Pearson product moment correlation analyses were performed by group to determine associations between individual components and main outcomes. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS In the early group, cognitive readiness was associated with quadriceps strength of the injured limb (r2 = .513, P = .004), and self-awareness/management was associated with motor threshold of the injured limb (r2 = .238, P = .05). In the late group, intrinsic helplessness was associated with motor output of injured limb (r2 = .653, P = .01). CONCLUSION Helplessness is made up of several attributional constructs, which are altered at different phases of recovery. Helplessness constructs interact differently with neural activity and quadriceps function across time. These findings are preliminary and do not establish a causal link between neural alterations and learned helplessness. Future studies should serially evaluate both changes in neural activity and learned helplessness attributes throughout recovery.BACKGROUND Active transportation (AT) increases physical activity, reducing cardiometabolic risk among non-Hispanic white adults; however, research on these linkages in racial/ethnic minority women is sparse. This study explored these associations in 327 African American and Hispanic/Latina women. METHODS This analysis used sociodemographics, self-reported AT via the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, accelerometer-measured moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, resting heart rate, and body fat percentage (BF). Unadjusted bivariate associations and associations adjusted for sociodemographic factors were examined. RESULTS AT users had higher levels of objective MVPA, but this was not statistically significant. AT was not associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in adjusted models (Ps > .05); however, systolic blood pressure was lower for AT users. MVPA was negatively associated with diastolic blood pressure and BF overall, body mass index and BF in African American women, and BF in Hispanic/Latina women (Ps less then .05). CONCLUSIONS MVPA was associated with improvements in body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, and BF among minority women, and these relationships may vary by race/ethnicity. Practitioners should recommend increased participation in MVPA. Future research, using longitudinal designs should investigate AT's potential for increasing MVPA and improving cardiometabolic health along with the role of race/ethnicity in these associations.BACKGROUND Television (TV) time is associated with poor cardiometabolic health outcomes. This finding is commonly attributed to duration of sitting or patterns of sitting associated with high TV time, but there is very little evidence on this link. METHODS Pregnant women (n = 167) at risk of gestational diabetes wore an activPAL accelerometer and self-reported their usual TV time in the second trimester. Generalized linear mixed models were used to compare objectively measured total sedentary time (ST), prolonged ST (bouts ≥30 min), and breaks in ST for all hours and evening hours (6 PM-11 PM) between those with high (≥2 h/d) and low TV time. RESULTS Over all waking hours, those with high TV time had fewer breaks in ST than those with low TV time, exp(b) 0.92; 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 0.998; there were no differences in total ST or prolonged ST between the 2 groups. Those with high TV time had significantly higher evening ST (b = 9.9; 95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 19.2); there were no differences in prolonged ST or breaks in ST during evening hours. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that high TV time may be associated with higher evening ST and fewer breaks in ST. The link between TV time and sitting patterns requires further investigation.BACKGROUND Latinas have high rates of sedentary behavior and related health disparities, but it is unknown if interventions to increase physical activity will also reduce sedentary time. The current study examined changes in objectively measured sedentary time among Latinas in a randomized controlled trial of a physical activity intervention. METHODS Spanish-speaking Latinas (N = 202) were randomized to an exercise or wellness group and wore an accelerometer at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. RESULTS Participants were sedentary on an average of 8.86 hours per day (SD = 2.60) at baseline. The intervention group had significantly greater increases in sedentary time compared with the control group, with the intervention group engaging in 146 more minutes per week of sedentary time at 6 months and 254 minutes per week of sedentary time at 12 months than the control group (P = .02). The intervention effect on sedentary behavior remained after controlling for moderate to vigorous physical activity. Additionally, time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity was positively associated with more sedentary time (P = .04). CONCLUSION An intervention to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity resulted in greater sedentary time, raising concerns regarding compensation and highlighting the need for interventions to address both physical activity and sedentary behavior to improve public health.The contamination of coastal regions with different toxicants, including heavy metal ions such as copper and cadmium jeopardize health and survival of organisms exposed to this habitat. To study the effects of high copper and cadmium concentrations in these marine environments, we used the flatworm Macrostomum lignano as a model. This platyhelminth lives in shallow coastal water and is exposed to high concentrations of all toxicants that accumulate in these sea floors. We could show that both, cadmium and copper show toxicity at higher concentrations, with copper being more toxic than cadmium. At concentrations below acute toxicity, a reduced long-term survival was observed for both metal ions. The effects of sublethal doses comprise reduced physical activities, an increase in ROS levels within the worms, and alterations of the mitochondrial biology. Moreover, cell death events were substantially increased in response to sublethal concentrations of both metal ions and stem cell activity was reduced following exposure to higher cadmium concentrations.