We present a new approach to estimate the binding affinity from given three-dimensional poses of protein-ligand complexes. In this scheme, every protein-ligand atom pair makes an additive free-energy contribution. The sum of these pairwise contributions then gives the total binding free energy or the logarithm of the dissociation constant. The pairwise contribution is calculated by a function implemented via a neural network that takes the properties of the two atoms and their distance as input. The pairwise function is trained using a portion of the PDBbind 2018 data set. The model achieves good accuracy for affinity predictions when evaluated with PDBbind 2018 and with the CASF-2016 benchmark, comparing favorably to many scoring functions such as that of AutoDock Vina. The framework here may be extended to incorporate other factors to further improve its accuracy and power.Localized orbital coupled cluster theory has recently emerged as a nonempirical alternative to DFT for large systems. Intuitively, one might expect such methods to perform less well for highly delocalized systems. In the present work, we apply both canonical CCSD(T) approximations and a variety of localized approximations to a set of flexible expanded porphyrins-macrocycles that can switch between Hückel, figure-eight, and Möbius topologies under external stimuli. Both minima and isomerization transition states are considered. We find that Möbius(-like) structures have much stronger static correlation character than the remaining structures, and that this causes significant errors in DLPNO-CCSD(T) and even DLPNO-CCSD(T1) approaches, unless TightPNO cutoffs are employed. If sub-kcal mol-1 accuracy with respect to canonical relative energies is required even for Möbius-type systems (or other systems plagued by strong static correlation), then Nagy and Kallay's LNO-CCSD(T) method with "tight" settings is the suitable localized approach. W