gainst AgNPs exposure.Ozone (O3) pollution can induce changes in plant growth and metabolism, and in turn, affects isoprene emission (ISO), but the extent of these effects may be modified by co-occurring soil water and nitrogen (N) availability. To date, however, much less is known about the combined effects of two of these factors on isoprene emission from plants. We investigated for the first time the combined effects of O3 exposure (CF, charcoal-filtered air; EO3, non-filtered air plus 40 ppb of O3), N addition (N0, no additional N; N50, 50 kg ha-1 year-1 of N) and moderate drought (WW, well-watered; WR, 40% of WW irrigation) on photosynthetic carbon assimilation and ISO emission in hybrid poplar at both leaf- and plant-level over time. Consistent with leaf-level photosynthesis (Pnleaf) and ISO (ISOleaf) responses, plant-level ISO (ISOplant) responses to O3, N addition and moderate drought were more marked after long exposure (September) than short exposure duration (July). EO3 significantly decreased ISOleaf and Pnleaf, while WR and N50 significantly increased them. Although O3 and water interacted significantly to affect Pnleaf over the exposure duration, neither N50 nor WR mitigated the negative effects of EO3 on ISOleaf. When ISO was scaled up to the plant level, the WR-induced increase in ISOleaf under EO3 was offset by a reduction in total leaf area. By contrast, effects of EO3 on ISOplant were not changed by N addition. Our results highlight that the dynamic effects on ISO emission change over the exposure duration depending on involved co-occurring factors and evaluation scales.Amino acids are important water-soluble nitrogen-containing compounds in atmospheric aerosols. They can be involved in cloud formation due to their hygroscopicity and have significant influences on the hygroscopicity of inorganic compounds, which have not yet been well characterized. In this work, the hygroscopic properties of three amino acids, including aspartic acid, glutamine, and serine, as well as their mixtures with ammonium sulfate (AS) were investigated using a hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) system. The gradual water uptake of aspartic acid, glutamine and serine particles indicates that they exist as liquid phase at low RH. When mixing either aspartic acid or glutamine with AS by mass ratio of 13, we observed a clear phase transition but with a lower deliquescence relative humidity (DRH) with respect to that of pure AS. This suggests the crystallization of AS in the presence of each of these two amino acids. However, as the mass fractions of these two amino acids increased in the mixed particles, the deliquescence transition process was not obvious. In contrast, the crystallization of AS was efficiently hampered even at low content (i.e., 25% by mass) of serine in the mixed particles. The Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) method in general underestimated the hygroscopic growth of any mixtures at RH below 79% (prior to AS deliquescence), suggesting both amino acid and the partially dissolved AS contributed the overall hygroscopicity at RH in this range. Relatively good agreements were reached between the measurements and model predictions using the Extended Aerosol Inorganic Model (E-AIM) assuming solid state AS in the mixed particles for 13 aspartic acid-AS and glutamine-AS systems. However, the model failed to simulate the water uptake behaviors of any other systems. It demonstrates that the interactions between components within the aerosols have a significant effect on the phase state of the mixed particles.An enhanced understanding of environmental controls on soil freeze/thaw (F/T) dynamics at different spatial scales is critical for projecting permafrost responses to future climate conditions. In this study, a 1-D soil thermal model and multi-scale observation networks were used to investigate the sensitivity of soil F/T dynamics in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) to environmental conditions at local (~10 km)-, medium- (~30 km), and large (~100 km)- scales. Model simulated soil temperature profile generally agrees well with the observations, with root-mean-square errors (RMSE) lower than 1.3 °C and 2.0 °C for two in-situ networks, respectively. Model simulated maximum frozen depths (MFD) closely related to elevation (R2 = 0.23, p less then 0.01), soil moisture content (R2 = 0.25, p less then 0.01), and soil organic carbon (SOC) content (R2 = 0.18, p less then 0.01); however, the impact of SOC on MFD may be due to the close correlation between SOC and soil moisture. The main factors affecting MFD vary with scale. Among the environmental factors examined, topography (especially elevation) is the first-order factor controlling the MFD at the large-scale, indicating the dominance of thermal control. Aspect shows sizeable impacts at the medium-scale, while soil moisture plays an important role at the local-scale. Soil thaw onset shows a close correlation with the examined environmental factors including soil moisture, while freeze onset seems to be influenced more by other factors. Besides the well-known thermal effect, our study highlights the importance of soil moisture in affecting soil F/T dynamics at different scales in the central TP region, and reliable soil moisture products are critical to better project the response of the TP frozen ground to future warming at finer scale.This study investigates the possibility to evaluate real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emissions based on a simulation approach and usage of generic vehicle simulation models, calibrated on the basis of experimental data recorded during on-road tests. A methodology for the development, calibration and validation of the models is described and the proposed simulation approach is applied on three Euro 6 vehicles, one diesel, one gasoline and one plug-in hybrid vehicle. The validation of the developed models is conducted using experimental data recorded during the testing campaign of the above mentioned vehicles. Furthermore, an internal database of vehicle specifications is used to derive the necessary parameters for building the simulation models. With the current study, the capabilities and the boundary conditions for the model-based assessment of real-world CO2 emissions are investigated. Results indicate that the maximum error in the calculation is lower than 4 g/km, proving a robust simulation approach with an accuracy of ±5% for the estimation of CO2 emissions under real world conditions.