Removal models were proposed over 80 years ago as a tool to estimate unknown population size. More recently, they are used as an effective tool for management actions for the control of non desirable species, or for the evaluation of translocation management actions. Although the models have evolved over time, in essence, the protocol for data collection has remained similar at each sampling occasion attempts are made to capture and remove individuals from the study area. Within this paper we review the literature of removal modelling and highlight the methodological developments for the analysis of removal data, in order to provide a unified resource for ecologists wishing to implement these approaches. Models for removal data have developed to better accommodate important features of the data and we discuss the shift in the required assumptions for the implementation of the models. The relative simplicity of this type of data and associated models mean that the method remains attractive and we discuss the potential future role of this technique. Inflammation and calcification are major factors responsible for degeneration of bioprosthetic valve and other substitute heart valve implantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and anti-calcification effects of Entelon150® (consisting of grape-seed extract) in a beagle dog model of intravascular bovine pericardium implantation. In total, 8 healthy male beagle dogs were implanted with a bovine pericardium bilaterally in the external jugular veins and divided into two groups. Animals in the Entelon150® group (n = 4) were treated with 150 mg of Entelon150® twice daily for six weeks after surgery. The negative control (NC) group (n = 4) was treated with 5 ml of saline using the same method. After six weeks, we measured the calcium content, performed histological examination, and performed molecular analysis. The calcium content of implanted tissue in the Entelon150® group (0.56±0.14 mg/g) was significantly lower than that in the NC group (1.48±0.57 mg/g) (p < 0.05). Histopathological examination showed that infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells, such as fibroblasts and macrophages, occurred around the graft in all groups; however, the inflammation level of the implanted tissue in the Entelon150® group was s lower than that in the NC group. Both immunohistochemical and western blot analyses revealed that bone morphogenetic protein 2 expression was significantly attenuated in the Entelon150® group. Our results indicate that Entelon150® significantly attenuates post-implantation inflammation and degenerative calcification of the bovine pericardium in dogs. Therefore, Entelon150® may increase the longevity of the bovine pericardium after intravascular implantation. Our results indicate that Entelon150® significantly attenuates post-implantation inflammation and degenerative calcification of the bovine pericardium in dogs. Therefore, Entelon150® may increase the longevity of the bovine pericardium after intravascular implantation.Access to antivenoms is not guarranteed for vulnerable populations that inhabit remote areas in the Amazon. The study of therapeutic itineraries (TI) for treatment of snakebites would support strategies to provide timely access to users. A TI is the set of processes by which individuals adhere to certain forms of treatment, and includes the path traveled in the search for healthcare, and practices to solve their health problems. This study aims to describe TIs of snakebite patients in the Brazilian Amazon. This study was carried out at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado, in Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil. The itinerary from the moment of the bite to the patient's admission to the reference unit was analyzed. Sample size was defined by saturation. After an exploratory survey to collect epidemiological variables, in-depth interviews were conducted following a semi-structured guide. Patients originated from rural areas of 11 different municipalities, including ones located >500 kilre centers in the Brazilian Amazon are more effective strategies that would to maximize access to antivenom treatment.One health (OH) approaches have increasingly been used in the last decade in the fight against zoonotic neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). However, descriptions of such collaborations between the human, animal and environmental health sectors are still limited for French-speaking tropical countries. The objective of the current survey was to explore the diversity of OH experiences applied to research, surveillance and control of NTDs by scientists from French-speaking countries, and discuss their constraints and benefits. Six zoonotic NTDs were targeted echinococcoses, trypanosomiases, leishmaniases, rabies, Taenia solium cysticercosis and leptospiroses. Invitations to fill in an online questionnaire were sent to members of francophone networks on NTDs and other tropical diseases. Results from the questionnaire were discussed during an international workshop in October 2019. The vast majority (98%) of the 171 respondents considered OH approaches relevant although only 64% had implemented them. Among respondents with OH experience, 58% had encountered difficulties mainly related to a lack of knowledge, interest and support for OH approaches by funding agencies, policy-makers, communities and researchers. Silos between disciplines and health sectors were still strong at both scientific and operational levels. Benefits were reported by 94% of respondents with OH experience, including increased intellectual stimulation, stronger collaborations, higher impact and cost-efficiency of interventions. Recommendations for OH uptake included advocacy, capacity-building, dedicated funding, and higher communities' involvement. Improved research coordination by NTD networks, production of combined human-animal health NTD impact indicators, and transversal research projects on diagnostic and reservoirs were also considered essential.Dog rabies has been recognized from ancient times and remains widespread across the developing world with an estimated 59,000 people dying annually from the disease. In 2011 a tri-partite alliance consisting of the OIE, the WHO and the FAO committed to globally eliminating dog-mediated human rabies by 2030. Regardless of global support, the responsibility remains with local program managers to implement successful elimination programs. It is well known that vaccination programs have a high probability of successful elimination if they achieve a population-coverage of 70%. It is often quoted that reducing population turnover (typically through sterilizations) raises the probability for local elimination by maintaining herd immunity for longer. Besides this, other factors that affect rabies elimination are rarely mentioned. This paper investigates the probability for local elimination as it relates to immunity, fecundity, dog population size, infectivity (bite rates), in-migration of immune-naïve dogs, and the initial incidence.