05). Moreover, pre-incubation of MSC-CM particularly accelerated the CD54 (ICAM-1) and CD44 expressions of TM4 cells and promoted cell inherent adhesion. MSC-CM treatment can significantly improve the short-term restoration of spermatogonial structures of chemically induced azoospermia related to facilitating Sertoli cell adhesion integrity. The influence of foliar nitrogen fertilizer during veraison (FNFV) on anthocyanin accumulation and chromatic characteristics of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapes over two seasons was investigated. Urea and phenylalanine fertilizers (TU and TP, respectively) and a control were sprayed three times at veraison. In 2018, TU displayed a significant enhancement in total individual anthocyanin content and a* and C * profiles. In 2019, FNAV significantly improved the content of total non-acylated, acylated anthocyanin and total individual anthocyanin, and the profiles of L*, a* and C *, except a* in TU. The whole process from phenylalanine variation to anthocyanin accumulation in grape skins was analyzed. On the whole, after the first FNFV to harvest, the increase in phenylalanine metabolism, abscisic acid content, effects of PAL (Phenylalanine ammonia lyase), UFGT (UDP glucose-flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase) and transcript concentrations of VvPAL and VvUFGT involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis were also strong evidence explaining the increased anthocyanin and chromatic profiles in 2019. Overall, FNFV for nitrogen-deficient grapevines could significantly improve grape color, especially in the 2019 veraison with a proper climate. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. Overall, FNFV for nitrogen-deficient grapevines could significantly improve grape color, especially in the 2019 veraison with a proper climate. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. Apple wine is a popular alcoholic beverage for its nutrition and fresh taste. However, the methanol existing in apple wine restricts its quality. Unfortunately, there are no methods to reduce the methanol content in fruit wine. To this end, bentonite (B), calcium chloride (CC) and their combination (B&CC) were added into apple juice in this study. The treated juice (0) and supernatant obtained by standing the juice at 25 °C for 24 h were fermented at 25 °C and 10 °C, respectively. Bentonite was an excellent methanol interrupter, a pectin retainer and a wine quality defender both at 25 and 10 °C. The lowest methanol content of 1.41 mg L and higher pectin content of 84.74 mg L were reached in the finished wine by B0 at 10 °C. Calcium chloride decreased pectin content, elevated methanol content and changed the profile of individual organic acids. In fact, the wine by B&CC0 at 25 °C showed dramatic changes in individual organic acids. The content of l-malic acid and succinic acid was only 2.22% and 6.29% of the control, respectively, while the lactic acid content was 17.72 times that of the control. It is suggested that B0 and fermented at 10 °C was the most effective way to decrease methanol content, retain pectin content and defend wine quality. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. It is suggested that B0 and fermented at 10 °C was the most effective way to decrease methanol content, retain pectin content and defend wine quality. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. Hydric stress affects the production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide, making some tools necessary to cope with the decrease in rainfall. A sustainable alternative is the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as biofertilisers. Here, we analysed the effects of AMF strains adapted or non-adapted to hyper-arid conditions on the phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of wheat grains from two cultivars with contrasting tolerance to osmotic stress (Ilustre, moderately tolerant; and Maxi, tolerant) grown with and without hydric stress. Eight phenolic compounds were detected, apigenin-C-pentoside-C-hexoside I being the most abundant and showing an increase of 80.5% when inoculated with the fungus Funneliformis mosseae (FM) obtained from Atacama Desert under normal irrigation with respect to non-mycorrhizal (NM) plants. NM treatments were associated with higher grain yields. FM showed a noticeable effect on most phenolic compounds, with an increase up to 30.2% in apigenin-C-pentoside-C-hexosidea realistic tool to improve grain quality in a scenario of increasing hydric stress conditions. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cpypp.html © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry. Nutritional quality in bell pepper is related to the ripening stage of the fruit at harvest and postharvest storage. Its determination requires time-consuming, tissue-destructive, analytical laboratory techniques. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of ripening stage and of postharvest storage period on fruit nutritional quality, and whether it is feasible to develop reliable models for assessing the nutritional components in peppers using non-destructive methods. The dry matter, soluble solids, ascorbic acid, phenolics, chlorophylls, carotenoids and the total antioxidant capacity were determined in bell pepper fruits at six ripening stages, from green to full red, during storage at 10°C for 8 days. Color, chlorophyll fluorescence, visible/near infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy, red-green-blue (R-G-B) and red-green-near infrared (R-G-NIR) digital imaging were tested for assessing the nutritional quality of peppers. The nutritional composition was mainly affected by the ripening stage ondustry. Nitrogen and water are two major factors in rice production. Due to the lack of ample evidence and much uncertainty in field experiments, the coupling effects of water and nitrogen in paddy fields have remained debatable over recent years. A fine-calibrated ORYZA (v3) model was applied to simulate rice growth and development under different nitrogen (N) rates and irrigation regimes for a double rice-cropping system in South China. We designed a numerical experiment of 504 treatments, consisting of seven nitrogen rates (0-300 kg ha ), eight irrigation thresholds (30-100%, presented as the percentage of saturated soil water content) and nine irrigation quotas (20-100 mm), and each treatment was simulated for 30 years. Yield varied greatly with different water-nitrogen conditions, particularly in the scenario of frequently alternate wetting and drying irrigation and low-N rates. The coupling effects had a negligible influence on water input and water loss, which were found to be sensitive only to the irrigation regime and rainfall distribution.