g AN, chromium, copper) may hinder their treatment together with household sewage, as it involves obtaining a permit required under laws. Toxicity of leachate may also be a problem, as it may persist after the treatment process is completed. The values of pH, EC and the concentrations of ON, TDS, TSS, chloride, iron and manganese had the strongest influence on the properties of leachate from all landfills. For operational landfills, these were also calcium concentrations, for non-operational ones COD, TU and the concentrations of TKN, AN, TS, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The mentioned parameters also showed strong correlation with other physicochemical properties of the leachate, which indicate their suitability for the monitoring of leachate and the aquatic environment in the vicinity of municipal waste landfills. Probiotics are increasingly used in oral prevention and treatment conditions, but little is known about their abilities. The aim of this review is to clarify, summarize and disseminate current knowledge about the mode of action of in vitro probiotics on factors involved in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. 2495 articles were identified in three databases (Medline, Web of Science, SpringerLink) and 26 studies included in this scoping review. Twenty-three probiotic species were identified, the majority of which were Lactobacilli or Bifidobacteria. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (30.8 %) and Lactobacillus reuteri (42.3 %) were found to be the two predominantly studied probiotic species and three main mechanisms of action of probiotics could be classified as (i) modulation of the immuno-inflammatory response, (ii) direct actions of probiotics on periodontopathogens by adhesion or nutritive competitions and/or the secretion of antimicrobial molecules and (iii) indirect actions through environmental modifications. zed and optimal for each patient.In response to the coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, the McGill University Heal