Preventing mitochondrial dysfunction and enhancing mitochondrial health and biogenesis is a crucial therapeutic approach to ameliorate injury following acute myocardial infarction. Although the antioxidant role of melatonin against ischemia/reperfusion injury has been reported, the exact mechanism of protection, , remains poorly understood. This study aims to identify and elaborate upon mechanism of melatonin protection of rat cardiac mitochondria against acute myocardial infarction. Rats were pre-treated with melatonin (10 mg/kg body weight (b.w.); intraperitoneally, i.p.) before isoproterenol bitartrate (ISO) administration (25 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) subcutaneously,s.c.) and their effect on rat heart mitochondrial structure and function was studied. Biochemical changes in activity of biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidant enzymes as well as Krebs' cycle enzymes were analyzed. Gene expression studies and Isothermal titration calorimetric studies with pure catalase and ISO were also carried out. s ISO induced mitochondrial injury in rat heart.There are a wide variety of devices behaving essentially as flexible and elastic systems while interacting dynamically with fluids, usually water or air, under normal operating conditions. Interactions of this kind involve a double complexity of the dynamics, as the systems go through large deformation due to the flow actions, and simultaneously, the flow dynamics is strongly influenced by the shape adopted by the systems. The present research adapts mathematical methods, still new to the field, to represent ways of dealing with flows of fluid in bidirectional interactions with those new technologies, and particularly applies them to the exploration of vorticity wind turbines (VWT), a new kind of vertical blade-less turbine that gathers energy from the vortex induced vibrations (VIV) of a relatively short and scalable mast. This research presents a framework for such modeling by coupling the discrete element method (DEM) with the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM), for the representation of VWT; and with the finite volume method (FVM), for solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Simulations show that the VWT achieves the lock-in effect for wind velocities between 9 and 15 m/s, with efficiency values between 20 and 30%. The preliminary results together with logistic and cost-related reasons, make these devices very promising, especially when considering the difficulties of implementing new approaches in developing countries. Person-centered care is a valuable approach to improve the quality of care of the elderly and is a starting point for maintaining the dignity of people needing care. This study aimed at translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Persian version of the Person-centered Climate Questionnaire-Patient questionnaire in elderly patients admitted to the Eastern Guilan hospitals from 2017-2018. This research was a cross-sectional study. The Persian version of Person-centered Climate Questionnaire -Patient version was completed by 200 older adults admitted to different wards of the hospitals. They were selected through convenient sampling. Data were collected in 5 hospitals affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences, East of Guilan located in the north of Iran, from November 2017 to February 2018. This study was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the original questionnaire with 17 items was translated from English into Persian using Forward-Backward translation method. In the sm the perspective of the elderly patients by using the Persian version of the Person-centered Climate Questionnaire-Patient that has an appropriate cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability.A new class of nonlinear Time Series model referred to as Symmetric Nonlinear State-Space Model (SNSSM) was successfully developed using Kalman filter methodology. Some vital properties of the SNSSM such as optimal Kalman gain and optimal filter state covariance were derived. We finally initialized the filter which enabled us obtained the initial Kalman recursions under stationarity and nonstationarity assumptions. Under the former, the mean and variance were obtained unconditionally using Kronecker products and vec operator. But under the later, the mean and variance/covariance of the system were conditionally obtained using a well-known marginal and conditional property of multivariate normal distribution. It is expected that the former will be better than the later if the system is stationary, otherwise the later will be better.Detection of sea-surface small floating targets in maritime high-resolution surveillance radar has been an active area of research in recent years. In this paper, we propose a new detector based on a complex-valued independent component analysis (cICA) algorithm proposed by Geng-Shen Fu et al. called complex entropy rate bound minimization (CERBM), to look for targets in polarimetric radars. It uses received time series at cell under test (CUT) with different polarizations as distinct mixtures. The proposed detector can exploit all information of polarimetric radar for an accurate detection. It does separation on the mixtures using CERBM which results in two output sources, i.e. clutter and target. Finally, the target is detected using estimation of the parameters of K-distribution for outputted sources. Our experiments on the recognized IPIX radar database show that the proposed detector obtains better detection performance in comparison to the newly proposed detectors. The robustness of the detector is also investigated by experiment in either low and high sea state which shows its appropriate results.Phytopharmaceuticals have always reported vital roles in the field of medicine hence the need to investigate safe and efficient drugs for treating metabolic disorders is very significant. Roots of Selinum vaginatum have therapeutic benefits and are widely used by the people of the Rohtang region for treating diabetes and its associated complications. The present study focusses on the isolation of the bioactive from the S. vaginatum roots for estimating acute toxicity studies, anti-diabetic and diabetic neuropathy protective action along with the mechanism of action in STZ induced Wistar rats. The Selinum vaginatum roots were collected from the Rohtang region, Himalayas. Chlorogenic acid was isolated and underwent identification by UV, HPLC, 1H NMR, C13 NMR, Mass, and FTIR spectroscopy methods. Chlorogenic acid was dosed at 10 and 20 mg/kg to observe the effects on experimentally induced diabetes and with time generated diabetic neuropathic complications. Biomarkers TNF-α, superoxide dismutase, nitrosative stress, lipid peroxide profile, and membrane-bound inorganic phosphate were analyzed.