Medical image segmentation is an essential task in computer-aided diagnosis. Despite their prevalence and success, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) still need to be improved to produce accurate and robust enough segmentation results for clinical use. In this paper, we propose a novel and generic framework called Segmentation-Emendation-reSegmentation-Verification (SESV) to improve the accuracy of existing DCNNs in medical image segmentation, instead of designing a more accurate segmentation model. Our idea is to predict the segmentation errors produced by an existing model and then correct them. Since predicting segmentation errors is challenging, we design two ways to tolerate the mistakes in the error prediction. First, rather than using a predicted segmentation error map to correct the segmentation mask directly, we only treat the error map as the prior that indicates the locations where segmentation errors are prone to occur, and then concatenate the error map with the image and segmentation mask as the input of a re-segmentation network. Second, we introduce a verification network to determine whether to accept or reject the refined mask produced by the re-segmentation network on a region-by-region basis. The experimental results on the CRAG, ISIC, and IDRiD datasets suggest that using our SESV framework can improve the accuracy of DeepLabv3+ substantially and achieve advanced performance in the segmentation of gland cells, skin lesions, and retinal microaneurysms. Consistent conclusions can also be drawn when using PSPNet, U-Net, and FPN as the segmentation network, respectively. Therefore, our SESV framework is capable of improving the accuracy of different DCNNs on different medical image segmentation tasks. Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia (WM) is an indolent lymphoma with uniquely distinct and heterogenous clinical and genomic profiles. Clonal lymphoplasmacytic cells secrete monoclonal IgM. More than 90% of patients harbor a mutation in MYD88 gene, leading to the constitutive activation of downstream pathways, involving BTK-mediated signaling. The use of BTK inhibitors has changed the treatment landscape of WM and has paved the way for new approaches to therapy. WM is an orphan disease and ibrutinib is the only FDA/EMA approved agent. Currently established agent combinations will be reviewed with a focus on emerging therapeutic options. These include second generation inhibitors, agents that target other molecules in the BCR signaling pathway, CXCR4 inhibitors, proteasome inhibitors and anti-CD38 antibodies. The current research goal is to establish a combination that can induce deep and durable responses with minimal associated toxicity. In addition, agents that can overcome ibrutinib resistance or act in a synergistic manner with BTKi are under investigation. The optimal therapeutic approach for WM patients is not currently established. The question of whether a combinatory (or synergistic) regimen to overcome resistance and allow for fixed- duration treatment will allow for deep/durable responses is being addressed in ongoing clinical trials. The optimal therapeutic approach for WM patients is not currently established. The question of whether a combinatory (or synergistic) regimen to overcome resistance and allow for fixed- duration treatment will allow for deep/durable responses is being addressed in ongoing clinical trials.Prior to the maturation of next-generation energy storage devices, the actual lithium-ion batteries for commercial purposes are still expected to fulfill some critical requirements, among which the high energy density, wide operating temperature range, and related long-term cycling stability are the most challenging issues. Herein a multiple additives strategy is employed to simultaneously optimize the solid electrolyte interphase on the large-area anode and cathode in a 2 Ah artificial graphite (AGr)/LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (NCM523) pouch cell with high gravimetric (>260 Wh kg-1) and volumetric (>630 Wh L-1) energy density. By introducing a rational mixture of electrolyte additives, a highly sulfurized surface layer and a uniform and thin passivation layer are separately formed on the anode and cathode of the AGr/NCM523 pouch cell, exhibiting high storage stability at 60 °C, much improved discharge capacity at -10 and -20 °C, high anodic stability at high voltage of 4.4 V, and stable cyclic performance with a capacity retention of 85.5% after 500 cycles, significantly outperforming the value of 75.7% after only 200 cycles of the cell without additional additives. These results demonstrate the critical effect of simultaneous optimizations of anode and cathode interphase layers to construct stable high-energy-density lithium-ion pouch cells. To determine longer-term (18-month) sustainability of a six-month physical activity and nutrition intervention for 50-69-year-olds with or at risk of metabolic syndrome residing in a rural Australian community. Participants (n=151) were followed-up at 12 and 18 months post-intervention. Changes in nutrition behaviours (fat and fibre barometer); physical activity behaviours (IPAQ); anthropometry (waist-hip ratio, weight, BMI), blood pressure, blood parameters (triglycerides, glucose, LDL-, HDL-, non-HDL, total-cholesterol) were analysed using t-tests and repeated measures ANOVA. Across three time points (6, 12 and 18 months) marginal decrease was observed for waist circumference (p=0.001), a modest increase was observed for diastolic blood pressure (p=0.010) and other outcome measures remained stable. Maintenance and ongoing improvement of health behaviours in the longer-term is challenging. Future studies must look for ways to embed interventions into communities so they are sustainable and investigatere is a need to investigate opportunities for embedded community interventions to support long-term health behaviour change. The present study reports the antibacterial potential of phyto-nano-hybrid particles Ag-CuO (silver-copper oxide) against drug-resistant pathogens isolated from a Russian hospital in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. The synthesis of nano-hybrid was achieved by phytogenic source by using leaves of Murraya koenigii. The nano-hybrid particles were well characterized using hyphenated techniques and results of the antibacterial assay was tabulated. The UV-visible spectra displayed absorption at 420 nm with the shoulder peak at 355 nm indicating the hybridization. The FTIR analysis revealed the presence of phenol, amine, methyl, carbohydrate and aromatic as major functional groups. The XRD analysis revealed the presence of Bragg's intensities at 2 theta angle depicting the crystalline nature of Ag-CuO nano-hybrid. The TEM analysis displayed the polydispered properties of Ag-CuO nano-hybrid with the size in the range of 60-80 nm exhibiting different shapes ranging from spherical, rod and oval. The antibacterial activity of Ag-CuO nano-hybrid was tested against multidrug-resistant pathogens that resulted in highest activity against P.