Persons with stroke demonstrated significantly reduced handgrip performance regarding maximal handgrip strength, resistance to fatigue, grip work, and muscle fatigue for the contralesional hand. In addition, a reduced grip resistance and muscle fatigue was shown for the ipsilesional hand compared with controls. We found no effect of the hemispheric side of the lesion on the grip performance measures assessed. Our findings provide evidence that handgrip performance remain impaired after 6months after stroke, and may serve as a target for interventions to improve these abilities after stroke. Our findings provide evidence that handgrip performance remain impaired after 6 months after stroke, and may serve as a target for interventions to improve these abilities after stroke.This study examined effective strategies to communicate with parent smokers about the risks of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure to children. An online, between-subjects experimental survey was administered via TurkPrime Panels to recruit participants (N = 623) comprising adult smokers living with children (aged 0-15). Participants were assigned to messages conditions that differed by message recommendation (cessation; cessation+exposure reduction) and format (video; text-only) or to a no-message control. Participants in a message condition viewed a message, and all participants responded to questions about their perceptions and intentions. Parent smokers who viewed either message recommendation reported greater harm perceptions (p less then .001), self-efficacy (p less then .001), and help-seeking intentions (p less then .05) than the no-message control group. Cessation+exposure reduction recommendations elicited greater quit intentions than the no-message control (p less then .05). Compared to text-only, videos elicited greater reduce-exposure intentions (p less then .05) and interpersonal communication intentions (p less then .05