Based on online monitoring data of air quality and meteorological parameters, the long-term variations, spatial differences, and meteorological influencing factors of ground-level ozone (O3) pollution in Zhengzhou were studied. In addition, the transport pathways and potential source regions of O3 were investigated. The results show that surface O3 concentrations at the city station in Zhengzhou City increased significantly during the period 2014-2018 (P less then 0.05) with a growth rate of 15.50 μg·(m3·a)-1, and the timespan of exceeding pollutant standards was extended. The monthly O3 variations showed an "M" pattern with the seasonal maximum in summer. The diurnal O3 variations showed a "single-peak" pattern with a diurnal concentrations peak at 1500-1600, while the diurnal peak at the rural station was relatively high (130.94 μg·m-3). At the urban station, the exceedance probability of O3 concentrations was relative high when hourly temperature (T) exceeded 23℃, relative humidity (RH) was less than 65%, wind speed (WS) ranged 2.0-4.0 m·s-1, and wind direction was southeast or northeast. Based on the multivariate linear fitting of impact factors on O3, the main controlling factors at the city and industrial sites were also identified as T and RH compared to T and WS at the traffic and suburb sites. Back trajectory analysis and potential sources of O3 during different seasons were significantly different, with the dominant transport trajectories during spring and summer being short-distance and slow-moving airflows from the south and northeast; autumn and winter were characterized by long-distance and quick-moving airflows from the northwest. The high O3 concentrations observed in summer were mainly affected by local photochemical formation and regional transport from Hebei, Shandong, and Anhui Provinces.In this study, PM2.5 samples were collected synchronously at Gaoxin and Linxiao in Luoyang City during autumn and winter (4 October 2018 to 30 January 2019). Sixteen priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with fine particulate matter were analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The concentrations and composition characteristics of the PAHs on clean and polluted days were studied. Diagnostic ratio analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to identify the emission sources of PM2.5-bound PAHs and the equivalent carcinogenic concentration of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and incremental lifetime cancer risks (ILCRs) model were applied to evaluate health risks. During the sampling period, the concentrations of PAHs at Gaoxin and Linxiao ranged 24.33-90.26 ng·m-3 and 23.81-76.99 ng·m-3, respectively. With the increase in PM2.5 pollution, PAH concentrations increase significantly (the mean PAH concentration on polluted days was approximately 1.3 times higher than during clean days). PAH profiles at different polluting levels were similar; 4-ring PAHs (43%-48%) > 5-6 ring PAHs (32%-35%) > 2-3-ring PAHs (20%-22%). Diagnostic ratios and PCA demonstrated that PAHs in the study area were mainly derived from combustion sources including coal combustion, biomass burning, and motor vehicle emissions. The coal combustion was the main pollution source in the study area (clean days=49.28%-56.38%, polluted days=49.44%-60.60%). The results of the equivalent carcinogenic concentration of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and ILCR model revealed that the human health risk on polluted days was higher. Moreover, the cancer risks from adult exposure to PAHs were higher than those child exposure, which has an acceptable level of risk ( less then 10-6).Continuous on-line observation of particulate matter and PM2.5 chemical composition was conducted from October 15th to November 7th 2019 in East China. During the observation period, a wide range of dust-related processes took place. According to supplementary urban air quality assessment affected by dust (hereafter referred to as supplementary provisions), the observations were divided into four stages including pre-dust event, dust Ⅰ, dust Ⅱ, and post-dust event. The dust Ⅰ stage represented the processes of transportation and retention, while the dust Ⅱ stage represented processes of backflow from the sea and scavenging. The start time of the studied dust event was October 29th 0800-0900 based on the supplementary provisions, dust tracers, and air quality models; however, disagreements existed between these data sources with respect to the finishing time. The supplementary provisions could not effectively distinguish backflow dust from sea, and results from different dust tracers were variable. The WRF-CMAQ model simulated dust variation trends well but overestimated short-term suspended dust and backflow dust. PM10, PM2.5, and trace element concentrations were much higher during dust events than during non-dust periods, with highest daily concentrations of (234.8±125.5), (76.8±22.5), and (17.54±10.5) μg·m-3, respectively, which occurred on October 29th. During the dust event, concentration of crustal elements were remarkably high in PM2.5. At the same time, secondary ions (SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+) contributed less to PM2.5 mass concentrations. Four major crustal elements (Al, Si, Ca, and Fe) accounted for 23.5% and 13.7% of the mass concentration of PM2.5 and secondary ions accounted for 24.3% and 41.9% during dust Ⅰ and dust Ⅱ stages, respectively. Based on PMF source apportionment, Ca abundance, PM2.5/PM10 in dust sources, and the reconstruction of crustal material, dust particulates accounted for 43.4%-50.0% of PM2.5 and backflow dust accounted for 19.2%-24.7% of PM2.5.Aerosol hygroscopic growth factors[g(RH)] are key for evaluating aerosol light extinction and direct radiative forcing. The hygroscopic tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) was utilized to measure the size-resolved gm(RH) under different polluted conditions in winter in Tianjin. Furthermore, based on the size distribution of aerosol water-soluble ions, the gκ(RH) across a wide size range (60 nm to 9.8 μm) was estimated using the κ-Köhler theory, which provides a basis for the estimation of aerosol optical parameters and direct radiative forcing under ambient conditions. Under clean conditions, ultrafine particles ( less then 100 nm) were more hygroscopic and gm(RH=80%) was higher than 1.30 due to the active photolysis reaction. However, under severely polluted conditions, the proportion of water-soluble ions in aerosols increased with the increasing size; gm(RH) increased with particle size, where gm(RH=80%) and gm(RH=85%) for 300 nm particles was 1.39 and 1.46, respectively. For a wide size range (60 nm to 9.