In this study, we showed the unique importance of donor-derived myeloid HO-1 in the prevention of lethal experimental GVHD and we corroborated this observation by demonstrating the association between human HMOX1 (GT)n microsatellite polymorphisms and the incidence of severe acute GVHD in two independent HSCT patient cohorts. Donor-derived myeloid HO-1 constitutes a potential therapeutic target for HSCT patients and large-scale prospective studies in HSCT patients are necessary to validate the HO-1 L/L genotype as an independent risk factor for developing severe acute GVHD.CD4+ Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a critical role in maintaining immune homeostasis. Various Treg subsets have been identified, however the heterogeneity of Treg subpopulations during development remains uncharacterized. Using mass cytometry we obtained single cell data on expression of 35 functional markers to examine the heterogeneity of Treg cells at birth and in adults. Unsupervised clustering algorithms FlowSOM and ACCENSE were used to quantify Treg heterogeneity. As expected, Treg in umbilical cord blood were predominately naïve while Treg in adult blood were predominately central memory and effector memory cells. Although umbilical cord blood Treg are mostly naïve cells, we observed multiple phenotypic Treg subsets in cord blood. Nevertheless, peripheral blood in adults contained higher percentages of Treg and the heterogeneity of Treg was significantly increased in adults. We also studied Treg heterogeneity throughout a 2-year period after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) and in patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD). Treg heterogeneity recovered rapidly after alloHSCT and gradually increased in the first two years post-transplant. However, patients with cGVHD had significantly fewer distinct Treg subpopulations, proposing a correlation between a disrupted Treg heterogeneity and cGVHD. Our study is the first to compare human Treg heterogeneity at birth, in healthy adults and in patients after alloHSCT with and without cGVHD. This approach to characterize Treg heterogeneity based on expression of a large panel of functional markers may enable future studies to identify specific Treg defects that contribute to immune dysfunction.Gametocyte is the sole form of the Plasmodium falciparum which is transmissible to the mosquito vector. Here, we report that an Apicomplexan Apetala2 (ApiAP2) family transcription factor, PfAP2-G2 (Pf3D7_1408200), plays a role in the development of gametocytes in P. falciparum by regulating the expression of PfMDV-1 (Pf3D7_1216500). Reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis showed that PfAP2-G2 was highly expressed in the ring stage. Indirect immunofluorescence assay showed nuclear localization of PfAP2-G2 in asexual stages. The knockout of PfAP2-G2 led to a ~95% decrease in the number of mature gametocytes with a more substantial influence on the production and maturation of the male gametocytes, resulting in a higher female/male gametocyte ratio. To test the mechanism of this phenotype, RNA-seq and RT-qPCR showed that disruption of PfAP2-G2 led to the down-regulation of male development gene-1 (PfMDV-1) in asexual stages. We further found that PfAP2-G2 was enriched at the transcriptional start site (TSS) of PfMDV-1 by chromatin immunoprecipitation and qPCR assay in both ring stage and schizont stage, which demonstrated that PfMDV-1 is one of the targets of PfAP2-G2. In addition, RT-qPCR also showed that PfAP2-G (Pf3D7_1222600), the master regulator for sexual commitment, was also down-regulated in the PfAP2-G2 knockout parasites in the schizont stage, but no change in the ring stage. This phenomenon suggested that PfAP2-G2 played a role at the asexual stage for the development of parasite gametocytes and warrants further investigations in regulatory pathways of PfAP2-G2.We compared several identification methods for Aeromonas genus members, including traditional biochemical testing, multiplex-PCR amplification, mass spectrometry identification, whole-genome sequencing, multilocus phylogenetic analysis (MLPA), and rpoD, gyrA, and rpoD-gyrA gene sequencing. Isolates (n = 62) belonging to the Aeromonas genus, which were came from the bacterial bank in the laboratory, were used to assess the identification accuracy of the different methods. Whole-genome sequencing showed that the Aeromonas spp. isolates comprised A. caviae (n = 21), A. veronii (n = 18), A. dhakensis (n = 8), A. hydrophila (n = 7), A. jandaei (n = 5), A. enteropelogenes (n = 2), and A. media (n = 1). Using the whole-genome sequencing results as the standard, the consistency of the other methods was compared with them. The results were 46.77% (29/62) for biochemical identification, 83.87% (52/62) for mass spectrometric identification, 67.74% (42/62) for multiplex-PCR, 100% (62/62) for MLPA typing, 72.58% for gyrA, and 59.68% for rpoD and gyrA-rpoD. MLPA was the most consistent, followed by mass spectrometry. Therefore, in the public health laboratory, both MLPA and whole-genome sequencing methods can be used to identify various Aeromonas species. However, rapid and relatively accurate mass spectrometry is recommended for clinical lab.Sponges are among the oldest metazoans and their success is partly due to their abundant and diverse microbial symbionts. They are one of the few animals that have Thaumarchaeota symbionts. Here we compare genomes of 11 Thaumarchaeota sponge symbionts, including three new genomes, to free-living ones. Like their free-living counterparts, sponge-associated Thaumarchaeota can oxidize ammonia, fix carbon, and produce several vitamins. Adaptions to life inside the sponge host include enrichment in transposases, toxin-antitoxin systems and restriction modifications systems, enrichments previously reported also from bacterial sponge symbionts. Most thaumarchaeal sponge symbionts lost the ability to synthesize rhamnose, which likely alters their cell surface and allows them to evade digestion by the host. All but one archaeal sponge symbiont encoded a high-affinity, branched-chain amino acid transporter system that was absent from the analyzed free-living thaumarchaeota suggesting a mixotrophic lifestyle for the sponge symbionts.