g., osteopenia/osteoporosis. We observed that close to 80% of the patients presenting such manifestations had the genotype AA. However, we did not find any significant involvement of the FOXO3 polymorphism in clinical manifestation occurrences. Thus, we concluded that the SNP rs3800231 did not play a significant role as a modifier of the clinical manifestations observed in the β-thal homozygotes studied. Thus, we concluded that the SNP rs3800231 did not play a significant role as a modifier of the clinical manifestations observed in the β-thal homozygotes studied. To test a novel technology for assessment of the volume conduction properties (VCPs) of the tongue. These properties are electrophysiological data that might reflect alterations in patients with tongue involvement. Seven healthy individuals were self-measured. The depressor was placed on the surface of the anterior tongue. Directional differences of VCPs were determined with standard descriptive statistics. Conductivity in longitudinal direction was larger than in transverse direction at 16 (p<0.05), 32 (p<0.05), 64 (p<0.01), and 128kHz (p<0.01). No differences were found in relative permittivity. The intraclass correlation was 0.778 and 0.771, respectively. Our technology provides, for the first time, VCPs of the healthy human tongue. Tongue VCPs are standard electrophysiological, quantitative and objective data reflecting ionic content and membrane integrity which could find value for diagnostic purposes and treatment monitoring. Tongue VCPs are standard electrophysiological, quantitative and objective data reflecting ionic content and membrane integrity which could find value for diagnostic purposes and treatment monitoring. This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of a newly developed therapeutic method focusing on affective and sensory processes in the treatment of sleep problems in outpatients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), called