Self-assembly kinetics depends on hydrogel molecules and is modulated by temperature and solvent. This fundamental study provides insight on the impact of some parameters on the gelation process, such as concentration, cooling rate, and the nature of the solvent.Advanced techniques that combine high spatial resolution with chemical sensitivity to directly probe the observed nanoentities and provide direct evidence that they are truly gas-filled nanobubbles do not exist. Therefore, in our paper, we focused on providing, for the first time, multiple types of indirect evidence using a variety of physical and chemical techniques that the nanoentities are not due to contamination and, hence, they must be bulk nanobubbles (BNBs). It should be noted that such techniques require good experimental skills, sound protocols, good scientific expertise, and reliable equipment. While no single piece of indirect evidence on its own can be considered as conclusive proof, we estimate that our results combined provide strong evidence that bulk nanobubbles do exist and they are stable. The work presented in our paper is the culmination of a series of studies, and many authors have either directly or indirectly confirmed our findings. Nonetheless, in their Comment, Rak & Sedlak reject all of the work we reported. We here address their comments point by point and show that their criticisms are unwarranted and unfounded, as follows.Highly atom-economical tandem reactions have been developed for the synthesis of pyrano[3,2-b]indoles or cyclopenta[b]indoles tethered with 7-, 8-, or 9-membered rings. These reactions first undergo a carbon-carbon σ-bond cleavage reaction of cyclic β-ketoesters. Next, in the presence of CuCl2 and Ag2CO3, intramolecular O-H/C-H coupling occurs to give pyrano[3,2-b]indoles. This is the first example for capture of the enoloxyl radical of the intramolecular C-O bond formation reaction, whereas C3 nucleophilic addition afforded cyclopenta[b]indoles using TsOH·H2O.Colchicine is an active pharmaceutical ingredient widely used for treating gout, pericarditis, and familial Mediterranean fever with high antimitotic activity. The photoisomerization of colchicine deactivates its anti-inflammatory and antimitotic properties. However, despite numerous reports on colchicine derivatives, their photostability has not been investigated in detail. This report reveals the effects of UV-induced rearrangement on the structure and reports the biological activity of new N-substituted colchicine derivatives.Mn-doped perovskites have already been widely explored in the context of interesting optical, electronic, and magnetic properties. Such fascinating traits showcased by them explain the huge augmentation in the device efficiency, directing their widespread application in the field of solar cells, energy- harvesting sectors, and light-emitting diodes. However, the underlying photophysics governing the overall charge carrier dynamics in Mn-doped CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets (NPLs) has never been discussed and therefore demands an in-depth investigation. Herein, fluorescence up-conversion and femtosecond transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy are employed for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the excited-state dynamics and the fundamental energy/charge-transfer processes for two-dimensional CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets (NPLs) and their Mn-doped counterparts. The up-conversion measurement clearly suggests the possibility of energy-transfer pathways in the Mn-doped CsPbBr3 NPLs. Interestingly, strong indication of charge transfer (CT) in Mn-doped CsPbBr3 NPLs was unambiguously established by an ultrafast TA approach. Our investigation clearly suggests that both the probable processes viz. the ultrafast energy and electron transfers noticeable in the Mn2+-doped CsPbBr3 NPLs are utterly competitive and rapid owing to the highly confined nature of the two-dimensional NPLs. This extensive probing of concurrent charge/energy-transfer processes may pave help clarify unresolved anomalies in Mn-doped perovskites, which may prove advantageous for a wide range of practical applicability.The homodimeric myeloperoxidase (MPO) features a histidine as a proximal ligand and a sulfonium linkage covalently attaching the heme porphyrin ring to the protein. MPO is able to catalyze Cl- oxidation with about the same efficiency as chloroperoxidase at pH 7.0. In this study, we seek to explore the parallels and differences between the histidine and cysteine heme-dependent halogen peroxidases. Transition states, reaction barriers, and relevant thermodynamic properties are calculated on protein models. Together with electronic structure calculations, it gives an overview of the reaction mechanisms and of the factors that determine the selectivity between one- and two-electron paths. Conclusions point to the innate oxidizing nature of MPO with the ester and sulfonium linkages hiking up the reactivity to enable chloride oxidation. The installation of a deprotonated imidazolate as a proximal ligand does not shift the equilibrium from one- to two-electron events without influencing the chemistry of the oxidation reaction.We demonstrate the surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-enhanced angular Goos-Hänchen (GH) shift. Typical SPR-enhanced GH shift measurements make use of loosely collimated beams, which enhances only the spatial GH shift (Δ GH ). Unlike this scheme, we focused the incident beam to a small beam waist to induce enhancement in the angular GH shift (Θ GH ). Although this makes Δ GH negligible, the enhancement of Θ GH is much larger than the decrease in Δ GH . In order to excite surface plasmons, we employ a Kretschmann configuration using a simple gold (Au) film on a substrate. We show that although the efficiency of surface plasmon excitation is decreased by the focused geometry, a significantly large Θ GH was induced. With the simultaneous measurement of reflectivity for SPR and the beam shift for the GH shift used in this work, we experimentally show the potential of measuring enhanced Θ GH toward sensing application when the Au film is exposed to local environmental changes even in the simplest thin film structure.