66±0.71 for Grade I-II and 3.18±1.06 for Grade III-IV, <0.05). The method was also useful in separating astrocytomas of Grade II and III. The considerable variation of SUV in the intact brain tissue as well as the difference in uptake between selected areas of the brain were revealed. 11C-methionine PET-CT was informative in the high/low degree of malignancy differentiation (T/N 1.66±0.71 for Grade I-II and 3.18±1.06 for Grade III-IV, p less then 0.05). The method was also useful in separating astrocytomas of Grade II and III. The considerable variation of SUV in the intact brain tissue as well as the difference in uptake between selected areas of the brain were revealed. Optimization of the choice of neuroprotective treatment regimens in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia that takes into account the synergy of drug interactions gives the doctor an opportunity for personalized approach that increases the effectiveness of treatment. Differential chemoreactomic analysis of the synergism of ethyl methyl hydroxypyridine succinate (EMHPS) and a number of monocomponent neuroprotective agents (piracetam, vinpocetine, citicoline, choline alfoscerate); proteomic analysis of polypeptide neuroprotectors (cerebrolysin, etc.); an expert analysis of multicomponent neuroprotector Cytoflavin. Piracetam, citicoline (Neupilept) and choline alfoscerate (Cereton) effectively enhance the pharmacological properties of EMHPS and vice versa. Expert assessments of the synergism between the properties of EMHPS, polypeptide neuroprotectors (cerebrolysin) and other multicomponent drugs (cytoflavin), which are also used in adjuvant therapy with EMHPS, are presented. In real clinical practice, of particular interest is the objectification of the appointment of combined therapy regimens. This study indicates that EMHPS can provide a favorable background for maximizing the effectiveness of therapy when used with other drugs. In real clinical practice, of particular interest is the objectification of the appointment of combined therapy regimens. This study indicates that EMHPS can provide a favorable background for maximizing the effectiveness of therapy when used with other drugs. To evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation using cellex in post-stroke patients in the late recovery period and the period of residual disorders in a prospective long-term study. Clinical examination and comprehensive rehabilitation treatment of 115 patients, aged 27-69 years (mean 50,47±11,20 years), with ischemic stroke and stroke in the carotid territory ( =78, 67,8%) and hemorrhagic stroke ( =37, 32, 2%) was carried out in the inpatient Department of GBU «NORCI». Patients who received rehabilitation measures were divided into two groups depending on the medication. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pd-1-pd-l1-inhibitor-2.html The main study group consisted of 56 patients (48,7%) who received a course of cellex in the rehabilitation complex, the comparison group ( =59, 51,6%) underwent treatment without medication. The complex multi-course rehabilitation treatment using cellex in patients in the late recovery period and in the period of consequences of ischemic stroke, who have speech and motor disorders, is highly effective, and demonstrate good results despite the age of the disease. The complex multi-course rehabilitation treatment using cellex in patients in the late recovery period and in the period of consequences of ischemic stroke, who have speech and motor disorders, is highly effective, and demonstrate good results despite the age of the disease. To assess the efficacy of memantine hydrochloride in the treatment of GD in PD patients. Patients of the main group ( =30) received memantine hydrochloride (akatinol memantine) in a dose of 20 mg/day for 3 months in addition to antiparkinsonian therapy. Patients of the comparison group ( =25) received only antiparkinsonian drugs. Cognitive rating scales and computerized gait assessment protocol were performed in both groups twice in 3 months interval in order to examine cognitive deficit and gait parameters. The increase in MMSE scores, improvement in gait cycle phases ratio and increase of cadence according to computerized gait analysis were observed in the main group compared to the comparison group. The improvement in gait achieved during the study confirms that the treatment of cortical gait disturbances in patients with PD using memantine hydrochloride is a promising area of therapy. The improvement in gait achieved during the study confirms that the treatment of cortical gait disturbances in patients with PD using memantine hydrochloride is a promising area of therapy. To describe the structure of psychoses developed due to synthetic cannabinoids (Spice). Forty-six men, aged 18-35 years, with psychosis during abstinence were studied and followed up for 2 years. Four clinical variants with predominant delirious symptoms (27%) or hallucinatory symptoms (19%) or affective-delusions (21%) or mental automatisms (33%) were identified. The follow-up revealed the manifestations of schizophrenic process in 17% of the patients. Clinical and differential diagnostic characteristics of these variants in synthetic cannabinoids users are described. Four clinical variants with predominant delirious symptoms (27%) or hallucinatory symptoms (19%) or affective-delusions (21%) or mental automatisms (33%) were identified. The follow-up revealed the manifestations of schizophrenic process in 17% of the patients. Clinical and differential diagnostic characteristics of these variants in synthetic cannabinoids users are described. To test the general hypothesis about executive deficits in language production in schizophrenia as well as more specific hypothesis that this deficit would be more pronounced in the case of higher demand on executive functions. Twenty-five patients with schizophrenia and twenty-seven healthy controls were asked to tell a story based on a series of pictures and then to give an oral composition on the given topic. Schizophrenia patients, compared to controls, demonstrated poorer programming as well as shorter text and phrase length in both tasks. Oral composition on the given topic in patients was characterized by the presence of agrammatism, need for leading questions due to the difficulties of story plot generation as well as higher variance in syntactic complexity and text length. Therefore, the authors revealed executive deficit in language production, more pronounced in the task with less numerous external cues for planning and sequential text explication, in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia patients, compared to controls, demonstrated poorer programming as well as shorter text and phrase length in both tasks.