ations in their skills classes. The results of this study suggested that oral medication administration can be effectively taught using lecture-demonstration and video-demonstration teaching methods. The results of this study suggested that oral medication administration can be effectively taught using lecture-demonstration and video-demonstration teaching methods. Relationships between dietitians and other healthcare providers can impact the degree to which patient care is collaborative; inefficient communication can lead to suboptimal care. It takes time for multidisciplinary team members to build collaborative, trusting relationships. For this reason, frequent dietitian turnover is of concern. Consequences include fewer referrals to clinical dietetic services and limited provider continuity. The characteristics of clinical dietetic jobs associated with high turnover have not been identified. We predicted that managers would identify disease prestige as having an impact. In this study, we aimed to explore 1) characteristics of clinical dietetic jobs associated with the highest turnover, and 2) consequences of high turnover on patients and managers of clinical dietitians. Research assistants conducted semi-structured interviews with ten managers of clinical dietitians in the Canadian public healthcare system. We employed a constant comparative approach to thematic igh turnover and the consequences of high turnover on patients and managers of these staff. Managers of publicly-employed dietitians identified many factors as contributing to high turnover. Future prospective research, incorporating the objective measure of turnover and multi-method analysis of work characteristics and work setting, would be of value in the identification of characteristics of clinical dietetic jobs associated with high turnover and the consequences of high turnover on patients and managers of these staff. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the United States (US) medical education system with the necessary, yet unprecedented Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) national recommendation to pause all student clinical rotations with in-person patient care. This study is a quantitative analysis investigating the educational and psychological effects of the pandemic on US medical students and their reactions to the AAMC recommendation in order to inform medical education policy. The authors sent a cross-sectional survey via email to medical students in their clinical training years at six medical schools during the initial peak phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey questions aimed to evaluate students' perceptions of COVID-19's impact on medical education; ethical obligations during a pandemic; infection risk; anxiety and burnout; willingness and needed preparations to return to clinical rotations. Seven hundred forty-one (29.5%) students responded. Nearly all students (93.7%) were not involved in clind to return to clinical rotations and were willing to accept the risk of COVID-19 infection. Students were most concerned with having enough PPE if allowed to return to clinical activities. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education of US medical students in their clinical training years. The majority of students wanted to return to clinical rotations and were willing to accept the risk of COVID-19 infection. Students were most concerned with having enough PPE if allowed to return to clinical activities. Critical thinking disposition helps medical students and professionals overcome the effects of personal values and beliefs when exercising clinical judgment. The lack of effective instruments to measure critical thinking disposition in medical students has become an obstacle for training and evaluating students in undergraduate programs in China. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the CTDA test. A total of 278 students participated in this study and responded to the CTDA test. Cronbach's α coefficient, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, floor effects and ceiling effects were measured to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. Construct validity of the pre-specified three-domain structure of the CTDA was evaluated by explanatory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The convergent validity and discriminant validity were also analyzed. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire was calculated to be 0.92, all of the domains showed acceptable internal consistency (0.81-0.86), and the test-retest reliability indicated acceptable intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) (0.93, p < 0.01). The EFA and the CFA demonstrated that the three-domain model fitted the data adequately. The test showed satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. The CTDA is a reliable and valid questionnaire to evaluate the disposition of medical students towards critical thinking in China and can reasonably be applied in critical thinking programs and medical education research. The CTDA is a reliable and valid questionnaire to evaluate the disposition of medical students towards critical thinking in China and can reasonably be applied in critical thinking programs and medical education research. Clinical education is an essential part of nursing education. Selected clinical teaching methods influence the quality of education. Simulation-based mastery learning has been used to improve clinical skills among nursing students and may provide a novel way to enhance nursing skills. This study aimed to assess the effect of simulation-based mastery learning on the clinical skills of undergraduate nursing students from 2017 to 2019. This quasi-experimental study was conducted with two groups (the control and intervention). A hundred and five students were selected by random convenience sampling, and written consent was obtained. The intervention group participated in a simulation-based mastery learning intervention, and the control group received no intervention except for traditional training. The students of both groups completed the demographic information questionnaire and the checklist before and after the intervention. The results were analyzed by SPSS version 21 and descriptive and inferential statistics.