The multivariate analysis showed that it is possible to make predictive models of the evolution of the patients. It is possible to identify prognostic factors of poor evolution in the first 24hours after trauma. Knowledge of them can help clinical decision-making as well as offer better information to families. It is possible to identify prognostic factors of poor evolution in the first 24hours after trauma. Knowledge of them can help clinical decision-making as well as offer better information to families.A fundamental characteristic of animal multicellularity is the spatial coexistence of functionally specialized cell types that are all encoded by a single genome sequence. Cell type transcriptional programs are deployed and maintained by regulatory mechanisms that control the asymmetric, differential access to genomic information in each cell. This genome regulation ultimately results in specific cellular phenotypes. However, the emergence, diversity, and evolutionary dynamics of animal cell types remain almost completely unexplored beyond a few species. Single-cell genomics is emerging as a powerful tool to build comprehensive catalogs of cell types and their associated gene regulatory programs in non-traditional model species. We review the current state of sampling efforts across the animal tree of life and challenges ahead for the comparative study of cell type programs. We also discuss how the phylogenetic integration of cell atlases can lead to the development of models of cell type evolution and a phylogenetic taxonomy of cells. The aim of this study was to describe the potential advantages of the 3D endoscope-assisted craniectomy for tumor of the nasal cavity. A 77-year-old man with a 6month history of persistent progressive right nasal obstruction and iposmia is reported. Physical examination, including nasal endoscopy, revealed a large mass within the right nasal cavity. He had no associated symptoms such as visual complaints, paresthesia, and facial pain. He worked as a carpenter. Further imaging by CT and MRI revealed a large, expansive nasal-ethmoid lesion that almost completely occupies the right nasal cavity with partial extension posterior to the choana, extensive erosion of the ethmoid. Medially marks the nasal septum with deviation to the left. Laterally it marks the medial wall of the maxillary sinus and at the top it is in contact with the cribriform plate which seems to be interrupted in the right parasagittal seat at the 3rd anterior of the olfactory cleft. Histopathological analysis of the specimen was consistent the surgical management of sino-nasal tumors ([2].) Our experience with this approach has been outstanding. We firmly believe that in the first three steps of the procedure the 3D endoscope is not necessary because it extends the surgical time and induce eyestrain of the main surgeon. Nevertheless, 3D endoscope gives the major advantage during the skull base removal and the intracranial work. It offers an optimal vision and better perception of depth with safe manipulation of the instruments avoiding injuries to healthy tissue ([3]). Furthermore, 3D images offer better understanding of the relationship between anatomical landmarks, helping the didactic learning curve of our residents. Radiation therapy may cause a range of side effects of the skin within the irradiated area. Not of all the reactive effects of the skin induced by radiation therapy have to be related to some forms of radiodermatitis, and when non-standard clinical presentations overcome, it may be necessary to undertake appropriate diagnostic tools to not be in trap of wrong diagnosis. A 76 years-old man undertook resection surgery after a neoadjuvant radiation therapy for a soft tissue sarcoma of his groin region. After surgery, he developed an acute skin reaction comparable with a severe form of radiodermatitis. Despite cares, his clinical status got worse. Only skin biopsies guided us to the right diagnosis it was a form of a bullous pemphigoid induced by radiation therapy. The consequent appropriate treatment was finally resolute. These forms have to be recognized in time, to undertake skin biopsies as soon as an evocative clinical presentation appears. The appropriate treatment, which consists in local or systemic corticotherapy, is resolute in most cases. These forms have to be recognized in time, to undertake skin biopsies as soon as an evocative clinical presentation appears. The appropriate treatment, which consists in local or systemic corticotherapy, is resolute in most cases.Metastable glycosylated immunogens present challenges for GMP manufacturing. The HIV-1 envelope (Env) glycoprotein trimer is covered by N-linked glycan comprising half its mass and requires both trimer assembly and subunit cleavage to fold into a prefusion-closed conformation. This conformation, the vaccine-desired antigenic state, is both metastable to structural rearrangement and labile to subunit dissociation. Prior reported GMP manufacturing for a soluble trimer stabilized in a near-native state by disulfide (SOS) and Ile-to-Pro (IP) mutations has employed affinity methods based on antibody 2G12, which recognizes only ~30% of circulating HIV strains. Here, we develop a scalable manufacturing process based on commercially available, non-affinity resins, and we apply the process to current GMP (cGMP) production of trimers from clades A and C, which have been found to boost cross-clade neutralizing responses in vaccine-test species. The clade A trimer, which we named "BG505 DS-SOSIP.664", contained an enginely available materials provide experimental demonstration for cGMP manufacturing of trimeric HIV-Env vaccine immunogens, in an antigenically desired conformation, without the use of costly affinity resins. Coverage rates for immunization have dropped in lower income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising concerns regarding potential outbreaks and premature death. In order to re-invigorate immunization service delivery, sufficient financing must be made available from all sources, and particularly from government resources. This study utilizes the most recent data available to provide an updated comparison of available data sources on government spending on immunization. We examined data from WHO/UNICEF's Joint Reporting Form (JRF), country Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP), country co-financing data for Gavi, and WHO National Health Accounts (NHA) on government spending on immunization for consistency by comparing routine and vaccine spending where both values were reported. We also examined spending trends across time, quantified underreporting and utilized concordance analyses to assess the magnitude of difference between the data sources. Routine immunization spending reported through the cMYP was nearly double that reported through the JRF (rho=0.