Finally, we discuss how precise transcriptional regulation of the timing of mitosis ensures that tissue morphogenesis and cell proliferation are tightly controlled during gastrulation. fastsimcoal2 extends fastsimcoal, a continuous time coalescent-based genetic simulation program, by enabling the estimation of demographic parameters under very complex scenarios from the site frequency spectrum under a maximum-likelihood framework. Other improvements include multi-threading, handling of population inbreeding, extended input file syntax facilitating the description of complex demographic scenarios, and more efficient simulations of sparsely structured populations and of large chromosomes. fastsimcoal2 is freely available on http// It includes console versions for Linux, Windows and MacOS, additional scripts for the analysis and visualization of simulated and estimated scenarios, as well as a detailed documentation and ready-to-use examples. fastsimcoal2 is freely available on http// It includes console versions for Linux, Windows and MacOS, additional scripts for the analysis and visualization of simulated and estimated scenarios, as well as a detailed documentation and ready-to-use examples.While humans lack sufficient capacity to undergo cardiac regeneration following injury, zebrafish can fully recover from a range of cardiac insults. Over the past two decades our understanding of the complexities of both the independent and co-ordinated injury responses by multiple cardiac tissues during zebrafish heart regeneration has increased exponentially. Although cardiomyocyte regeneration forms the cornerstone of the reparative process in the injured zebrafish heart, recent studies have shown that this is dependent on prior neovascularisation and lymphangiogenesis, which in turn require epicardial, endocardial and inflammatory cell signalling within an extracellular milieu that is optimised for regeneration. Indeed, it is the amalgamation of multiple regenerative systems and gene regulatory patterns that drives the much-heralded success of the adult zebrafish response to cardiac injury. Increasing evidence supports the emerging paradigm that developmental transcriptional programmes are reactivated during adult tissue regeneration, including in the heart, and the zebrafish represents an optimal model organism to explore this concept. In this review we summarise recent advances from the zebrafish cardiovascular research community with novel insight into the mechanisms associated with endogenous cardiovascular repair and regeneration, which may be of benefit to inform future strategies for patients with cardiovascular disease. There are little data on how changes in the clinical management of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer have influenced pathologist evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes. A 14-question survey was sent to Canadian and US breast pathologists at academic institutions (AIs). Pathologists from 23 AIs responded. Intraoperative evaluation (IOE) is performed for selected cases in 9 AIs, for almost all in 10, and not performed in 4. Thirteen use frozen sections (FSs) alone. During IOE, perinodal fat is completely trimmed in 8, not trimmed in 9, and variable in 2. For FS, in 12 the entire node is submitted at 2-mm intervals. Preferred plane of sectioning is parallel to the long axis in 8 and perpendicular in 12. In 11, a single H&E slide is obtained, whereas 12 opt for multiple levels. In 11, cytokeratin is obtained if necessary, and immunostains are routine in 10. Thirteen consider tumor cells in pericapsular lymphatics as lymphovascular invasion (LVI), and 10 consider it isolated tumor cells (ITCs). There is dichotomy in practice with near-equal support for routine vs case-by-case multilevel/immunostain evaluation, perpendicular vs parallel sectioning, complete vs incomplete fat removal, and tumor in pericapsular lymphatics as LVI vs ITCs. There is dichotomy in practice with near-equal support for routine vs case-by-case multilevel/immunostain evaluation, perpendicular vs parallel sectioning, complete vs incomplete fat removal, and tumor in pericapsular lymphatics as LVI vs ITCs.The Food and Drug Administration alert enhances our understanding of the mechanism of severe reactions to ultrasound-enhancing agents (UEAs). The known incidence of these reactions remains low and unchanged (1 in 10 000 administrations). Because the risk-to-benefit ratio for ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) remains extremely low, we do not advise any changes to laboratory policy regarding indications for their use. The use of these agents should continue in situations where they have been shown to be impactful. Lipid-based UCAs (SonoVue and Luminity) are contraindicated in patients who have a history of prior hypersensitivity to these UEAs, to polyethylene glycol (PEG) (macrogol), or to PEG-containing products, such as certain bowel preps for colonoscopy or laxatives. Substance abuse constitutes one of the major contemporary health epidemics. Recently, the use of social media platforms has garnered interest as a novel source of data for drug addiction epidemiology. Often however, the language used in such forums comprises slang and jargon. Currently, there are no publicly available resources to automatically analyse the esoteric language-use in the social media drug-use sub-culture. This lacunae introduces critical challenges for interpreting, sensemaking and modeling of addiction epidemiology using social media. Drug-Use Insights (DUI) is a public and open-source web application to address the aforementioned deficiency. DUI is underlined by a hierarchical taxonomy encompassing 108 different addiction related categories consisting of over 9,000 terms, where each category encompasses a set of semantically related terms. These categories and terms were established by utilizing thematic analysis in conjunction with term embeddings generated from 7,472,545 Reddit posts made by 1,402,017 redditors. Given post(s) from social media forums such as Reddit and Twitter, DUI can be used foremost to identify constituent terms related to drug use. Furthermore, the DUI categories and integrated visualization tools can be leveraged for semantic- and exploratory analysis. To the best of our knowledge, DUI utilizes the largest number of substance use and recovery social media posts used in a study and represents the first significant online taxonomy of drug abuse terminology. The DUI web server and source code are available at http// Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.