Periods of sleep and wakefulness can be estimated from wrist-locomotor activity recordings via algorithms that identify periods of relative activity and inactivity. Here, we evaluated the performance of our Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm uses a moving 24-h threshold and correlation procedure estimating relatively consolidated periods of sleep and wake. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm was validated against sleep logs and polysomnography. Sleep-log validation was performed on two field samples collected over 54 and 34 days (median) in 34 adolescents and 28 young adults. Polysomnographic validation was performed on a clinical sample of 23 individuals undergoing one night of polysomnography. Epoch-by-epoch analyses were conducted and comparisons of sleep measures carried out via Bland-Altman plots and correlations. Compared with sleep logs, the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm classified sleep with a median sensitivity of 80% (ings.The MHC is one of the most polymorphic gene clusters in vertebrates and play an essential role in adaptive immunity. Apart from pathogen-mediated selection, sexual selection can also contribute to the maintenance of MHC diversity. MHC-dependent sexual selection could occur via several mechanisms but at present there is no consensus as to which of these mechanisms are involved and their importance. Previous studies have often suffered from limited genetic and behavioural data and small sample size, and were rarely able to examine all the mechanisms together, determine whether signatures of MHC-based non-random mating are independent of genomic effects or differentiate whether MHC-dependent sexual selection takes place at the pre- or post-copulatory stage. In this study, we use Monte Carlo simulation to investigate evidence for non-random MHC-dependent mating patterns by all three mechanisms in a free-living population of Soay sheep. Using 1710 sheep diplotyped at the MHC class IIa region and genome-wide SNPs, together with field observations of consorts, we found sexual selection against a particular haplotype in males at the pre-copulatory stage and sexual selection against female MHC heterozygosity during the rut. We also found MHC-dependent disassortative mating at the post-copulatory stage, along with strong evidence of inbreeding avoidance at both stages. However, results from generalized linear mixed models suggest that the pattern of MHC-dependent disassortative mating could be a by-product of inbreeding avoidance. Our results therefore suggest that while multiple apparent mechanisms of non-random mating with respect to the MHC may occur, some of them have alternative explanations.Regulating plant architecture is a major goal in current breeding programs. Previous studies have increased our understanding of the genetic regulation of plant architecture, but it is also essential to understand how organ morphology is controlled at the cellular level. In the cell wall, pectin modification and degradation are required for organ morphogenesis, and these processes involve a series of pectin-modifying enzymes. Polygalacturonases (PGs) are a major group of pectin-hydrolyzing enzymes that cleave pectin backbones and release oligogalacturonides (OGs). PG genes function in cell expansion and separation, and contribute to organ expansion, separation and dehiscence in plants. However, whether and how they influence other cellular processes and organ morphogenesis are poorly understood. Here, we characterized the functions of Arabidopsis PG45 (PG45) in organ morphogenesis using genetic, developmental, cell biological and biochemical analyses. A heterologously expressed portion of PG45 cleaves pectic homogalacturonan in vitro, indicating that PG45 is a bona fide PG. PG45 functions in leaf and flower structure, branch formation and organ growth. Undulation in pg45 knockout and PG45 overexpression leaves is accompanied by impaired adaxial-abaxial polarity, and loss of PG45 shortens the duration of cell proliferation in the adaxial epidermis of developing leaves. Abnormal leaf curvature is coupled with altered pectin metabolism and autogenous OG profiles in pg45 knockout and PG45 overexpression leaves. Together, these results highlight a previously underappreciated function for PGs in determining tissue polarity and regulating cell proliferation, and imply the existence of OG-based signaling pathways that modulate plant development.Recirculating air purification technologies are employed as potential means of reducing exposure to aerosol particles and airborne viruses. Toward improved testing of recirculating air purification units, we developed and applied a medium-scale single-pass wind tunnel test to examine the size-dependent collection of particles and the collection and inactivation of viable bovine coronavirus (BCoV, a betacoronavirus), porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV, an alphacoronavirus), and influenza A virus (IAV), by a commercial air purification unit. The tested unit, the Molekule Air Mini, incorporates a MERV 16 filter as well as a photoelectrochemical oxidating layer. It was found to have a collection efficiency above 95.8% for all tested particle diameters and flow rates, with collection efficiencies above 99% for supermicrometer particles with the minimum collection efficiency for particles smaller than 100 nm. For all three tested viruses, the physical tracer-based log reduction was near 2.0 (99% removal). Conversely, the viable virus log reductions were found to be near 4.0 for IAV, 3.0 for BCoV, and 2.5 for PRCV, suggesting additional inactivation in a virus family- and genus-specific manner. In total, this work describes a suite of test methods which can be used to rigorously evaluate the efficacy of recirculating air purification technologies. Examine beliefs about EBP and its level of implementation among nurses working in nursing homes in a bilingual canton of Switzerland and explore associations between these aspects and nurses' sociodemographic and professional characteristics. Although evidence-based practice (EBP) is recognised as an effective strategy for improving the quality and safety of care, little is known about its use in nursing homes. Nurses' beliefs about EBP and their implementation of it in Switzerland's nursing homes have never been explored. An observational cross-sectional study. Beliefs about and implementation of EBP were evaluated using validated French- and German-language versions of the EBP Beliefs Scale and the EBP Implementation Scale, developed by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, & Mays, 2008, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 5, 208). The STROBE checklist for cross-sectional studies was used in reporting this study. The participation rate was 40.6% (N=194). Most participants stated that they had some knowledge of EBP and held favourable beliefs about it.