Matched-group randomization improves power but is not as effective as covariate-constrained randomization. For model-based analysis, adjusting for fewer covariates than were used in a restricted randomization process under any design can produce non-nominal type I error rates and reductions in power. Where comparisons to two-arm cluster trials are possible, the performance of the methods is qualitatively very similar.Figurines of women with obesity or who are pregnant ("Venus figurines") from Upper Paleolithic Europe rank among the earliest art and endured from 38,000 to 14,000 BP (before present), one of the most arduous climatic periods in human history. We propose that the Venus representation relates to human adaptation to climate change. During this period, humans faced advancing glaciers and falling temperatures that led to nutritional stress, regional extinctions, and a reduction in the population. We analyzed Paleolithic figurines of women with obesity to test whether the more obese figurines are from sites during the height of the glacial advance and closer to the glacial fronts. Figurines are less obese as distance from the glaciers increases. Because survival required sufficient nutrition for child-bearing women, we hypothesize that the overnourished woman became an ideal symbol of survival and beauty during episodes of starvation and climate change in Paleolithic Europe.With high screen time and poor sleep commonly reported in adolescents, it is important to more fully understand how screen time impacts sleep. Despite similar overall screen times, male and female media preferences and usages differ, making it critical to determine if different domains of screen time differentially affect sleep quality. The present study examined whether differing amounts and domains of screen-based media vary in impact on sleep quality of 16-year-old male and female adolescents over a 3-month period. A total of 98 adolescents (mean [SD] age 16.27 [0.29] years; 51% female) completed two online surveys spaced 3 months apart and comprised of well-validated self-reported measures of sleep quality, media usage, and depressive symptoms. The various domains of media were categorised into screen-based media with little-to-no peer-to-peer interaction involved (video-only) and screen-based media with interaction a predominant component to the usage (peer-to-peer interaction-involved). Self-reported sleep quality decreased across the 3-month study period. Gender moderated the effect of interactive screen time on sleep quality 3 months later, with interactive screen time associated with better sleep quality in males, but remaining poorer in females. Screen time competes with sleep time and may do so differentially depending on the media domain. Compared to females, interactive components of screen time may lessen worsening sleep quality over time in males. Understanding the relationships among screen time, its content, age, and gender may inform guidelines for educators, parents, and adolescents to help improve sleep quality of adolescents. To characterize level and predictors of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptake among Danish kidney transplant recipients (KTR) and kidney transplant waiting list patients (WLP). A cross-sectional survey based on self-reported vaccine uptake including WLP and KTR≤1½ years post transplantation. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses identifying factors associated with influenza vaccine uptake in the latest season were performed. A total of 220 participants were included in the study, 54% KTR and 46% WLP. Self-reported influenza vaccine uptake in the latest season was overall 41.8%. Uptake of influenza vaccine on any prior season apart from the latest season was 53.2% and significantly higher among WLP than KTR (P=.007). Pneumococcal vaccine uptake was only 4% overall. The only factor positively associated with influenza vaccine uptake in the latest season was any prior influenza vaccine uptake (OR 5.79, CI95 2.44-13.76) (P<.001). Recommendations given by other persons (non-physician) were negatively associated with receiving the influenza vaccination in the latest season (OR 0.34, CI95 0.13-0.92) (P=.03). Reasons for not being vaccinated were primarily lack of information, perception of own good health, and fear of adverse reactions. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptakes were suboptimal among Danish WLP and KTR. Increased awareness about guidelines and physicians´ education are warranted. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptakes were suboptimal among Danish WLP and KTR. Increased awareness about guidelines and physicians´ education are warranted. Medical marijuana (MM) is legal in 34 US jurisdictions. Yet, little is known about patient and parent perceptions of MM in pediatric cancer care. We examined attitudes, beliefs, and experiences regarding MM among parents of children with cancer and adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, to help frame future research initiatives. In this qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured, one-on-one interviews with parents and AYAs at a comprehensive cancer center. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded using both descriptive and inductive coding approaches. We used content and framework analysis to identify key themes. Fifteen parents and 15 AYAs enrolled. Participants were generally receptive to MM use, concurrently weighing benefits and risks. Participants most often endorsed MM use for relief of nausea, anorexia, and pain. Simultaneously, participants identified concerns about MM, including potential physiologic and psychological effects on children and lack of research. However, concerns were frequently minimized, relative to chemotherapy or supportive care medications with perceived greater side effect profiles. Many participants expressed uncertainty regarding legal access, citing complex processes to obtain MM. Few participants had discussed MM with their oncologist, instead seeking guidance from the internet, family, or peers. Importantly, we elicited several misconceptions regarding MM, including its utility as cancer-directed therapy. Patients and families are receptive to using MM, motivated by potential for symptom relief and cancer-directed effects. Yet, lack of empiric evidence is a barrier, underscoring the need for robust clinical trial data to support MM recommendations and use. Patients and families are receptive to using MM, motivated by potential for symptom relief and cancer-directed effects. Yet, lack of empiric evidence is a barrier, underscoring the need for robust clinical trial data to support MM recommendations and use.