the law against drinking and driving penalties triggered unemployment and financial expenses, but the positive aspects were quitting alcohol use and/or not drinking and driving anymore. The Traffic Justice and Sobriety Project was informed as solidarity and a trigger for changing the offenders' behavior.The aim of this study was to compare self-reported with two accelerometer-derived methods to classify Chilean children and adolescents as physically active. In total, 247 students wore an accelerometer on their hips during 7 consecutive days to classify them as physically active based on (1) daily accumulation of ≥ 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on each of the seven days, and (2) average MVPA ≥ 60 minutes/day. Also, participants were classified as physically active if they reported being active for at least 60 minutes in all seven days. When using the accelerometer data, 0.8% were active in all seven days, while 10.5% recorded ≥ 60 minutes MVPA per day on average. Based on self-report, 7.2% were physically active. The agreement between self-reported and accelerometer estimations were poor. Important differences were observed between the self-reported and device-derived methods for classifying children and adolescents as physically active. When comparing them, some considerations should be taken. The findings suggest that these methods are not interchangeable. Therefore, if possible, they should be used as complementary measurements.The study aims to understand the influence of communicational relations among healthcare professionals in the coordination of care between levels. This is a qualitative study with data from the international multicenter study Equity-LA II, with dialectic hermeneutics as the theoretical reference. The authors listened to the audios from 15 interviews with professionals (7 physicians from primary care and 5 from specialized care, and 3 institutional supporters from primary care) in a municipal network in the Agreste region of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2016. The mixed categories were submitted to content analysis. The analysis revealed a lack of recognition, by nearly all of the professionals, of primary care as the organizational backbone for care, and the perception of coordination revealed obstacles related to disconnects in establishing dialogical relations. Knowledge of the physician's role in primary care is incomplete, and its praxis is viewed with distrust by specialists, while the reciprocal is not true. There was a visibly non-dialogical interpersonal relationship, based on asymmetric relations reflected in the specialist's authoritarian stance and that of inferiority of primary care physicians. The basis for the communicative action relates to pretensions of validity rather than of power, which is external to language, and impedes the discussion of reasons and arguments. There was little disposition for dialogue and reciprocal recognition between the parties involved, with interdiction of a communicative situation in which there is symmetry of participation. The results revealed communicational weaknesses, thus requiring strategies that allow achieving communicative understanding among the professionals and promoting satisfactory patient follow-up between levels of care.This study aimed to analyze the temporal effects (age, period, and cohort) on female homicide mortality in the states of Northeast Brazil from 1980 to 2017. This ecological time trend study used APC with a Bayesian approach and the deterministic method Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations (INLA) in the parameters' inference. The female homicide rates for each state of the Northeast were standardized by the direct method after correction of the death records for quality of information and underreporting. Data were also obtained on race/color, place of death, and means of perpetration. During the period analyzed, after correcting the death records, the Northeast region showed a mean rate of 5.40 female homicide deaths per 100,000 women, with a significant increase in all the states in the 2000s. In all the states, there was an increase in relative risk (RR) of homicide death in the second and third decades of life and a protective effect in older women. Except for the state of Sergipe, there was an increase in the risk of death in all five-year periods in the 2000s. The Northeast region as a whole and the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco, and Piauí showed a protective effect for women from older generations. There were also higher proportions of deaths in black women, homicides committed at home, and those perpetrated with firearms. The current study's findings may correlate with the spread of violence in Brazil in the 2000s and the Brazilian State's failure to protect women from violence.This study aimed to understand the meanings, risk perceptions, and strategies to prevent infection with the Zika virus developed by pregnant women with different socioeconomic conditions seen at public and private health services in the city of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, as well the contribution by their male partners in dealing with the risk of infection since the emergence of this virus in Brazil. A qualitative study was performed with 18 semi-structured interviews, nine each with pregnant women seen in the public and private health systems, respectively. The resulting data revealed insufficient knowledge in pregnant women concerning important aspects of Zika virus infection. The pregnant women's socioenvironmental situation was an important factor for risk perception and preventive strategies. Women interviewed in the public health system felt more vulnerable to the risk of infection than women interviewed in the private health system, with a major impact on their psychosocial well-being. According to the women, their partners placed huge demands on them to adopt preventive measures, but the male partners themselves failed to take the same precautions, e.g., ignoring the risk of sexual transmission of the Zika virus. In conclusion, three years since the outbreak reached Brazil, the Zika virus still has a major impact on the lives of pregnant women. It is crucial to strengthen health communications activities to guarantee the availability of information on the disease that responds adequately to the population's needs.