Since cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, there is an urgent need to understand the mechanisms underlying cancer progression and the development of cancer inhibitors. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a major transcription factor that regulates the proliferation and survival of various cancer cells. Here, dual-specificity phosphatase 3 (DUSP3) was identified as a regulator of STAT3 based on an interaction screening performed using the protein tyrosine phosphatase library. DUSP3 interacted with the C-terminal domain of STAT3 and dephosphorylated p-Y705 of STAT3. In vitro dephosphorylation assay revealed that DUSP3 directly dephosphorylated p-STAT3. The suppressive effects of DUSP3 on STAT3 were evaluated by a decreased STAT3-specific promoter activity, which in turn reduced the expression of the downstream target genes of STAT3. In summary, DUSP3 downregulated the transcriptional activity of STAT3 via dephosphorylation at Y705 and also suppressed the migratory activity of cancer cells. This study demonstrated that DUSP3 inhibits interleukin 6 (IL-6)/STAT3 signaling and is expected to regulate cancer development. Novel functions of DUSP3 discovered in IL-6/STAT3 signaling regulation would help expand the understanding of cancer development mechanisms. [BMB Reports 2020; 53(6) 335-340].Background. Abnormal body mass index (BMI) has been associated with development of psychopathology. This association in children is well documented, for both overweight and underweight children. However, the association between change in BMI and the development of psychopathology has been less investigated. Aim. To investigate the association between change in BMI between childhood and adolescence and psychopathology in adolescence. Methods. Data from the Growing Up in Ireland cohort were used. We investigated the '98 cohort (also known as the child cohort) at age 9/13. BMI, defined using internationally recognised definitions as underweight, healthy or overweight, was used as the exposure, and abnormal Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire scores were used as the outcome. Logistic regression was undertaken for the analysis. All analyses were adjusted for confounders. Results. A change to overweight from healthy BMI was significantly associated with increased risk of psychopathology (adjusted OR 1.66; 95% CI 1.19-2.32). Both change from underweight to healthy (adjusted OR 0.12; 95% CI 0.03-0.43) or from overweight to healthy (adjusted OR 0.47; 95% CI 0.79-0.8) was associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing psychopathology. Discussion. As a child's BMI returns to within the healthy range, their risk of adolescent psychopathology is reduced. Interventions to restore healthy BMI, in both underweight and overweight, children may reduce their risk of adolescent psychopathology.Rationale Manual ventilation with a bag-valve device (BVD) is a Basic Life Support skill. Prolonged manual ventilation may be required in resource-poor locations and in severe disasters such as hurricanes, pandemics, and chemical events. In such circumstances, trained operators may not be available and lay persons may need to be quickly trained to do the job. Objectives The current study investigated whether minimally trained operators were able to manually ventilate a simulated endotracheally intubated patient for six hours. Methods Two groups of 10 volunteers, previously unfamiliar with manual ventilation, received brief, structured BVD-tube ventilation training and performed six hours of manual ventilation on an electronic lung simulator. Operator cardiorespiratory variables and perceived effort, as well as the quality of the delivered ventilation, were recorded. Group One ventilated a "normal lung" (compliance 50cmH2O/L, resistance 5cmH2O/L/min). Group Two ventilated a "moderately injured lung" (compliance 20cmH2O/L, resistance 20cmH2O/L/min). Results Volunteers' blood pressure, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) were stable throughout the study. Perceived effort was minimal. The two groups provided clinically adequate and similar RRs (13.3 [SD = 3.0] and 14.1 [SD = 2.5] breaths/minute, respectively) and minute volume (MV; 7.6 [SD = 2.1] and 7.7 [SD = 1.4] L/minute, respectively). Conclusions The results indicate that minimally trained persons can effectively perform six hours of manual BVD-tube ventilation of normal and moderately injured lungs, without undue effort. Quality of delivered ventilation was clinically adequate.One of the most widely used measures for evaluating love is the Triangular Love Scale (TLS) by Sternberg (1986) based on his Triarchic theory according to which, love is comprised of three reasonably independent components (intimacy, passion and commitment). However, different investigations contradict this idea. The purpose of the present investigation is to verify whether the structure of love is triarchic, with three independent factors, or monarchical-hierarchical, with a first level where the three components of love would be located, and a second higher level where they would be grouped together in a general factor of love. In order to do this, in addition to the use of the TLS scale, another equivalent called Quality Partner Relationship Scale (QPRS) was developed to test the stability of the results found, and to propose a measure of love based on the Sternberg components, but simpler and without problems of overlap between items. To test this question, we used a sample of 610 people matched by sex, age and social class, all of whom were partnered at the time of the evaluation. Confirmatory Factor Analyses were used to test the research objective, something that had not been done so far, and it was found that the structure that best fitted the data was monarchical-hierarchical in the case of the TLS as well as in the one of the QPRS. We can then state that love is structured around a general factor in which the three components are grouped Intimacy, passion and commitment.For several decades, mental health services within the UK's National Health Service were provided by specialist mental health trusts. More recently many of these trusts have integrated community physical health services into their operations. We describe here how two integrated mental health trusts in England were able to make an enhanced response to the COVID-19 pandemic.