Sexual harassment (SH) includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and hostile conduct that targets someone based on gender and overlaps with some types of sexual assault (SA). SH/SA in health care can occur between providers or between patient and provider. Most studies of SH in medicine focus on SH perpetrated by one health care provider against another, with very few studies examining SH from patient to provider. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and impact of SH/SA from patient to provider, with a particular focus on SH/SA experienced by dermatologists and trainees. An anonymous electronic survey was sent to professional listservs and an online forum, which included representatives from multiple institutions, practice settings, and medical specialties. Trainees and dermatologists were targeted particularly. A total of 330 complete responses were included. In all, 83% of respondents reported experiencing SH from a patient. SH from a patient was more frequently reportedant impact on burnout. The risk factors for adult female acne (AFA) and their influence on severity are unclear. The aim of this study was to document the role of diet, body mass index (BMI), premenstrual flare, and family history of acne as risk factors and cause of severity of AFA. This was a prospective, cross-sectional, case-control study of 112 women age ≥25 years. The women were clinically evaluated. Sociodemographic data (age, family history of acne, premenstrual flare, weight, and height) and dietary habits were documented. Age, weight, height, and dietary habits of controls were also documented. Data were analyzed using SPSS, version 22. The mean age of the 56 patients with AFA was 33.4 ± 8.2 years (controls 24.5 ± 4.4 years). Premenstrual flare of acne was noted in 58.9% of patients, a family history of acne was present in 51.8% of patients, and the mean BMI was 25.2 ± 4.9 (32.1%). A risk factor for AFA was a family history of acne (  ≤ 0.001). Dietary habits (chicken,  = 0.457; beef,  = 0.845; cakes and sweets,  = 0.956; starchy food,  = 0.361; and type of milk,  = 0.919) and BMI (  = 0.486) were not risk factors for AFA. Premenstrual flare (  = 0.178), BMI (  = 0.206), family history of acne (  = 0.592), and diet did not contribute to the severity of AFA. Diet and BMI are not risk factors for AFA, but a family history of acne is. Severity of AFA is independent of premenstrual flares, diet, BMI, and a family history of acne. Diet and BMI are not risk factors for AFA, but a family history of acne is. Severity of AFA is independent of premenstrual flares, diet, BMI, and a family history of acne.Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis characterized by painful nodules, sinus tracts, and scarring, with a predilection for intertriginous areas. HS is particularly prevalent in women of childbearing age and can have varying psychological and physical consequences. The chronic and debilitating nature of this disease can lead to significant impairments in patients' sexual health and overall quality of life. This systematic review examines gender differences in the impact of HS on sexual health. In addition, we review gaps in the management of sexual health for patients with HS and outline recommendations to adequately address sexual concerns and optimize care. Psoriasis is a disease that extends beyond the skin, with profound medical, social, and mental health implications. To our knowledge, no previous studies have specifically investigated the medical and socioeconomic characteristics of women with versus without psoriasis. We investigated whether women with psoriasis differed from women without psoriasis with respect to comorbidities, socioeconomic status, healthcare consumption, and drug use, as well as how these characteristics differed according to psoriasis severity. In this nationwide, register-based, cross-sectional study, data were collected from Danish registries from 1977 to 2017, linked at the individual level, and identified by International Classification of Diseases codes, prescription data, income and educational information, and contact with public health care services. Psoriasis was defined by either a hospital International Classification of Diseases code for psoriasis or calcipotriol prescription data. Psoriasis severity was stratified bacomes. Risk of outcomes increased with psoriasis severity. Our study highlights the need for a multidisciplinary collaboration to optimize medical care for women with (especially moderate and severe) psoriasis. Hirsutism is common across ethnicities and a significant cause of negative self-esteem from presumptive loss of femininity. It remains understudied in Indian patients. We studied the clinical and investigative attributes of patients with hirsutism. The medical records of 233 patients with hirsutism diagnosed between 2014 and 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. The complete records of 122 patients age 14 to 45 years were available. Approximately 32% were adolescents, and 50% patients were age 21 to 30 years. The mean ± standard deviation modified Ferriman-Gallway (mF-G) score was 17.95 ± 10.58, and hirsutism was graded zero/mild in 57.4% patients. Polycystic ovaries were present in 29.5% of patients. Serum-free testosterone levels were elevated in 16.4% of patients. Associated signs of clinical hyperandrogenism, such as acne, obesity, acanthosis nigricans, and menstrual irregularities, were present in 12 patients (9.8%). Familial hirsutism occurred in 13% of patients and was idiopathic in 10.7% of patiolycystic ovary syndrome or idiopathic origin is not uncommon in Indian women. Hirsutism of adrenal or thyroid origin remains uncommon. Self-referral and high cosmetic concerns for facial hair were common in adolescents and young unmarried patients, and the majority had an mF-G score of  less then  8 to 16. Cut-off values for the mF-G score specific to our population assigning higher than current mF-G value to facial hair are highly desirable.