The latest advancements in our understanding of the microbial ecology and systems biology of these foods were discussed. Finally, the panel reviewed how fermented foods are regulated and discussed efforts to include them as a separate category in national dietary guidelines.Mutations that compromise mismatch repair (MMR) or DNA polymerase ε or δ exonuclease domains produce mutator phenotypes capable of fueling cancer evolution. Here, we investigate how combined defects in these pathways expands genetic heterogeneity in cells of the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using a single-cell resolution approach that tallies all mutations arising from individual divisions. The distribution of replication errors present in mother cells after the initial S-phase was broader than expected for a single uniform mutation rate across all cell divisions, consistent with volatility of the mutator phenotype. The number of mismatches that then segregated to the mother and daughter cells co-varied, suggesting that each division is governed by a different underlying genome-wide mutation rate. The distribution of mutations that individual cells inherit after the second S-phase is further broadened by the sequential actions of semiconservative replication and mitotic segregation of chromosomes. Modeling suggests that this asymmetric segregation may diversify mutation burden in mutator-driven tumors.Previous work has revealed that progerin-lamin A binding inhibitor (JH4) can ameliorate pathological features of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) such as nuclear deformation, growth suppression in patient's cells, and very short life span in an in vivo mouse model. Despite its favorable effects, JH4 is rapidly eliminated in in vivo pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis. Thus, we improved its property through chemical modification and obtained an optimized drug candidate, Progerinin (SLC-D011). This chemical can extend the life span of LmnaG609G/G609G mouse for about 10 weeks and increase its body weight. Progerinin can also extend the life span of LmnaG609G/+ mouse for about 14 weeks via oral administration, whereas treatment with lonafarnib (farnesyl-transferase inhibitor) can only extend the life span of LmnaG609G/+ mouse for about two weeks. In addition, progerinin can induce histological and physiological improvement in LmnaG609G/+ mouse. These results indicate that progerinin is a strong drug candidate for HGPS.Assessing the role played by purifying selection on a susceptibility allele to late-onset disease (SALOD) is crucial to understanding the puzzling allelic spectrum of a disease, because most alleles are recent and rare. This fact is surprising because it suggests that alleles are under purifying selection while those that are involved in post-menopause mortality are often considered neutral in the genetic literature. The aim of this article is to use an evolutionary demography model to assess the magnitude of selection on SALODs while accounting for epidemiological and sociocultural factors. We develop an age-structured population model allowing for the calculation of SALOD selection coefficients (1) for a large and realistic parameter space for disease onset, (2) in a two-sex model in which men can reproduce in old age and (3) for situations in which child survival depends on maternal, paternal and grandmaternal care. The results show that SALODs are under purifying selection for most known age-at-onset distributions of late-onset genetic diseases. Estimates regarding various genes involved in susceptibility to cancer or Huntington's disease demonstrate that negative selection largely overcomes the effects of drift in most human populations. This is also probably true for neurodegenerative or polycystic kidney diseases, although sociocultural factors modulate the effect of selection in these cases. We conclude that neutrality is probably the exception among alleles that have a deleterious effect in old age and that accounting for sociocultural factors is required to understand the full extent of the force of selection shaping senescence in humans.Resource competition and metabolic cross-feeding are among the main drivers of microbial community assembly. Yet the degree to which these two conflicting forces are reflected in the composition of natural communities has not been systematically investigated. Here, we use genome-scale metabolic modelling to assess the potential for resource competition and metabolic cooperation in large co-occurring groups (up to 40 members) across thousands of habitats. Our analysis reveals two distinct community types, which are clustered at opposite ends of a spectrum in a trade-off between competition and cooperation. At one end are highly cooperative communities, characterized by smaller genomes and multiple auxotrophies. At the other end are highly competitive communities, which feature larger genomes and overlapping nutritional requirements, and harbour more genes related to antimicrobial activity. The latter are mainly present in soils, whereas the former are found in both free-living and host-associated habitats. Community-scale flux simulations show that, whereas competitive communities can better resist species invasion but not nutrient shift, cooperative communities are susceptible to species invasion but resilient to nutrient change. We also show, by analysing an additional data set, that colonization by probiotic species is positively associated with the presence of cooperative species in the recipient microbiome. Together, our results highlight the bifurcation between competitive and cooperative metabolism in the assembly of natural communities and its implications for community modulation.The possibility of using the elemental compositions of species as a tool to identify species/genotype niche remains to be tested at a global scale. We investigated relationships between the foliar elemental compositions (elementomes) of trees at a global scale with phylogeny, climate, N deposition and soil traits. We analysed foliar N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S concentrations in 23,962 trees of 227 species. Shared ancestry explained 60-94% of the total variance in foliar nutrient concentrations and ratios whereas current climate, atmospheric N deposition and soil type together explained 1-7%, consistent with the biogeochemical niche hypothesis which predicts that each species will have a specific need for and use of each bio-element. The remaining variance was explained by the avoidance of nutritional competition with other species and natural variability within species. The biogeochemical niche hypothesis is thus able to quantify species-specific tree niches and their shifts in response to environmental changes.