of infection. S-1P is also capable of enhancing infiltration of pulmonary CD11b+ macrophages and expression of S-1P receptor-3 (S-1PR3) in the lungs during the course of infection. We further revealed the influence of S-1P on major signaling components of inflammatory signaling pathways during M. tuberculosis infection, thus highlighting antimycobacterial potential of S-1P in animals. Our data suggest that enhancing S-1P levels by sphingolipid mimetic compounds/drugs can be used as an immunoadjuvant for boosting immunity against pathogenic mycobacteria. Copyright © 2020 Nadella, Sharma, Kumar, Gupta, Gupta, Tripathi, Pothani, Qadri and Prakash.TCR-gamma delta (γδ) T-cells are considered important players in the graft-vs.-tumor effect following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) and have emerged as candidates for adoptive transfer immunotherapy in the treatment of both solid and hematological tumors. Systemic β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) activation has been shown to mobilize TCR-γδ T-cells to the blood, potentially serving as an adjuvant for alloHCT and TCR-γδ T-cell therapy. We investigated if systemic β-AR activation, using acute dynamic exercise as an experimental model, can increase the mobilization, ex vivo expansion, and anti-tumor activity of TCR-γδ T-cells isolated from the blood of healthy humans. We also sought to investigate the β-AR subtypes involved, by administering a preferential β1-AR antagonist (bisoprolol) and a non-preferential β1 + β2-AR antagonist (nadolol) prior to exercise as part of a randomized placebo controlled cross-over experiment. We found that exercise mobilized TCR-γδ cells to blood and augmented ese effects are due to β2-AR signaling and phenotypic shifts that promote a dominant activating signal via NKG2D. These findings highlight β-ARs as potential targets to favorably alter the composition of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell grafts and improve the potency of TCR-γδ T-cell immune cell therapeutics. Copyright © 2020 Baker, Bigley, Agha, Pedlar, O'Connor, Bond, Bollard, Katsanis and Simpson.MicroRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) are short, endogenously initiated, non-coding RNAs that bind to target mRNAs, leading to the degradation or translational suppression of respective mRNAs. They have been reported as key players in physiological processes like differentiation, cellular proliferation, development, and apoptosis. They have gained importance as gene expression regulators in the immune system. They control antibody production and release various inflammatory mediators. Abnormal expression and functioning of miRNA in the immune system is linked to various diseases like inflammatory disorders, allergic diseases, cancers etc. As compared to the average human genome, miRNA targets the genes of immune system quite differently. miRNA appeared to regulate the responses related to both acquired and innate immunity of the humans. Several miRNAs importantly regulate the transcription and even, dysregulation of inflammation-related mediators. Many miRNAs are either upregulated or downregulated in various inflammatory and infectious diseases.