The purpose of this study was to determine whether incorporation of a 2-part artificial intelligence (AI) filter can improve the positive predictive value (PPV) of implantable loop recorder (ILR)-detected atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes. ILRs can detect AF. Devices transmit data daily. It is critical that the PPV of ILR-detected AF events be high. In total, 1,500 AF episodes were evaluated from patients with cryptogenic stroke or known AF who underwent ILR implantation (Reveal LINQ, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota). Each episode was annotated as either a true or false AF episode to determine the PPV. A 2-part AI-based filter (Cardiologs, Paris, France) was then employed using a deep neural network (DNN) for AF detection. The impact of this DNN filter on the PPV was then assessed. The cohort included 425 patients (mean age 69 ± 10 years; 62% men) with an ILR. After excluding 17 (1.1%) uninterpretable electrocardiograms, 800 (53.9%) of the remaining 1,483 episodes were manually adjudicated to represent an actual atrial arrhythmia. The PPV of ILR-detected AF episodes was 53.9% (95% confidence interval 51.4% to 56.5%), which increased to 74.5% (95% confidence interval 71.8% to 77.0%; p<0.001) following use of the DNN filter. The increase was greatest for AF episodes≤30min. The most common reason for a false-positive AF event was premature atrial contractions. There was a negligible failure to identify true AF episodes. Despite currently available ILR programming options, designed to maximize PPV in a given population, false-positive AF episodes remain common. An AI-based solution may significantly reduce the time and effort needed to adjudicate these false-positive events. Despite currently available ILR programming options, designed to maximize PPV in a given population, false-positive AF episodes remain common. An AI-based solution may significantly reduce the time and effort needed to adjudicate these false-positive events.Despite international treaties banning torture, it is still widely practiced by state agents and private citizens alike. Pulmonologists may encounter survivors of torture in routine clinical practice or in the context of a forensic medical evaluation. The Istanbul Protocol delineates the general approach to the effective medical examination, investigation, and reporting of an individual alleging torture, but relatively little text is devoted to the specific pulmonary manifestations of torture. This review intends to address this paucity.The majority of the literature describing the relation of sleep/alertness disturbance and substance use disorders (SUD) has focused on the disruptive effects of substances with abuse liability on sleep and alertness. Rarely have studies or literature reviews assessed or discussed how sleep/alertness disturbance affects substance use. This paper focuses on the sleep/alertness disturbance side of the relation. We argue that the relation is bi-directional and review evidence showing that sleep/alertness disturbance affects all phases of the addiction cycle, including the initiation, maintenance and relapse of SUD. We review a variety of substances across all phases of the addiction cycle and conclude sleep/alertness disturbance is a critical factor in both understanding and treating SUD.The homeostasis of the stem cell niche is regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and the complex and ordered molecular and cellular regulatory mechanisms need to be further explored. In Drosophila testis, germline stem cells (GSCs) rely on hub cells for self-renewal and physical attachment. GSCs are also in contact with somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs). Utilizing genetic manipulation in Drosophila, we investigated the role of Wnt6 in vivo and in vitro. In Drosophila testis, we found that Wnt6 is required for GSC differentiation and CySC self-renewal. In Schneider 2 (S2) cells, we found that Wnt6 regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that Wnt6 can downregulate the expression levels of Arm, Rac1 and Cdc42 in S2 cells. Notably, Rac1 and Cdc42, which act downstream of the noncanonical Wnt signalling pathway, imitated the phenotypes of Wnt6 in Drosophila testis. Thus, the newly discovered Wnt6-Rac1/Cdc42 signal axis is required for the homeostasis of the stem cell niche in the Drosophila testis.Metabolite fluctuations following nutrient metabolism or environmental stresses impact various intracellular signaling networks and stress responses to maintain cellular and organismal homeostasis. It has been shown that subcellular organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and mitochondria serve as crucial hubs linking alterations in metabolite levels to cellular responses. This role is coordinated by molecular machineries that are associated with the lipid membranes of organelles, which sense the fluctuations in specific metabolites and activate the appropriate signaling and effector molecules. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that membraneless organelles, such as the nucleolus and stress granules, are involved in the metabolic stress response. Metabolite-induced post-translational modifications appear to play an important role in this process. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms of metabolite sensing and metabolite-mediated stress responses through membrane-bound and membraneless organelles in mammalian cells.To investigate mechanisms that TMEM2 activation inhibits hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in hepatocarcinoma (HCC) cells, co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and mass spectrometry were used in screening interacting proteins for TMEM2. Levels of casein kinase 2 subunit α3 (CSNK2A3) in HCC cells were found to be inhibited or overexpressed using siRNAs and pcDNA3.1-CSNK2A3, respectively. Effect of CSNK2A3 expression on cell proliferation was analyzed using MTS, while its effect on HBV infection was measured using ddPCR and IHC. Western blotting and JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib were also used to determine whether TMEM2-regulated CSNK2A3 expression and HBV infection were affected by JAK-STAT signaling. Co-IP and mass spectrometry results showed that CSNK2A3 interacts with TMEM2. Moreover, overexpression of CSNK2A3 significantly inhibited cell proliferation, while inhibition of CSNK2A3 promoted proliferation of HCC cells. In addition, overexpression of CSNK2A3 was observed to significantly enhance HBV infection, while siRNA knockdown of CSNK2A3 inhibited HBV infection.