The knockdown of miR-485-3p in SH-SY5Y and BV2 cells was found to significantly reverse the effect of Aβ treatment on neuronal viability and neuroinflammation. AKT3 was determined as a target of miR-485-3p, which might mediate the biological function of miR-485-3p in AD pathogenesis. All the data indicated that increased serum miR-485-3p serves as a diagnostic biomarker in AD patients, and knockdown of miR-485-3p exerts a neuroprotective role by improving neuronal viability and weakening neuroinflammation, which may be mediated by AKT3. This study may provide a novel biomarker and therapeutic target for AD therapy. All the data indicated that increased serum miR-485-3p serves as a diagnostic biomarker in AD patients, and knockdown of miR-485-3p exerts a neuroprotective role by improving neuronal viability and weakening neuroinflammation, which may be mediated by AKT3. This study may provide a novel biomarker and therapeutic target for AD therapy.Clinical surveillance of infants and children with achondroplasia necessitates syndrome-specific charts due to extreme short stature with deviating body proportions. Height, arm span and leg length develop far below normal population ranges. We present growth and body proportion charts for ages 0-20 years, constructed from semi-longitudinal standardized measurements of about 450 children, along with some examples of achondroplasia typical and atypical growth pattern. We combine head circumference, height and weight for 0-4 years into one (infancy) page and height and weight for 4-20 years in another (childhood-adolescence) using nonlinear axes to account for the rapidly decreasing growth velocity. Similarly, weight and BMI are based on nonlinear axes to balance wide SD-channels at higher and narrow SD-channels at lower levels of weight/BMI. Charts for following sitting height, sitting height/height ratio, arm span, leg and foot length are also presented. Clinical examples illustrating the applicability of the charts include cases of extreme prematurity, extreme head circumference development before and after shunting, achondroplasia complicated by chromosomal or additional genetic abnormality and by growth hormone deficiency as well as of evaluating growth promoting therapy. Despite its many benefits, bicycling carries the risk of accidents. Although numerous studies have reported the effect of helmet use on traumatic brain injury, it remains unclear if, and to what extent, helmet use reduces the risk of facial injuries. This is particularly true in regard to injuries of the lower face. In addition, there is limited evidence of the effect of helmet use on dentoalveolar injuries. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency and distribution of dentoalveolar injuries in bicycling accidents and to explore the influence of helmet use. A total of 1543 bicyclists were included from the trauma registry of a Norwegian tertiary trauma center over a 12-year period. Data were collected prospectively, including patient characteristics, type of injury, and helmet use. The prevalence of dentoalveolar injuries was assessed in conjunction with helmet use and facial fractures. Twenty-five percent of the patients had maxillofacial injuries, and 18% of those with facial fractured with an increased risk of dentoalveolar injuries. Diverse instruments are used to measure problem gambling and Gambling Disorder intervention outcomes. The 2004 Banff consensus agreement proposed necessary features for reporting gambling treatment efficacy. To address the challenge of including these features in a single instrument, a process was initiated to develop the Gambling Disorder Identification Test (GDIT), as an instrument analogous to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test. Gambling experts from 10 countries participated in an international two-round Delphi (n = 61; n = 30), rating 30 items proposed for inclusion in the GDIT. Gambling researchers and clinicians from several countries participated in three consensus meetings (n = 10; n = 4; n = 3). User feedback was obtained from individuals with experience of problem gambling (n = 12) and from treatment-seekers with Gambling Disorder (n = 8). Ten items fulfilled Delphi consensus criteria for inclusion in the GDIT (M ≥ 7 on a scale of 1-9 in the second round). Item-related issues were addressed, and four more items were added to conform to the Banff agreement recommendations, yielding a final draft version of the GDIT with 14 items in three domains gambling behavior, gambling symptoms and negative consequences. This study established preliminary construct and face validity for the GDIT. This study established preliminary construct and face validity for the GDIT. Involvement of the corpus callosum has been identified as a feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), particularly through neuropathological studies. The aim of the present study was to determine whether alteration in transcallosal function contributed to the development of ALS, disease progression and thereby functional disability. Transcallosal function and motor cortex excitability were assessed in 17 ALS patients with results compared to healthy controls. Transcallosal inhibition (interstimulus intervals (ISI) of 8-40ms), short interval intracortical facilitation (SICF) and inhibition (SICI) were assessed in both cerebral hemispheres. Patients were staged utilising clinical and neurophysiological staging assessments. In ALS, there was prominent reduction of transcallosal inhibition (TI) when recorded from the primary and secondary motor cortices compared to controls (F=23.255, p<0.001). This reduction of TI was accompanied by features indicative of cortical hyperexcitability, including reduction of SICI and increase in SICF. There was a significant correlation between the reduction in TI and the rate of disease progression (R=-0.825, p<0.001) and reduction in muscle strength (R=0.54, p=0.031). The present study has established that dysfunction of transcallosal circuits was an important pathophysiological mechanism in ALS, correlating with greater disability and a faster rate of disease progression. Therapies aimed at restoring the function of transcallosal circuits may be considered for therapeutic approaches in ALS. The present study has established that dysfunction of transcallosal circuits was an important pathophysiological mechanism in ALS, correlating with greater disability and a faster rate of disease progression. Therapies aimed at restoring the function of transcallosal circuits may be considered for therapeutic approaches in ALS.