Lost Drivers License? Here's What to Do looked everywhere and can't seem to find your driver's license. Perhaps it fell out of your pocket or it fell out when you opened your wallet to get something from your handbag. Whatever the case may be, a lot of states suggest filing a police report to avoid identity theft. This can help protect you from individuals opening accounts in your name or investing money in your name. Lost or Stolen If your license has actually been lost or stolen, you will need to go to the DMV office to change it. The process varies by state, however you will most likely be needed to complete a basic application and supply proof of identity. You will also need to pay the replacement cost. It is crucial to report your missing out on license right away. This will assist avoid identity burglars from using your individual information to commit fraud. If your license is utilized by someone else, it can lead to a variety of problems consisting of change of address scams, credit card scams and other types of monetary scams. You should likewise think about putting a freeze on your credit. This will prevent bad guys from opening new accounts in your name. You can put a credit freeze with each of the 3 major credit bureaus. If you are a victim of identity theft, you can also submit a cops report with your regional law enforcement firm. When your identity has been stolen, it can take a long period of time to clear up the mess. It is very important to report the theft to your local cops department as soon as possible so they can begin investigating. You must also call your charge card companies, banks and other monetary organizations. You might require to provide them with copies of any bills and bank statements that reveal unauthorized deals. If your driver's license has actually been stolen, you ought to likewise call your auto insurer. This can help you get a new policy if your cars and tru