The predictive ability of these metabolic changes was also evaluated. Although further validation in independent cohorts and comparison with other pulmonary infectious diseases will be necessary to assess the clinical potential, this analysis enabled the discrimination between HHC-TB and A-TB patients with an AUC value of 0.904 (confidence interval 0.81-1.00, p-value less then 0.0001). Overall, the strategy described in this work could provide a sensitive, specific, and minimally invasive method that could eventually be translated into a clinical tool for TB control.Video gaming is seen as a male space. Female gamers are seen as atypical, have their competence challenged, and face more harassment than male gamers do. This precarious position is increasingly problematic as video gaming is now one of the most prevalent leisure activities, providing an opportunity to both forge and maintain friendships, and to achieve social status and career opportunities. We argue that the marginalization of female gamers is driven by masculine gamer stereotypes. We investigate the content and gendered nature of gamer stereotypes as well as their malleability in response to exposure to female gamers across two studies (NStudy 1 = 287; NStudy 2 = 176). We explore the content of gamer stereotypes and find that they contain both negative aspects, such as lacking social skills, and positive aspects, such as being competent and agentic. Both studies demonstrate that gamer stereotypes are more similar to stereotypes of men and boys than those of women and girls. In Study 2 we test whether exposure to a female gamer can change the negative association between female stereotypes and gamer stereotypes, finding support for this prediction. We conclude that gamer stereotypes are highly gendered but may be malleable increasing the visibility of female gamers could potentially reduce the incompatibility between femininity and gaming.Background The difficulty in the regeneration of cardiomyocytes after myocardial infarction is a major cause of heart failure. Together, the amniotic membrane and 15d-PGJ2 can help in the recovery of cardiomyocyte, as they present many growth factors an anti-inflammatory effect, respectively. The objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of AHAS loaded with 15d-PGJ2 in improving ventricular function in a rat model of post-infarct ventricular dysfunction. Methods Myocardial infarction was induced in 24 rats by left coronary occlusion. After a week, the animals were subjected to echocardiography for evaluation of left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricle end diastolic volume (LVEDV) and left ventricle end systolic volume (LVESV). Animals with ejection fraction lower than 40% were included in the study and were randomized into three groups control (n=8), AHAS (n=8) and AHAS + 15d-PGJ2 (n=8). In the AHAS group only the membrane was implanted while in the AHAS + 15d-PGJ2, the membrane +15d-Ptricular dysfunction model. Abstract Word Count 314 Keywords PPAR-γ, 15d-PGJ2, heart, myocardial infarction, anti-inflammatory.CRISPR-Cas12a (also called Cpf1) has been commonly used for genomic editing, based on its ability to generate precise double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks. Recently, it was demonstrated that Cas12a exhibits unspecific ssDNAse activity upon target recognition. This feature allows CRISPR-Cas to be coupled with a ssDNA reporter and generate a fast, accurate and ultrasensitive molecular detection method. Here, we demonstrate that Cas12a was able to detect DNA target sequences corresponding to carbapenemases resistance genes such as KPC, NDM and OXA. Also, with the addition of a reverse-transcription step, we were able to detect viral RNA sequences from DENV, ZIKV and HANTV genomes. In all cases, assay run time was less than two hours. Additionally, we report attomolar levels of detection. This methodology was validated using clinical samples from patients infected with Dengue virus. Reactions were visualized by detection of a fluorescent signal, as well as by the use of a simple lateral flow strip. These results indicate that Cas12a is able to detect both DNA and RNA targets, making it an appropriate and convenient tool to detect all types of pathogens.Background In recent years, the increasing number of empty-nest elderly has become a significant global social problem, and the rapid development of medical technology and information technology has improved the feasibility of telenursing. However, few studies have been conducted on needs of telenursing among the empty-nest elderly. The aim of this study is to explore the needs of telenursing for community-dwelling empty-nest elderly who are completely independent in activities of daily living (ADL), or who are mildly disabled, and to provide a reference for improving the remote care quality. Methods A questionnaire survey aiming to explore telenursing needs of the elderly was conducted among 268 community-dwelling empty-nest elderly who were selected using random sampling and then data were analyzed based on the Kano Model. Results Chi-square goodness-of-fit test showed that there were significant differences between actual and expected counts for each item of telenursing needs (p less then 0.01 for all), indicating that the sample had specific individual preference for the Kano category. The desired degree of telenursing service ranged from 48.37% to 80.86%, the better values (satisfaction) were between 57.09% and 67.56%, and the worse values (dissatisfaction) were between 11.92% and 37.93%. The items, remote one-button emergency caller and remote emergency assistance arrangement, were considered to be one-dimensional qualities by empty nesters and the rest were attractive qualities. In the quadrant analysis diagram, all the remote care services were categorized as attractive qualities. Discussion The community-dwelling empty-nest elderly with ADL independence or mild impairment have positive attitudes toward telenursing services, especially the needs of remote first aid nursing. Medical policy makers and nursing managers can provide targeted telenursing services according to empty nesters' requirements, thus improving nursing care quality and satisfaction of the elderly.