DISCUSSION Public health policy needs to target ageing in New Zealand as a major goal in advancing the 'Ageing Well' policy advocated by the government.INTRODUCTION Screening tools assist primary care clinicians to identify mental health, addiction and family violence problems. Electronic tools have many advantages, but there are none yet available in the perinatal context. AIM To assess the acceptability and feasibility of the Maternity Case-finding Help Assessment Tool (MatCHAT), a tool designed to provide e-screening and clinical decision support for depression, anxiety, cigarette smoking, use of alcohol or illicit substances, and family violence among pre- and post-partum women under the care of midwives. METHODS A co-design approach and an extensive consultation process was used to tailor a pre-existing electronic case-finding help assessment tool (eCHAT) to a maternity context. Quantitative MatCHAT data and qualitative data from interviews with midwives were analysed following implementation. RESULTS Five midwives participated in the study. They reported that MatCHAT was useful and acceptable and among the 20 mothers screened, eight reported substance use, one depression and five anxiety. Interviews highlighted extensive contextual barriers of importance to the implementation of maternity-specific screening. DISCUSSION MatCHAT has potential to optimise e-screening and decision support in maternity settings, but in this study, use was impeded by multiple contextual barriers. The information from this study is relevant to policymakers and future researchers when considering how to improve early identification of common mental health, substance use and family violence problems.INTRODUCTION Physical inactivity is a risk factor for disease severity among people with obstructive sleep apnoea. AIM To determine physical activity levels in patients at risk of obstructive sleep apnoea and explore their perceptions about barriers to participation in physical activity. METHODS This was a cross-sectional observational study. Eligible participants were adults with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome and Epworth Sleepiness Scale score ≥11, awaiting prioritisation for a diagnostic overnight sleep study at the local sleep clinic. Sixty participants (mean age±standard deviation 51±12 years) each attended an individual appointment. Anthropometric measurements were taken and standardised questionnaires regarding quality of life, physical activity behaviour and perceptions of physical activity were completed. RESULTS Over one-third of the cohort did not meet World Health Organization guidelines for weekly physical activity. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity were also more prevalent in this subgroup. Low motivation and pain were commonly reported barriers to activity in participants not meeting the physical activity guidelines. Overall, 53 (88%) participants stated they would like to be more active. DISCUSSION Physical inactivity represents an additional risk factor for adults at high risk of obstructive sleep apnoea. Lack of motivation and pain were the most commonly perceived barriers to participation in activity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Temsirolimus.html Physical activity interventions tailored to the individual, and including a motivational component, need to be included as integral components of management to reduce cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors more effectively in this group.INTRODUCTION Awareness of the effect of acute kidney injury on patient outcomes and health systems is growing internationally. New Zealand's approach focuses on stopping consumption of 'at-risk' medicines when acute kidney injury has been established and raising awareness of the risks associated with the Triple Whammy drug combination. AIM To explore current practices and views of Hawke's Bay general practitioners (GPs) and community pharmacists regarding patient education about medicines with potential for contributing to community-acquired acute kidney injury, with a focus on community pharmacists providing patient education regarding when to temporarily withhold 'at-risk' medicines during acute dehydrating illnesses. METHODS Two tailored cross-sectional online anonymous surveys of GPs and community pharmacists working in Hawke's Bay were administered between 2015 and 2016. Descriptive statistics were generated from the closed-question responses and manifest content analysis was applied to the free-text responses. RESULTS Twenty-two percent (37/167) of GPs and 34% (32/95) of pharmacists responded. Most respondents, GPs (34/37) and pharmacists (25/32), self-reported expertise to educate patients on temporarily withholding 'at-risk' medicines during acute dehydrating illnesses. Twenty-nine (78%) GPs had confidence in pharmacists providing this patient education and 20 (54%) welcomed pharmacist contact regarding a Triple Whammy prescription. However, for a variety of reasons, pharmacists did not routinely provide this education or contact GPs. DISCUSSION Both GPs and community pharmacists reported they had expertise to provide useful patient education about 'at-risk' medicine use during acute dehydrating illnesses. Dialogue to clarify the role of the two groups would be beneficial to achieve a more coordinated approach to patient care. Relevant strategies and frameworks already exist, but national interprofessional leadership and local application would be beneficial.INTRODUCTION Intentional self-poisoning or self-harm through poisoning, is a common cause of presentations to emergency departments (EDs). National datasets do not allow identification of the substances most commonly used in hospital-treated intentional self-poisoning in New Zealand, nor do they capture sources of these substances. AIM To investigate the specific substances used in intentional self-poisoning and the sources from which they are obtained. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, information about the demographics and presentation particulars of intentional self-poisoning patients aged ≥16 years, presenting to three public EDs, as well as the substances they used in the self-poisoning event and the sources of these agents, were collected prospectively. RESULTS A total of 102 patients were recruited from the potentially eligible 1137 intentional self-poisoning patients presenting to the three EDs during the study period. Seventy per cent used their own prescription medications and 24% used medicines they purchased themselves.