Deterioration of cable insulation during its normal operation is a major concern. Usually, electric cables receive less periodic maintenance compared to the other electric components, although they are subjected to several environmental conditions during operation such as high temperature and oxidative atmospheres. In this study, a standardized accelerated thermal ageing technique was used, with the application of the Arrhenius model. This technique is commonly used in accelerated life testing to establish a lifetime-stress relationship and estimate cable lifetime. Two types of Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) material working at elevated temperatures between 95 and 105 °C were selected for testing. In such accelerated ageing processes, it is required for the insulation to reach a degradation level, which is considered the end of life for the material under evaluation. The end of life criteria (also called endpoint) is defined as a percentage reduction of elongation at break, which is considered in this study to be 50% retention of elongation at break. Thermal ageing was carried out according to the BS 7870-2 standard, while elongation at break was evaluated at several ageing stages. The uncertainty in the measurement was estimated. The short-term data points determined by ageing treatment is represented graphically in the Arrhenius plot. The extrapolation of such data was used to predict the long-term performance and estimate the cable lifetime. The lifetime for XLPE is expected to be between 40 and 60 years at 90 °C rated operating temperature. Experimental findings of this study show an estimated cable lifetime between 7 and 30 years for rated operating temperatures between 95 and 105 °C. © 2019 The Author(s).Introduction Chest radiography (CXR) is commonly used to confirm the proper placement of above-diaphragm central venous catheters (CVCs) and to detect associated complications. Recent studies have shown that point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has better sensitivity and is faster than CXR for these purposes. We were interested in documenting how often emergency medicine and critical care practitioners perform POCUS to confirm proper CVC positioning as well as their confidence in performing it. Methods We surveyed members of our state's chapters of the College of Emergency Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine between April and December 2018. Our primary outcome was the percentage of providers who would agree to perform only POCUS, forgoing CXR, for confirmation of CVC position. We performed multivariable logistic regressions to measure associations between demographic, clinical information, and outcomes. Results One hundred thirty-six providers participated (a 25% participation rate). Their specialties were as follows emergency medicine, 75%; critical care, 13%; and emergency medicine/critical care, 11%. Thirty-one percent would use POCUS only for CVC confirmation, while 42% were confident in performing POCUS for this purpose. Multivariable logistic regressions showed that performing more non-procedural ultrasound examinations was associated with a higher likelihood of agreeing to perform POCUS only (OR, 2.9; 95% CI 1.3-6.3). Forty-six percent of relevant comments suggested more training to increase the use of POCUS. Conclusion Participants in this study did not frequently use POCUS for CVC confirmation. Designers of training curricula should consider including more instruction in the use of POCUS to confirm proper CVC placement and to detect complications. © 2020 The Authors.The tumour suppressor gene, PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin homolog deleted on chromosome Ten), can act as both protein phosphatase and lipid phosphatase, is known to play a vital role in Pi3k signalling pathway. In humans, it is located at 10q23. Loss of its phosphatase and catalytic activity is associated with various types of cancers. This study focuses on evolution, understanding the somatic missense mutation in a particular residue of PTEN and understanding the molecular mechanism that leads to endometrial carcinoma through molecular docking. Mutational analysis of H123 position indicates that the missense mutation at first position of the codon CAC by G or T, result in aspartic acid or tyrosine instead of histidine and can have negative effect on the function of PTEN. Alongside, structural analysis showed mutated PTEN has lower stability than the normal. Additionally, SNPs dataset for endometrial carcinoma suggests H123 as strongly mutated residue. The mutation in phosphatase domain of PTEN along with its effect and interaction with substrate TLA1352 were systematically studied through molecular docking. Molecular interaction study reveals that the optimal substrate binding site in PTEN is unable to interact with the substrate in the mutated condition. This observation drew attention on the impact of mutation on disease biology and enabled us to conduct follow-up studies to retrieve novel molecular targets, such as mutated protein domain and modified Asp and Tyr sites, to design effective therapies to either prevent endometrial carcinoma or impede its progression. © 2020 The Authors.In 2014, a novel Avian orthoavulavirus 16 species was described among wild birds in Korea. In 2018, after massive parallel sequencing of archival strains of Avian orthoavulaviruses, isolated in 2006 in Central Kazakhstan, isolates belonging to this serotype were detected. The obtained data allowed to trace the evolution of this serotype in Asia and to reveal its evolutionary relationships with other Avulavirinae subfamily species. It was determined that Avian orthoavulavirus 16 is phylogenetically very close to Avian orthoavulavirus 1 (Newcastle disease virus) in its genomic characteristics. It is known that Avian orthoavulavirus 1 is divided into two phylogenetically distant Classes I and II. Avian orthoavulavirus 16 turned out to be very close to lentogenic Class I, which circulates mainly among wild birds. It was suggested that Avian orthoavulaviruses 1 and 16 may have common evolutionary origin and in ecological terms, both serotypes are circulating among wild birds of the order Anseriformes (ducks and geese), but Avian orthoavulavirus 1 has gradually replaced Avian orthoavulavirus 16 from active circulation.