The development of the tumor with the expression of PD-L1 during pembrolizumab might have been associated with the low MSI.Using reinforcement learning, a deep Q-network was used to design polarization-independent, perfect solar absorbers. The deep Q-network selected the geometrical properties and materials of a symmetric three-layer metamaterial made up of circular rods on top of two films. The combination of all the possible permutations gives around 500 billion possible designs. In around 30,000 steps, the deep Q-network was able to produce 1250 structures that have an integrated absorption of higher than 90% in the visible region, with a maximum of 97.6% and an integrated absorption of less than 10% in the 8-13 µm wavelength region, with a minimum of 1.37%. A statistical analysis of the distribution of materials and geometrical parameters that make up the solar absorbers is presented.Proprioceptive signals from body muscles have historically been considered to project to the rostrodorsal shell of the ventrobasal thalamic complex [the ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) and ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM)]. However, we have recently found that proprioception from rat jaw-closing muscle spindles (JCMSs) is conveyed via the supratrigeminal nucleus to the caudo-ventromedial edge of the VPM, but not to the rostrodorsal shell of the VPM. Therefore, proprioception from other body muscles may also project to thalamic regions other than the rostrodorsal shell of the VPL. We thus examined the thalamic projection from the rat external cuneate nucleus (ECu), which receives proprioceptive inputs from forelimb and neck muscles. After injection of anterograde tracer into the ECu, axon terminals were contralaterally labeled in the ventromedial part (VPLvm) of the VPL, but not in the rostrodorsal shell of the VPL. After anterograde tracer injection into the cuneate nucleus (Cu), axon terminals were widely labeled in the contralateral VPL including the VPLvm. In the VPLvm, we electrophysiologically confirmed the proprioceptive inputs responsive to electrical stimulation of the ECu or median nerve and to the pressure of forelimb/neck muscles or wrist flexion. After retrograde tracer injection into the VPLvm, neurons were contralaterally labeled in the ECu and Cu. After retrograde tracer injection into the VPL where no such proprioceptive inputs were recorded, no ECu neurons were labeled. These findings indicate that proprioception from forelimb/neck muscle spindles and JCMSs is somatotopically transmitted to the ventromedial floor of the ventrobasal thalamic complex, but not to its rostrodorsal shell.Soon after birth, the regenerative capacity of the mammalian heart is lost, cardiomyocytes withdraw from the cell cycle and demonstrate a minimal proliferation rate. Despite improved treatment and reperfusion strategies, the uncompensated cardiomyocyte loss during injury and disease results in cardiac remodeling and subsequent heart failure. The promising field of regenerative medicine aims to restore both the structure and function of damaged tissue through modulation of cellular processes and regulatory mechanisms involved in cardiac cell cycle arrest to boost cardiomyocyte proliferation. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs (miRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) are functional RNA molecules with no protein-coding function that have been reported to engage in cardiac regeneration and repair. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of both the biological functions and molecular mechanisms of ncRNAs involved in cardiomyocyte proliferation. Furthermore, we discuss their impact on the structure and contractile function of the heart in health and disease and their application for therapeutic interventions.Early metoprolol administration protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, but its effect on infarct size progression (ischemic injury) is unknown. Eight groups of pigs (total n = 122) underwent coronary artery occlusion of varying duration (20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 60 min) followed by reperfusion. In each group, pigs were randomized to i.v. metoprolol (0.75 mg/kg) or vehicle (saline) 20 min after ischemia onset. The primary outcome measure was infarct size (IS) on day7 cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) normalized to area at risk (AAR, measured by perfusion computed tomography [CT] during ischemia). Metoprolol treatment reduced overall mortality (10% vs 26%, p = 0.03) and the incidence and number of primary ventricular fibrillations during infarct induction. In controls, IS after 20-min ischemia was ≈ 5% of the area AAR. Thereafter, IS progressed exponentially, occupying almost all the AAR after 35 min of ischemia. Metoprolol injection significantly reduced the slope of IS progression (p = 0.004 for final IS). Head-to-head comparison (metoprolol treated vs vehicle treated) showed statistically significant reductions in IS at 30, 35, 40, and 50-min reperfusion. At 60-min reperfusion, IS was 100% of AAR in both groups. Despite more prolonged ischemia, metoprolol-treated pigs reperfused at 50 min had smaller infarcts than control pigs undergoing ischemia for 40 or 45 min and similar-sized infarcts to those undergoing 35-min ischemia. Day-45 LVEF was higher in metoprolol-treated vs vehicle-treated pigs (41.6% vs 36.5%, p = 0.008). In summary, metoprolol administration early during ischemia attenuates IS progression and reduces the incidence of primary ventricular fibrillation. These data identify metoprolol as an intervention ideally suited to the treatment of STEMI patients identified early in the course of infarction and requiring long transport times before primary angioplasty. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma is a highly aggressive form of thyroid cancer associated with a very poor prognosis. Anaplastic transformation most commonly occurs in the thyroid itself or within regional lymph nodes. Here we report the case of a patient with papillary thyroid cancer, presenting with colon perforation as a result of anaplastic transformation of metastases in the mesentery tissue. There have been no previous reports of this form of anaplastic transformation. A 74-year-old man was admitted to our hospital, presenting with abdominal pain that he had been experiencing for 1 week prior to admission. The patient had a history of papillary thyroid carcinoma, for which he underwent a total thyroidectomy and mediastinal lymph node dissection 6 years earlier, and subsequently received radioactive iodine therapy for postoperative recurrence in the lung 2 years later. During the present reported admission, a computed tomography scan revealed a large intra-abdominal mass infiltrating into the colon and retroperitoneum and also highlighted the pneumoperitoneum.