Animal space use is affected by spatio-temporal variation in food availability and/or population density and varies among individuals. This inter-individual variation in spacing behaviour can be further influenced by sex, body condition, social dominance, and by the animal's personality. We used capture-mark-recapture and radio-tracking to examine the relationship between space use and personality in Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in three conifer forests in the Italian Alps. We further explored to what extent this was influenced by changes in food abundance and/or population density. Measures of an individual's trappability and trap diversity had high repeatability and were used in a Principal Component Analysis to obtain a single personality score representing a boldness-exploration tendency. Males increased home-range size with low food abundance and low female density, independent of their personality. However, bolder males used larger core-areas that overlapped less with other males than shy ones, suggesting different resource (food, partners) utilization strategies among personality types. For females, space use-personality relationships varied with food abundance, and bolder females used larger home ranges than shy ones at low female density, but the trend was opposite at high female density. Females' intrasexual core-area overlap was negatively related to body mass, with no effect of personality. We conclude that relationships between personality traits and space use in free-ranging squirrels varied with sex, and were further influenced by spatio-temporal fluctuations in food availability. Moreover, different personality types (bold-explorative vs. shy) seemed to adopt different space-use strategies to increase access to food and/or partners.Chemical warfare agents (CWAs) are highly poisonous and their presence may cause diverse effects not only on living organisms but also on environment. Therefore, their detection and removal in a short time span is very important. In this regard, here the utility of graphdiyne (GDY) nanoflake is studied theoretically as an electrochemical sensor material for the hazardous CWAs including A-230, A-232, and A-234. Herein, we explain the phenomenon of adsorption of A-series CWAs on GDY nanoflake within the density functional theory (DFT) framework. The characterisation of adsorption is based on optimised geometries, BSSE-corrected energies, SAPT0, RDG, FMO, CHELPG charge transfer, QTAIM and UV-Vis analyses. The calculated counterpoise adsorption energies for reported complexes range from - 13.70 to - 17.19 kcal mol-1. These adsorption energies show that analytes are physiosorbed onto GDY which usually takes place through noncovalent interactions. The noncovalent adsorption of CWAs on GDY is also attributed by the SAPT0, RDG and QTAIM analyses. These properties also reveal that dispersion factors dominate in the complexes among many noncovalent components (exchange, induction, electrostatic, steric and repulsion). In order to estimate the sensitivity of GDY, the %sensitivity and average energy gap variations are quantitatively measured by energies of HOMO and LUMO orbitals. In terms of adsorption affinity of GDY, UV-Vis analysis, CHELPG charge transfer and DOS analyses depict an appreciable response towards these toxic CWAs. Graphical abstract.Gender dysphoria refers to the medical condition experienced by individuals whose physical anatomy is not consistent with their gender identity. Surgery is a safe and effective treatment for many individuals, yet the current demand for surgery exceeds the number of trained surgeons. This article reviews gender-affirming surgical procedures and emphasizes an individualized approach within the context of a multidisciplinary team. We review pre-, intra-, and postoperative care including the preoperative requirements for surgery. Esophagojejunostomy is one of the most important surgical procedures in total gastrectomy. In the past, esophagojejunostomy was exclusively performed using a circular stapler in open total gastrectomy (OTG). With the increasing frequency of its use in laparoscopic gastrectomy, esophagojejunostomy using a linear stapler has been performed in OTG. However, it is still unclear whether the use of a linear stapler in esophagojejunostomy following OTG has any advantages compared with the conventional use of a circular stapler. A total of 298 patients who underwent OTG for gastric cancer between2014 and2019 were enrolled in this study. Patients were categorized into circular and linear groups (group C and group L) according to the stapler type used for the esophagojejunostomy. After propensity score matching, 136 patients (68 each in groups C and L) were selected to compare the surgical outcomes including incidence of esophagojejunostomy-related complications and postoperative nutritional status. The median operation time was significantly longer in group L than in group C (261.5min versus 325.5min; P < 0.001). The incidence of esophagojejunostomy-related complications did not differ between the two groups (5.9% versus 2.9%; P = 0.68); however, no anastomotic stricture and bleeding occurred in group L. Bodyweight loss was significantly lower in group L than in group C at 6months (15.9% versus 12.6%; P = 0.007) after surgery. Esophagojejunostomy using a linear stapler following OTG is equally safe and possibly advantageous in anastomotic stricture, bleeding and nutritional status compared with the use of a circular stapler. Esophagojejunostomy using a linear stapler following OTG is equally safe and possibly advantageous in anastomotic stricture, bleeding and nutritional status compared with the use of a circular stapler. A large body of literature supports an association between surgical volumes and outcomes. Research on this subject has resulted in attempts to quantify minimum volume standards for specific surgeries. However, the extent to which the public takes interest in or is able to interpret surgical volume information is not known. We designed a 38-question online survey to assess respondents' knowledge and beliefs about minimum surgical volume standards, and other factors influencing choice of surgeon. Participants, recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk, an online crowdsourcing marketplace, were specifically asked to estimate minimum volume standards for four different operations (hernia repair, knee replacement, mitral valve repair, and Whipple) and to assess the implications of specific surgeon volumes for decision-making in two hypothetical scenarios. Among 2024 participants, 81% attested that surgeons should be subject to minimum volume standards. A small minority (19%) reported having prior knowledge of a link between surgeon volumes and outcomes.