Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-wildtype glioblastomas are the most malignant glial tumours. Median survival is only 14-16months after diagnosis, with patients aged ≥ 65years reportedly showing worse outcome. This study aimed to further evaluate the prognostic role of age in a homogenously treated patient cohort. The study includes 132 IDH-wildtype glioblastoma patients treated between 2013 and 2017 with open resection followed by radiotherapy with concomitant and maintenance temozolomide. Patients were dichotomized into a non-elderly (< 65years) and an elderly (≥ 65years) group. Extent of resection and the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation status were determined for each tumour. Clinical and radiological follow-up data were obtained at 6weeks after the end of radiation therapy and thereafter in 3-month intervals. Progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were evaluated in univariate and multivariate cox regression analyses. The elderly group consisted nger patients when treated according to standard of care. However, elderly patients may suffer more frequently from clinical deterioration following chemoradiotherapy. In both age groups, MGMT promoter methylation was linked to longer PFS and OS.Advances in surgery, peri-operative care and systemic chemotherapy have not significantly improved the prognosis of pancreatic cancer for several decades. Early clinical trials of immunotherapy have yielded disappointing results proposing other means by which the tumour microenvironment serves to decrease the immune response. Additionally, the emergence of various subtypes of pancreatic cancer has emerged as a factor for treatment responses with immunogenic subtypes carrying a better prognosis. Herein we discuss the reasons for the poor response to checkpoint inhibitors and outline a rationale why combination treatments are likely to be most effective. We review the therapies which could provide optimal synergistic effects to immunotherapy including chemotherapy, agents targeting the stroma, co-stimulatory molecules, vaccinations and methods of immunogenic tumour priming including radiofrequency ablation. Finally, we discuss reasons why peri-operative and in particular neoadjuvant combination treatments are likely to be most effective and should be considered for early clinical trials.Progress in oncology has allowed to improve outcomes in many breast cancer patients. The core stone of breast cancer chemotherapy is anthracycline-based chemotherapy. Unfortunately, anthracyclines cause cardiotoxicity which is a limiting factor of its use and lifetime cumulative dose of anthracyclines is the major risk factor for cardiotoxicity. With evolution of echocardiography subclinical damage is identified, and more sensitive evaluation can be performed. This leads to understanding the heart damage beyond cumulative dose in early phase and importance of other risk factors. There are many risk factors for anthracycline-based chemotherapy cardiotoxicity (ABCC) like arterial hypertension, obesity, diabetes, genetic predisposition, etc. One of possible pathophysiological pathways is iron metabolism, especially HFE gene-regulated iron metabolism pathway. Pre-existing genetic iron metabolism dysregulation increases risk for ABCC. Clinical studies and experimental models in mice have shown potential impact of HFE gene SNP on ABCC. The main objective of our study was to identify the impact of HFE C282Y and H63D SNP on the development of subclinical heart damage during and/or after doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Data of 81 women with breast cancer treated with doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in the outpatient clinic were analyzed and SNP RT-PCR tests were performed. Statistically significant association between H63D and ABCC after completion of chemotherapy was observed (p  less then  0.005). Consequently, our study demonstrated that H63D SNP has an important role in the development of ABCC. HFE SNP mutation status could be used as one of important tools to identify high-risk patients for ABCC.Unfortunately, a section under the heading "Materials and Method" has been published with errors. Older persons are particularly exposed to adverse events from medication. Among the various strategies to reduce polypharmacy, educational approaches have shown promising results. We aimed to evaluate the impact on medication consumption, of a booklet designed to aid physicians with prescriptions for elderly nursing home residents. Among 519 nursing homes using an electronic pill dispenser, we recorded the daily number of times that a drug was administered for each resident, over a period of 4years. The intervention group comprised 113 nursing homes belonging to a for-profit geriatric care provider that implemented a booklet delivered to prescribers and pharmacists and specifically designed to aid with prescriptions for elderly nursing home residents. The remaining 406 nursing homes where no such booklet was introduced comprised the control group. Data were derived from electronic pill dispensers. The effect of the intervention on medication consumption was assessed with multilevel regression models, adjulysis did not provide any evidence that this reduction was related to the use of the booklet. Other factors, such as national policy or increased physician awareness, may have contributed to our findings. Surgical site infection (SSI) in colorectal cancer (CRC) has been a serious health care problem due to the delay of postoperative recovery. Our present study aimed to explore the risk factors for SSI in CRC patients. We have systematically searched these databases PubMed, Cochrane Library, and EMBASE as of March 2020 for studies on risk factors associated with SSI. Two investigators independently conducted the quality assessment and data extraction. Related risk factors in the studies were recorded, and a meta-analysis was performed. The search initially provided 2262 hits, 1913 studies were screened by two independent investigators. Finally, 15 studies were identified to be relevant for this meta-analysis. In total, 25 risk factors were eligible. Our meta-analysis indicated that eight factors (obesity, male sex, diabetes mellitus, ASA score ≥ 3, stoma creation, intraoperative complications, perioperative blood transfusion, and operation time ≥ 180min) were significant risk factors for SSI, and one factor (laparoscopic procedure) was protective for SSI.