Additionally, long-term degradation tests of 28 days in human peripheral blood, human serum, and Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS) demonstrated that the Zn-4Cu showed relatively uniform degradation in blood and serum. On the contrary, in DPBS, severe localized corrosion appeared along the grain boundary of the secondary phase, which was likely attributed to the acceleration of galvanic corrosion. The Zn was found with localized corrosion impeded in the blood albeit with apparently developed deep pitting holes in the serum and DPBS.The aim of this paper is to present and characterize Polyamidoamine-based hydrogels (PAA) as scaffolds to host photoactive Chlorophyll a (Chl a) from Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) sea-weed Extract (SE), for potential applications in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). The pigment extracted from SE was blended inside PAA without further purification, according to Green Chemistry principles. A comprehensive investigation of this hybrid platform, PAA/SE-based, was thus performed in our laboratory and, by means of Visible absorption and emission spectroscopies, the Chl a features, stability and photoactivity were studied. The obtained results evidenced the presence of two main Chl a forms, monomeric and dimeric, interacting with hydrogel polyamidoamines network. To better understand the nature of this interaction, the spectroscopic investigation of this system was performed both before and after the solidification of the hydrogel, that occurred at least in 24 h. Then, focusing the attention on solid scaffold, the 1Chl a⁎ fluorescence lifetime and FTIR-ATR analyses of PAA/SE were carried out, confirming the findings. The swelling and Point Zero Charge (PZC) measurements of solid PAA and PAA/SE were additionally performed to investigate the hydrogel behavior in water. Chl a molecules blended in PAA were (photo) stable and photoactive, and this latter feature was demonstrated showing that the pigment induced, when swelled in water and under irradiation, the formation of singlet oxygen (1O2), measured by direct and indirect methods.New topical gel formulations based on sodium alginate and hyaluronic acid containing AS1411 aptamer-functionalized polymeric nanocapsules loaded with an antitumoral drug (5-Fluorouracil) were designed as an innovative approach for the skin cancer treatment. Several important analyses were used to characterize these obtained topical gel formulations, namely rheological tests, permeation assays across Strat-M® artificial membrane, ex-vivo permeation assays across chicken skin membrane, haemolysis tests, skin irritation tests, in vitro cytotoxicity assay on human basal carcinoma cells and in vivo tests. Rheological tests revealed that apparent viscosity decreases with the increase of the shear rate, for analyzed samples, which demonstrates a shear thinning behavior. Low levels of hemolysis values which ranged between 0.03 and 0.55% suggested that the tested formulations did not induce red blood cell lysis.. The gel formulations containing nanocapsules loaded with 5-FU proved to be non-irritant. Furthermore, by study the ex-vivo diffusion properties across the chicken skin membrane, it was proved that nanoencapsulation enhance the permeability properties of 5-FU. In vitro cytotoxicity assay on TE 354.T (ATCC® CRL-7762™) human basal carcinoma cell line showed that the obtained formulations loaded with 5-Fluorouracil manifest an important cytotoxic effect. Finally, the presence of Langerhans CD68 cells-positive in the epidermis and epithelial sheath of dermal hair follicles suggests a specific activation, migration and retrieval of nanoparticles by these cells. Following the results obtained in this study we can appreciate that the obtained topical gel formulations have a favourable biosafety and good antitumor effects which makes them attractive for skin cancer treatment.Amyloids are fibrillar structures formed due to protein aggregation or misfolding when the molecules undergo a conformational change from α-helix to β-sheet. Although this self-assembly is associated with many neurodegenerative diseases in vivo, the highly ordered amyloidic structures formed in vitro are ideal scaffolds for many bionanotechnological applications. Amyloid fibrillar networks under specific stimuli can also form stable hydrogels. We have used bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model amyloidogenic protein to obtain thermally-induced hydrogels that display tunable sol-gel-sol transitions spanning over minutes to days. High concentrations of BSA (14-22% w/v) were heated at 65 °C for less than 3 min without any cross-linking agent to yield soft, injectable gels that were non-toxic to mammalian cells. A detailed investigation of temperature, concentration, incubation time and ionic strength on the formation and reversal of these gels was carried out using visual inspection, rheology, electron microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The optimum gelation temperature (Tg) for phase reversal of BSA gels was found to lie between 60 and 70 °C. An increase in protein concentration led to a reduction in the gelation time and increase in the gel-to-rev sol transition time. Gels heated for longer duration than their minimum gelation time yielded irreversible gels suggesting that low incubation periods were favourable for partial protein denaturation and hydrogel formation. This was supported by time-resolved secondary and tertiary structural ensemble studies. Further, the hydrogel networks demonstrated a zero-order drug release kinetics and the rev sol was found to be cytocompatible with HaCaT skin cell lines. Overall, our approach demonstrates rapid, crosslinker-free thermoresponsive BSA gelation with wide tunability and control on the time and material property, ideal for topical drug delivery applications.Wounds can take longer to heal in diabetic patients, increasing the risk of infections and other complications. The most common wounds in diabetic patients are diabetic foot ulcers, a severe complication associated with diabetes mellitus. The United States alone spends $18.7 billion annually on care for these wounds including pain and infection management. If improperly managed, infected lesions may require amputation. The enormous cost associated with wound care and the dire consequences if not cared for properly, emphasize the need to develop strategies to accelerate the healing of diabetic foot wounds. Natural rubber latex (NRL), extracted from Hevea brasiliensis (the rubber tree), has been widely applied as a carrier system for several pharmacologically active compounds. Furthermore, it has been shown to encourage angiogenesis, facilitate cell adhesion, and accelerate wound healing. When NRL dressings are applied to wounds of diabetic patients, exudate release is upregulated. The production of exudate is essential to wound healing as it provides the nutrients, proteins, cells, and environment required for regeneration.