Residents undergo professional identity formation during training, and the integration of a teacher identity into that of a clinician is part of this process. We aimed to measure the teacher identity of incoming interns of various specialties. In this cross-sectional, survey-based study, we modified a validated teacher identity scale and distributed it to residents attending orientation at a large, academic institution. A total of 297 residents took the survey, including 272 interns; 80% (218/272) of interns completed the survey and permitted use of their data. The mean score for global teacher identity was 4.16 (SD 0.67) on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. There were significant differences between interns' current self-assessed teaching abilities and their desired future performance as teachers (P less then 0.001 for all domains). Male interns had higher global teacher identity scores (4.27) than female interns (4.05; P = 0.02). There were no differences in global teacher identity between interns in medical, surgical, and supportive specialties. Interns who had participated in a student-as-teacher program in medical school had higher global teacher identity (P less then 0.001) than those who had not. In conclusion, teacher identity is high in incoming interns, with higher scores in men and in those who completed student-as-teacher programs in medical school.Orthopedic surgery residency applicants often turn to data from many online ranking platforms to select programs. The purpose of this study was to determine if programs belonging to different Doximity ranking groups and US geographical regions favor certain applicant characteristics in order to give prospective residents more data to make informed application decisions. 2019 Doximity rankings and matched applicant data from the 2019 Association of American Medical Colleges Residency Navigator were collected and used to determine differences among matched applicant characteristics in Doximity ranking groups and US regions. Matched applicants from the top Doximity ranking group had, on average, significantly more peer-reviewed publications than those of any other ranking group. Among US regions, matched applicants in South Atlantic programs had, on average, significantly fewer peer-reviewed publications than those in Mid Atlantic programs. Residents at South Atlantic programs spent a significantly higher percentage of their first-year training in ambulatory community settings than those in Mid Atlantic, Pacific, or East North Central programs. In conclusion, Doximity ranking is associated with certain applicant qualities more than others, and applicants can use the information in this study to strategically apply to institutions with similar training and educational goals.Since tanned skin may be perceived as a marker of beauty in American pageant culture, we evaluated pageant contestants regarding motivations for tanning, skin care behaviors, and possible tanning addiction. Responses were analyzed via summary statistics and compared across Fitzpatrick skin types. Statistically significant differences were found between skin types regarding tanning frequency, feelings of attractiveness after tanning, and perceptions of elevated mood after tanning. Contestants also demonstrated limited skin care behaviors; nearly 70% of respondents examined their skin for moles less than monthly. Of all respondents, 34% met tanning-modified Cut-Annoyed-Guilty-Eye-opener (CAGE) criteria, suggesting possible tanning addiction. This study raises several considerations regarding the possible addictive nature of tanning and the importance of skin safety in the pageant population.Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate gland (HoLEP) is an alternative to the traditional transurethral resection of the prostate, especially for large-volume prostates. One complication is urinary incontinence, which is usually stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Little data exist on surgical interventions for SUI after HoLEP. This retrospective case series examined the safety and possible efficacy of a midurethral sling (MUS) following HoLEP. Between January 2016 and February 2019, 610 HoLEPs were performed at our institution. Three (0.5%) had persistent, overly bothersome symptoms of SUI. All three underwent MUS placement with a transobturator AdVanceĀ® male sling after failed pelvic floor rehabilitation. The degree of SUI was evaluated by pad use pre-HoLEP, post-HoLEP, and post-MUS placement. Surgical times for HoLEP and MUS were evaluated. No patients were using pads for incontinence before HoLEP. The average pad use was 7 post-HoLEP and 0.3 post-MUS. The average morcellated prostate was 48 g, and surgical time was 68 min (52 for enucleation and 15 for morcellation). No complications were reported with MUS placement intraoperatively or postoperatively. MUS for persistent and bothersome SUI after HoLEP shows promise as a safe and effective surgical option.The treatment of hip and pelvic pain associated with abnormalities of the deep gluteal space has evolved and increasingly involves endoscopic techniques with a saline expansion medium. This investigation presents a surgical technique utilizing carbon dioxide as the insufflation medium for deep gluteal space endoscopy in 17 cadaveric hips. This technique was successful in 94% (16/17) of the hips, allowing for visualization of the sciatic nerve, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, pudendal nerve, branch of the inferior gluteal artery crossing the sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, hamstring tendon origin, and lesser trochanter. Our experience suggests that gas expansion presents several advantages over fluid expansion.The objective of this study was to validate the generalizability of the Postnatal Growth and Retinopathy of Prematurity Study screening criteria in a new cohort of infants at risk for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). This retrospective validation study conducted at a single academic medical center included 484 infants at risk for ROP born between January 14, 2014, and December 21, 2019. The primary outcomes evaluated were sensitivity for both type 1 and type 2 ROP, as defined by the Early Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity Study, as well as the reduction in total number of infants requiring ROP examinations. Secondary outcomes included the total number of ROP examinations avoided and the potential cost reduction of eliminating these examinations. In a cohort of 484 infants at risk for ROP, the criteria identified 40 of 40 (100%, 95% confidence interval 91.19%-100%) type 1 ROP cases and 27 of 27 (100%, 95% confidence interval 87.23%-100%) type 2 ROP cases while reducing the total number of infants screened by 35.