Lost Drivers License - What to Do When you lose your drivers license you need to act quickly. This will prevent somebody from utilizing your info to open credit or bank accounts in your name. Start by filing a police report. This will develop a proof that you can reference in the future. Likewise, it will help you combat any unfavorable marks on your record triggered by identity theft. Withdraw Your Movements If you lost your license while taking a trip, it's a great idea to report it to the authorities immediately. This produces a proof and will help prevent bad guys from using your info to devote crimes under your name. You can likewise try to backtrack your actions, beginning with the last place you remember seeing it. This can be difficult if you've lost it in the previous couple of minutes or hours, but it's worth a shot. You can likewise ask locations you've visited recently like dining establishments or banks if they've ever discovered anything. Last but not least, contact your state DMV about special scenarios that might make it more difficult to change a drivers license. For instance, if your license was suspended when it went missing you'll have to fix that issue before you can get a replacement. Likewise, if will expire you might need to renew it instead of getting a new one. These requirements differ by state. If you've changed your name, that likewise requires unique factor to consider. Make certain your new name is on file with your state's DMV before attempting to replace your old license. Likewise, some states need you to acquire a replacement in the state where your original license was issued first. Report It to the Police If you lose your license or have it stolen, the first thing you must do is file a police report. This will begin a proof and make it h