Borohydride (BH4-)-containing coordination polymers converted CO2 into HCO2- or [BH3(OCHO)]-, whose reaction routes were affected by the electronegativity of metal ions and the coordination mode of BH4-. The reactions were investigated using thermal gravimetric analysis under CO2 gas flow, infrared spectroscopy, and NMR experiments.Antisense oligonucleotides are now entering the clinic for hard-to-treat diseases. New chemical modifications are urgently required to enhance their drug-like properties. We combine amide coupling with standard oligonucleotide synthesis to assemble backbone chimera gapmers that trigger an efficient RNase H response while improving serum life time and cellular uptake.The emergence of viral nanotechnology over the preceding two decades has created a number of intellectually captivating possible translational applications; however, the in vitro fate of the viral nanoparticles in cells remains an open question. Herein, we investigate the stability and lifetime of virus-like particle (VLP) Qβ-a representative and popular VLP for several applications-following cellular uptake. By exploiting the available functional handles on the viral surface, we have orthogonally installed the known FRET pair, FITC and Rhodamine B, to gain insight of the particle's behavior in vitro. Based on these data, we believe VLPs undergo aggregation in addition to the anticipated proteolysis within a few hours of cellular uptake.Whole-wheat flour (WWF) is increasingly popular because of the health benefits of whole grains. This study investigated the effect of WWF particle size on dough properties, bread quality and in vitro starch digestibility. WWF was made from intact whole grain directly. Three WWF particle sizes were examined, including coarse, medium and fine with a mean size of 1315, 450 and 199 μm, respectively. The dough made from WWF of a larger particle size exhibited lower extensibility and stability, and subsequently the bread had a more compact structure (i.e. lower open porosity and thicker cell thickness), smaller specific volume and harder texture, which were regarded as poor quality attributes. On the other hand, the bread made from the fine WWF exhibited a higher amount of released glucose than those made from the coarse and medium WWFs. Moreover, the particle size of bread bolus showed no significant effect on in vitro starch digestion. The whole study demonstrated that the particle size of WWF plays a critical role in determining both bread quality and digestibility.We propose a novel class of gold-containing molecules, which have been designed using conjugated carbon structures as templates. The sp-hybridized carbons of C2 moieties are replaced with a gold atom and one of the adjacent carbons is replaced by nitrogen. Applying the procedure to hexadehydro[12]annulene yields the well-known cyclic trinuclear gold(i) carbeniate complex. Planar, tubular and cage-shaped complexes can be obtained by taking similar sp-hybridized carbon structures as the starting point.A liquid crystal biosensor based on DNA aptamer for sensitive detection of Parkinson's Disease (PD) related alpha-synuclein was developed. This LC biosensor is constructed using a simple and label free method, and it not only enables early PD diagnosis, but also provides a general platform for detection based on DNA aptamer.Grease, as used for lubrication of rolling bearings, is a two-phase organogel that slowly releases oil from its gelator matrix. Because the rate of release determines the operation time of the bearing, we study this release process by measuring the amount of extracted oil as a function of time, while we use absorbing paper to speed up the process. The oil concentration in the resulting stain is determined by measuring the attenuation of light transmitted through the paper, using a modified Lambert-Beer law. For grease, the timescale for paper imbibition is typically 2 orders of magnitude larger than for a bare drop of the same base oil. This difference results from the high affinity, i.e. wetting energy per unit volume, of the oil for the grease matrix. To quantify this affinity, we developed a Washburn-like model describing the oil flow from the porous grease into the paper pores. The stain radius versus time curves for greases at various levels of oil content collapse onto a single master curve, which allows us to extract a characteristic spreading time and the corresponding oil-matrix affinity. Lowering the oil content results in a small increase of the oil-matrix affinity yet also in a significant change in the spreading timescale. Even an affinity increase of a few per mill doubles the timescale.The Ru(ii) complex of an imidazole-mesalazine Schiff base is a unique example showing growth inhibition of 3D-colon cancer stem cell spheroids and bulk colon cancer cells at lower dosage than salinomycin or oxaliplatin. Unlike oxaliplatin which increases the expression of stemness genes (SOX2, KLF4, HES1 and Oct4), these complexes maintain a tight regulation.The structural features of the matrix surrounding the cells play a crucial role in regulating their behavior. Here, we used fluorescence microscopy and customized analysis algorithms to characterize the architecture of fibrous hydrogel networks. As a model system, we investigated a new class of synthetic biomimetic material, hydrogels prepared from polyisocyanides. Our results show that these synthetic gels present a highly heterogeneous fibrous network, with pores reaching a few micrometers in diameter. By encapsulating HeLa cells in different hydrogels, we show that a more porous structure is linked to a higher proliferation rate. The approach described here, for the characterization of the network of fibrous hydrogels, can be easily applied to other polymer-based materials and provide new insights into the influence of structural features in cell behavior. This knowledge is crucial to develop the next generation of biomimetic materials for 3D cell models and tissue engineering applications.Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are hazardous to human health and their concentrations need to be monitored over a large area. However, most chemical sensors can only be used for point detection. In this paper, we report a method to obtain a two-dimensional (2D) concentration profile of toluene vapor by using polymer-stabilized liquid crystals (PSLCs). After the PSLC sample is exposed to toluene vapor ranging from 9300 to 2800 ppm, the PSLC changes its interference color according to different local toluene concentrations. By using the interference color, we can obtain a 2D concentration profile of toluene inside the PSLC and study the diffusion of toluene inside the PSLC in great detail. We also determine the diffusion coefficient of dissolved toluene inside the PSLC to be 1.01 × 10-6 cm2 s-1.