As predicted, the ASDs with higher drug load underwent amorphous phase separation according to the differential scanning calorimetry thermograms. This work thus showed that it is possible to predict critical drug loads above which amorphous phase separation and/or crystallization occurs in HPC ASDs.The objectives of this investigation were to study the evolution in blend state of adhesive mixtures containing the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) salbutamol, budesonide and AZD5423 and to study the relationship between blend state and dispersibility of the mixtures, as assessed by the fine particle fraction (FPF). A series of adhesive mixtures of varied fines concentration were prepared for each API using the same type of carrier. Based on visual examination and powder mechanics, blend states were identified and summarized as blend state maps for each API. The dispersibility of the mixtures was studied using a Fast Screening Impactor (FSI) equipped with a ScreenHaler. The evolution in blend state differed between the APIs in terms of the width of the blend states. The structure of the adhesion layer also differed between the APIs, from relatively uniform to a heterogeneous layer with small agglomerates dispersed on the carrier surface. All three APIs expressed a similar type of bended relationship between FPF and fines concentration. However, the initial rate of increase and the fines concentration of the plateau differed between the APIs. The adhesive mixtures of all APIs followed the three main states in terms of structural evolution and the overall shape of the FPF-fines concentration profiles could be explained by the evolution in blend state. It is proposed that the structure of the adhesion layer is an important factor explaining the differences in blend state - blend dispersibility relationships between the APIs.T cells genetically engineered with chimeric antigen receptors (CART) have become a potent class of cancer immunotherapeutics. Numerous clinical trials of CART cells have revealed remarkable remission rates in patients with relapsed or refractory hematologic malignancies. Despite recent clinical success, CART cell therapy has also led to significant morbidity and occasional mortality from associated toxicities. Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) present barriers to the extensive use of CART cell therapy in the clinic. CRS can lead to fever, hypoxia, hypotension, coagulopathies, and multiorgan failure, and ICANS can result in cognitive dysfunction, seizures, and cerebral edema. The mechanisms of CRS and ICANS are becoming clearer, but many aspects remain unknown. Disease type and burden, peak serum CART cell levels, CART cell dose, CAR structure, elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines, and activated myeloid and endothelial cells all contribute to CART cell toxicity. Current guidelines for the management of toxicities associated with CART cell therapy vary between clinics, but are typically comprised of supportive care and treatment with corticosteroids or tocilizumab, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Acquiring a deeper understanding of CART cell toxicities and developing new management and prevention strategies are ongoing. In this review, we present findings in the mechanisms and management of CART cell toxicities.Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) has been used in many products usually handled by humans including inks, paints, polishes, brake fluids and so on. This present study therefore, investigated its effect on lung, in a time-course study in male Wistar rats. Animals were orally administered 50 mg/kg body weight of EGME for a period of 7, 14, and 21 days. Following 7 days of oral exposure to EGME, activities of GPx and SOD were significantly increased, as well as levels of K-Ras, c-Myc, p53, caspase-3, TNF-α and, IL-6, while NO level and GST activity were significantly reduced compared with control. At the end of 14 days exposure, GSH level was significantly decreased, while levels of K-Ras, c-Myc, p53, caspase-3, TNF-α, IL-6, NO and the activities of SOD and GPx were significantly elevated with respect to control. After 21 days of EGME administration, levels of Bcl-2, IL-10, GSH and NO as well as GST activity were significantly decreased, while levels of K-Ras, c-Myc, p53, Bax, caspase-3, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, as well as GPx, CAT, and SOD activities were significantly elevated compared with control. Lung histopathology revealed chronic disseminated alveolar inflammation, bronchiolitis, severe alveolar and bronchi hyperplasia, severe disseminated inflammation, thrombosis, and thickened vessels as a result of EGME exposures. Exposures to EGME could trigger lung damage via the disorganization of the antioxidant system, eliciting the up-regulation of inflammatory, apoptotic, and oncogenic markers in rats.Engagement of Fcγ receptor IIb (FcγRIIb) suppresses B cell activation and represents a promising target for therapy in autoimmunity. Obexelimab is a non-depleting anti-human CD19 mAb with an Fc region engineered to have high affinity for human FcγRIIb, thereby co-engaging BCR and FcγRIIb. To assess its ability to suppress B cell activation in vivo, we generated non-autoimmune-prone C57BL/6 (B6) and SLE-prone NZM 2328 (NZM) mice in which the human FcγRIIb extracellular domain was knocked into the mouse Fcgr2b locus (B6.hRIIb and NZM.hRIIb mice, respectively, the latter retaining features of SLE). XENP8206, a mAb which bears the same FcγRIIb-enhanced human Fc domain as does obexelimab but which recognizes murine CD19 rather than human CD19, inhibited in vitro BCR-triggered activation of B cells from both B6.hRIIb and NZM.hRIIb mice. Following administration of XENP8206 to B6.hRIIb or NZM.hRIIb mice, B cell numbers in the spleen and lymph nodes remained stable but became hyporesponsive to BCR-triggered activation for at least 14 days. These findings demonstrate proof-of-principle that pharmacologic co-engagement of BCR and human FcγRIIb inhibits B cell activation in non-autoimmune and SLE-prone hosts while preserving B cell numbers. These observations lay a strong foundation for clinical trials in human SLE with agents that co-engage BCR and FcγRIIb. Moreover, B6.hRIIb and NZM.hRIIb should serve as powerful in vivo models in the elucidation of the cellular and molecular underpinnings of the changes induced by BCR/FcγRIIb co-engagement.