This article critically examines UK biometric policymaking by charting the bodies identified by the 2018 Home Office Biometric Strategy as playing key roles in the oversight of biometric data used in law enforcement and other related functions. The article argues that oversight actors are embedded in biometric imaginaries promoted by the UK Home Office and the devolved Scottish administration. By mapping oversight of UK biometrics policy together with developments in Scotland, the article challenges sociotechnical imaginaries studies which assume the power of national governments to project dominant, cohesive and instrumental visions. The article peels away that image to reveal UK biometric policy as located within a patchwork in which embedded commissioners, regulators and advisors challenge biometric imaginaries through interpretive flexibility and standpoint. By identifying technical, operational, legislative and ethical issues, these actors challenge the UK government imaginary and act as channels of critique between it and wider stakeholder communities. The article further challenges assumptions concerning the cohesion of national imaginaries by highlighting a diverging approach to biometric governance in Scotland. The article uses these observations to sketch a means to further characterise the notion of the biometric imaginary and to address biometric policymaking more widely.Urginea maritima (U. maritima) showed anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, diuretic, vasodilatation, and wound-healing effects on fungal infections, cardiac disorders, digestive disorders, rheumatoid disease, and respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, bronchial nosocomial infections, and severe cough. To examine the bronchodilatory effect of U. maritima, the relaxant effect of its extract on rat tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) and its possible mechanism was examined in this study. Male Wistar rats' TSM were divided into eight groups (n = 8 in each group). Four of these groups were TSM tissues, contracted with KCl (60 mM) incubated with atropine, glibenclamide, and indomethacin and nonincubated TSM, while the other four groups were TSM tissues contracted with methacholine (10 μM) for 5 min, incubated with propranolol, chlorpheniramine, and diltiazem and nonincubated TSM. Cumulative concentrations of U. maritima extract (12.5, 25, 50, 100, 20, and 400 μg/ml) were then added to organ bath every 5 min. bition as well as potassium opening and calcium channels blocking effects are the possible mechanisms for the relaxant effects of the plant. Shenzhuo formula (SZF) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescription which has significant therapeutic effects on diabetic kidney disease (DKD). However, its mechanism remains unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the underlying anti-DKD mechanism of SZF. The active ingredients and targets of SZF were obtained by searching TCMSP, TCMID, SwissTargetPrediction, HIT, and literature. The DKD target was identified from TTD, DrugBank, and DisGeNet. The potential targets were obtained and PPI network were built after mapping SZF targets and DKD targets. The key targets were screened out by network topology and the "SZF-key targets-DKD" network was constructed by Cytoscape. GO analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis were performed by using DAVID, and the results were visualized by Omicshare Tools. We obtained 182 potential targets and 30 key targets. Furthermore, a "SZF-key targets-DKD" network topological analysis showed that active ingredients like M51, M21, M5, M71, and M28 and targets like EGFR, MMP9, MAPK8, PIK3CA, and STAT3 might play important roles in the process of SZF treating in DKD. GO analysis results showed that targets were mainly involved in positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, inflammatory response, lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway, and other biological processes. KEGG showed that DKD-related pathways like TNF signaling pathway and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway were at the top of the list. This research reveals the potential pharmacological targets of SZF in the treatment of DKD through network pharmacology and lays a foundation for further studies. This research reveals the potential pharmacological targets of SZF in the treatment of DKD through network pharmacology and lays a foundation for further studies. To solve current issues using big data, solve current issues related to the semiconductor and electronics industry, I tried to establish the data for each toxicity mechanism for adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for the exposure. I planned to increase the efficiency of human hazard assessment by searching, analyzing, and linking test data on the relationship between key events occurred at each level, which are the biological targets of chemicals in semiconductor manufacturing. It was found that 48 kinds of chemicals had 11 AOPs, while 103 chemicals had multiple AOPs, and 26 had case evidence. As a result of AOP analysis, it was found that a total of 320 chemicals had 42 AOPs, and 190 major chemicals corresponded to 11 AOPs. It was found necessary to develop a complex AOP and secure an (inhalation or dermal) exposure scenario for combined exposure at work. As a comparative search (41 out of 190 chemicals) of biomarkers specific to occupational diseases, 12 biomarkers were found to be related to breast cancerl available at 10.1007/s13273-021-00139-4.This research was conducted to analyze the content of Fe, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Pb in several species of fish taken from three lakes that are close to the disposal of industrial waste in Indonesia. The fish samples were taken from three lakes, namely, Muara Angke, Weda, and Morowali. The samples from Morowali were analyzed in April 2019, those from Weda from November to December 2019, and those from Muara Angke in June 2018. All the samples were then analyzed at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Indonesia, and the Integrated Laboratory of IPB. The main results showed that all types of fish from Morowali and Weda were no longer safe to consume because they contained Fe, Cu, Cd, and Cr exceeding the threshold of metal contamination. Meanwhile, all types of fish from Muara Angke, except for ayam-ayam, are still safe for consumption. The results of this study can be a source of information regarding metal content in fish and fish feed for safe consumption.