Many of the states exhibited by B. subtilis are similar to states observed in other bacteria. What is special about B. subtilis is the unusually rich repertoire of alternative states exhibited by one bacterium, enabling it to cope with a wide range of environmental challenges.There is longstanding interest in studying microbial communities below ground, while little attention has historically been paid to the above ground portions of plants (the phyllosphere). The phyllosphere has been estimated to make up around 60% of the biomass across all taxa on Earth, making it a key habitat for microbial organisms. The more we study these complex and dynamic communities, the more we come to realize their importance to the health of plant hosts. Overall, the phyllosphere is proving to be both an important microbial habitat and a tractable model system for asking questions in microbial ecology and evolution.Symbioses between chemosynthetic bacteria and eukaryotic hosts can be found almost everywhere in the ocean, from shallow-water seagrass beds and coral reef sediments to the deep sea. Yet no one knew these existed until 45 years ago, when teeming communities of animals were found thriving at hydrothermal vents two and a half kilometers below the sea surface. The discovery of these lightless ecosystems revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel life on Earth. Animals thrive at vents because they live in a nutritional symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria that grow on chemical compounds gushing out of the vents, such as sulfide and methane, which animals cannot use on their own. The symbionts gain energy from the oxidation of these reduced substrates to fix CO2 and other simple carbon compounds into biomass, which is then transferred to the host. By associating with chemosynthetic bacteria, animals and protists can thrive in environments in which there is not enough organic carbon to support their nutrition, including oligotrophic habitats like coral reefs and seagrass meadows. Chemosymbioses have evolved repeatedly and independently in multiple lineages of marine invertebrates and bacteria, highlighting the strong selective advantage for both hosts and symbionts in forming these associations. Here, we provide a brief overview of chemosynthesis and how these symbioses function. We highlight some of the current research in this field and outline several promising avenues for future research.The role of microbes in sustaining agricultural plant growth has great potential consequences for human prosperity. Yet we have an incomplete understanding of the basic function of rhizosphere microbial communities and how they may change under future stresses, let alone how these processes might be harnessed to sustain or improve crop yields. A reductionist approach may aid the generation and testing of hypotheses that can ultimately be translated to agricultural practices. With this in mind, we ask whether some rhizosphere microbial communities might be governed by 'keystone metabolites', envisioned here as microbially produced molecules that, through antibiotic and/or growth-promoting properties, may play an outsized role in shaping the development of the community spatiotemporally. To illustrate this point, we use the example of redox-active metabolites, and in particular phenazines, which are produced by many bacteria found in agricultural soils and have well-understood catalytic properties. Phenazines can act as potent antibiotics against a variety of cell types, yet they also can promote the acquisition of essential inorganic nutrients. In this essay, we suggest the ways these metabolites might affect microbial communities and ultimately agricultural productivity in two specific scenarios firstly, in the biocontrol of beneficial and pathogenic fungi in increasingly arid crop soils and, secondly, through promotion of phosphorus bioavailability and sustainable fertilizer use. We conclude with specific proposals for future research.Since the first recognition that infectious microbes serve as the causes of many human diseases, physicians and scientists have sought to understand and control their spread. For the past 150+ years, these 'microbe hunters' have learned to combine epidemiological information with knowledge of the infectious agent(s). In this essay, I reflect on the evolution of microbe hunting, beginning with the history of pre-germ theory epidemiological studies, through the microbiological and molecular eras. Now in the genomic age, modern-day microbe hunters are combining pathogen whole-genome sequencing with epidemiological data to enhance epidemiological investigations, advance our understanding of the natural history of pathogens and drivers of disease, and ultimately reshape our plans and priorities for global disease control and eradication. Indeed, as we have seen during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the role of microbe hunters is now more important than ever. Despite the advances already made by microbial genomic epidemiology, the field is still maturing, with many more exciting developments on the horizon.In 1979, Richard Law introduced the conceptual idea of the 'Darwinian Demon' an organism that simultaneously maximizes all fitness traits [1]. Such an organism would dominate an ecosystem, displacing any competitors and collapsing biodiversity to only a singular species. Surveying the tremendous species diversity of bacteria in the microbial world reveals that Darwinian Demons do not exist on Earth, and the popular notion is that fitness trade-offs generally constrain such possible evolution. However, the trade-offs faced by evolving bacterial populations presumably hinder their adaptation in ways that are not fully understood. In some cases, bacteria show evolved trade-ups, whereby selection causes multiple fitness components to improve simultaneously. Understanding these trade-offs and trade-ups, as well as their prevalence and roles in shaping microbial fitness, is key to elucidating how the incredible diversity of the Bacteria domain came to be, what maintains that diversity, and whether such diversity can be leveraged for technologies that improve human health and protect environments.