Unlike N1, P2 was more suppressed during Pitch than Phrase and not affected by SZ. BP was greater during vocalization than playback but did not contribute to N1 or P2 effects. Pitch variability was inversely related to negative symptoms. Neural processing is not suppressed when patients and controls sing, and corollary discharge abnormalities in schizophrenia are only seen at long vocalization intervals. Neural processing is not suppressed when patients and controls sing, and corollary discharge abnormalities in schizophrenia are only seen at long vocalization intervals. This study investigated the mechanism of action of different proteins/peptides (separately or in combination), focusing on how they act directly on the native enamel surface and on modifying the salivary pellicle. A total of 170 native human enamel specimens were prepared and submitted to different treatments (2 h; 37 °C) with deionized water, CaneCPI-5, Hemoglobin, Statherin, or a combination of all three proteins/peptides. The groups were subdivided into treatment acting on the enamel surface (NoP - absence of salivary pellicle), and treatment modifying the salivary pellicle (P). Treatment was made (2 h; 37 °C) in all specimens, and later, for P, the specimens were incubated in human saliva (2 h; 37 °C). In both cases, the specimens were immersed in 1% citric acid (pH 3.6; 2 min; 25 °C). Calcium released from enamel (CaR) and its relative surface reflection intensity (%SRI) was measured after 5 cycles. Between-group differences were verified with two-way ANOVA, with "presence of pellicle" and "treatmentch can act directly on the enamel surface as well on the modification of the salivary pellicle, for the prevention of dental erosion.Chemical characterization is a component of the safety evaluation of medical devices. An analytical evaluation threshold (AET) is recommended to calculate the required analytical sensitivity. There is a lack of consensu