Dinitrogen (N2 ) is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere, but its inertness hinders its use as a nitrogen source in the biosphere and in industry. Efficient catalysts are hence required to ov. ercome the high kinetic barriers associated to N2 transformation. In that respect, molecular complexes have demonstrated strong potential to mediate N2 functionalization reactions under mild conditions while providing a straightforward understanding of the reaction mechanisms. This Review emphasizes the strategies for N2 reduction and functionalization using molecular transition metal and actinide complexes according to their proposed reaction mechanisms, distinguishing complexes inducing cleavage of the N≡N bond before (dissociative mechanism) or concomitantly with functionalization (associative mechanism). We present here the main examples of stoichiometric and catalytic N2 functionalization reactions following these strategies.Older adults often have health complexities and higher levels of attrition. Even though they are the main users of healthcare, they are often not included in health research because the health research may not be well designed to accommodate their evolving health needs. One research area in which participation of older adults is essential focuses on improving physical function. In this field, there are many innovations and new technologies developed. Barriers and facilitators to recruit older adults to research that improves physical function by using technology are not well explored yet. This study aims to explore barriers and facilitators regarding recruitment and retention of older adults living in Assisted Living Facilities to a randomised controlled trial study that aimed to improve physical function by using technology. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with four Scheme Managers, three therapists and two researchers. The interviews were transcribed. After open, axial and selective coding, the codes were thematic analysed in ATLAS.ti. Scheme Managers, therapists, researchers and older adults' peers appear to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of older adults living in Assisted Living Facilities. Additionally, the technology itself and the presentation of the research appear to influence recruitment. Creating a social setting, inviting people face-to-face, demonstrating the technology, showing the benefits by presenting results from a pilot study and alleviating people's fears were experienced as important factors for recruitment. The results from this study can help other researcher to improve recruitment and retention strategies so evidence-based practice in care for older adults can be improved to enhance quality of life of older adults. Assessing the performance of diagnostic tests requires evaluation of the amount of diagnostic uncertainty a test reduces. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cpi-0610.html Statistical measures, such as sensitivity and specificity, currently dominating the evidence-based medicine (EBM) and related fields, cannot explicitly measure this reduction in diagnostic uncertainty. Mutual information (MI), an information theory statistic, explicitly quantifies diagnostic uncertainty by measuring information gain before vs after diagnostic testing. In this paper, we propose the use of MI as a single measure to express diagnostic test performance and demonstrate how it can be used in the meta-analysis of diagnostic test studies. We use two case studies from the literature to demonstrate the applicability of MI meta-analysis in assessing diagnostic performance. Meta-analysis of studies evaluating (a) ultrasonography (US) to detect endometrial cancer and (b) magnetic resonance angiography to detect arterial stenosis. The results of MI meta-analyses are comparable to in diagnostic uncertainty. We have demonstrated the suitability of MI in assessing the performance of diagnostic tests, which can facilitate easier interpretation of the true utility of diagnostic tests. Similarly, to the guidance for interpretation of effect size of treatment interventions, we also propose the guidelines for interpretation of the utility of diagnostic tests based on the magnitude of reduction in diagnostic uncertainty.Several amines with three bulky alkyl groups at the nitrogen atom, which exceed the steric crowding of triisopropylamine significantly, were synthesized, mainly by treating N-chlorodialkylamines with Grignard reagents. In six cases, namely tert-butyldiisopropylamine, 1-adamantyl-tert-butylisopropylamine, di-1-adamantylamines with an additional N-cyclohexyl or N-exo-2-norbonyl substituent, as well as 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine derivatives with N-cyclohexyl or N-neopentyl groups, appropriate single crystals were generated that enabled X-ray diffraction studies and analysis of the molecular structures. The four noncyclic amines adopt triskele-like conformations, and the sum of the three C-N-C angles is always in the range of 351.1° to 352.4°. Consequently, these amines proved to be structurally significantly flatter than trialkylamines without steric congestion, which is also signalized by the smaller heights of the NC3 pyramids (0.241-0.259 Å). There is no clear correlation between the heights of these pyramids and the degree of the steric crowding in the new amines, presumably because steric repulsion is partly compensated by dispersion interaction. In the cases of the two heterocyclic amines, the steric stress is smaller, and the molecular structures include quite different conformations. Quantum chemical calculations led to precise gas-phase structures of the sterically overcrowded trialkylamines exhibiting heights of the NC3 pyramids and preferred molecular conformers which are similar to those resulting from the X-ray studies. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of three bismuth-based quadruple regimens for eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection in a large number of H pylori-positive patients with or without previous eradication therapy. Consecutive adult patients with H pylori infection, regardless of previous eradication therapy, were eligible for the present study. Three bismuth-based quadruple regimens were selected according to the past history of antibiotics use (A) esomeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and colloidal bismuth tartrate; (B) esomeprazole, amoxicillin, furazolidone, and colloidal bismuth tartrate; and (C) esomeprazole, doxycycline, furazolidone, and colloidal bismuth tartrate. All patients received a 14-day course of treatment, and C/ C urea breath test was utilized at four weeks after the completion of treatment to determine the H pylori eradication. Then, the eradication rates were calculated in terms of intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol (PP) analyses. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded during the treatment.