The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. recommends within the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia that compounding pharmacies have staff dedicated to quality assurance and quality control to ensure patients are receiving safe medications. The quality-control program must include testing. While compounding pharmacies have grown familiar with potency, sterility, and endotoxin testing, there are many more tests recommended within the United States Pharmacopeia that are critical for evaluating the quality of compounded preparations. This article discusses when a few of these tests should be utilized, how to assign acceptance criteria, and how test results are obtained.The objective of this study was to describe the response by state boards of pharmacy pertaining to personal protective equipment shortages during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. All webpages of state boards of pharmacy were independently reviewed for written guidance pertaining to personal protective equipment conservation strategies in sterile compounding and deviations from United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter standards. Early in the pandemic, pharmacists within sterile compounding practices had to conserve personal protective equipment while mitigating contamination risk. Pharmacists looked to state boards of pharmacy for guidance. This report shows a high level of state response to the personal protective equipment shortage induced by the pandemic.Active learning is common in pharmacy school. However, such learning strategy rarely integrates more than one specific field. Here, we develop a new active multidisciplinary approach centered on compounded capsule's quality evaluation. Captopril capsules were chosen for their important role to control systemic arterial hypertension, a highly prevalent disease. The study design was developed and demonstrated by two undergraduate students. Four compounding pharmacies were selected randomly, and sixty capsules of captopril 25 mg were purchased from each pharmacy at three different periods (12 batches). The capsules were evaluated according to general aspects (visual observation), label information (according to the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia's regulation), weight variation (standard method), and uniformity of dosage units (iodine titration). All batches met the requirements expected for general aspects and one pharmacy did not meet minimum label criteria. Weight variation out of the standard limits was observed for three of the batches evaluated, and five batches were found to be out of the acceptable captopril's dosage. All stages of this activity resulted in important discussions pertaining to the education of pharmacists. The experimental multidisciplinary approach presented a lead to different discussions on several expertise fields and might have a great impact on the formation of future pharmacist. Several topics could be addressed using this activity, such as analytical chemistry, titration, stoichiometry, medicine preparation, pharmacological risks, et h i c a l aspects, and the pharmacist's role to guarantee health.Healthy human skin performs a constellation of functions essential to good health, and the consequences of disruption to that effective external defense system have been recognized since antiquity. The earliest treatments for dermal injuries and diseases were compounded They were prepared for each patient and could be modified to address progressive phases of healing. The benefits of that therapeutic approach continue today, made immeasurably more effective by modern pharmaceutical compounding. In this article, which is the first of several in a series that presents healing-drug profiles, various agents that can be compounded to enable dermal healing are described. Those drugs are not commercially available in the most safe and effective combinations at the time of this writing, but a skilled compounding pharmacist can incorporate compatible agents in preparations designed to ensure best outcomes. Formulations that promote dermal healing are provided for easy reference.Even when a diagnosis of prostate cancer is anticipated, many patients are unprepared for the persistence and severity of sequelae such as erectile dysfunction, which frequently results from lifesaving treatment for that disease. Erectile dysfunction in particular can exert a powerful impact on quality of life as the patient's self-esteem diminishes, intimacy erodes, and a sustained level of stress and anxiety that impairs work performance and personal relationships becomes a part of his everyday experience. The Stanley Prostate-cancer Protocol for treating erectile dysfunction after prostatectomy and/or radiotherapy was developed to better assist the underserved patient population faced with that challenge. Feedback from patients and prescribers indicates that this program, even when initiated years after treatment for prostate cancer, is consistently effective in treating erectile dysfunction. The authors have also found that incorporating the Protocol into a range of pharmacy services can further the growth of a compounding practice. In this case report, the outcome of Stanley-Protocol therapy in a patient complaining of complete and persistent erectile dysfunction after prostate-cancer treatment is presented and formulations used in therapy for that disorder are provided.Összefoglaló. A lateralis cysticus nyaki terimék két leggyakoribb oka a branchiogen cysta és a cysticus nyaki áttét. Az átfedő lokalizáció (a leggyakrabban a IIA nyaki régióban), a betegek életkora és az esetenként hirtelen kezdet alapján a két leggyakoribb ok differenciáldiagnózisa nagy kihívást jelenthet. Egy hirtelen fellépő fájdalmas, bal oldali nyaki duzzanattal, dysphagiával és lázzal jelentkező 72 éves férfi esetét ismertetjük. A nyak komputertomográfiás vizsgálata egy 6 cm legnagyobb átmérőjű, vastag falú, többrekeszes cysticus terimét igazolt. Infektív branchiogen cysta lehetőségére gondolva az elváltozást eltávolítottuk. A szövettan azonban p16-pozitív laphámrákot igazolt. A primer tumort végül az ipsilateralis tonsilla palatina állományában sikerült azonosítani. A beteg definitív radioterápiában részesült, és 18 hónappal a diagnózis után tumormentes. A nyaki cystákon, az infektív nyaki cystákon és a cysticus metastasisokon kívül a humán papillómavírussal összefüggő szájgarati laphámrákok infektív cysticus vagy necroticus metastasisait is figyelembe kell venni a lateralis cysticus nyaki terimék differenciáldiagnózisában.