common, indicating ongoing VT pneumococci transmission.This is a single center US retrospective study of infection patterns among household sick contacts of children with confirmed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in an urban setting. A household sick contact (HHSC) was identified in fewer than half (42%) of patients and no child-to-adult transmission was identified.In a retrospective study of adolescents with intrathoracic tuberculosis (TB), 26 out of the 81 (32%) patients had undergone chest computed tomography (CT). Chest CT was considered unnecessary in 7 (27%), necessary in 7 (27%), and possibly/probably helpful in 12 (46%). Promptly obtaining specimens for sputum smear microscopy, molecular testing, as well as culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis could avoid several unnecessary CTs.'Thread and streak sign' refers to the pattern of early opacification of the blood spaces within the portal vein tumor thrombus in Hepato-Cellular Carcinoma. Originally described in digital subtraction angiogram, this sign is increasingly observed in the hepatic arterial phase of contrast study of the abdomen. Here we present a typical 'thread and streak' sign in contrastenhanced CT of the abdomen.Financial incentives could be used to improve adherence to behavioral weight loss interventions, increasing their effectiveness. This Phase IIb randomized pilot study evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of a study protocol for providing financial incentives for dietary self-monitoring and/or weight loss. Community-dwelling adults with obesity were enrolled in a 24 week, group-based weight loss program. Participants were randomized in a 2 × 2 factorial design to receive financial incentives for both dietary self-monitoring and weekly weight loss, just one, or neither. Participants could earn up to $300, evolving from fixed weekly payments to intermittent, variable payments. The notice of reward was provided by text message. The study was conducted in three successive cohorts to evaluate study procedure changes, including dietary approach, recruitment and retention strategies, text messaging, and incentives. Descriptive statistics calculated separately for each cohort described study performance relativt. The trial registration number is NCT02691260. Direct access to physical therapy provides an alternative to physician-first systems for patients who need physical therapy for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Direct access across multiple countries and the United States (US) military services has produced improved functional outcomes and/or cost-effectiveness at clinical and health care system levels; however, data remain scarce from civilian health care systems within the United States. The purpose of this study was to compare evidence regarding costs and clinical outcomes between direct access and physician-first systems in US civilian health services. A database search of PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Reviews, and PEDro was conducted through May 2019. Studies were selected if they specified civilian US, physical therapy for MSDs, direct access or physician-first, and extractable outcomes for cost, function, or number of physical therapy visits. Studies were excluded if interventions utilized early or delayed physical therapy access compared with physiciings within civilian US health care services support a cost-effective health care access alternative for spine-related MSDs and can inform health care policy makers. These findings within civilian US health care services support a cost-effective health care access alternative for spine-related MSDs and can inform health care policy makers. Better biomarkers of selenium (Se) status and a better understanding of toxic Se biochemistry are needed to set safe dietary upper limits. In previous studies, differential expression (DE) of individual liver transcripts in rats and turkeys failed to identify a single transcript that was consistently and significantly (q <0.05) altered by high Se. To evaluate the effect of Se status on rat liver transcript expression data at the level of gene sets, and to compare transcript expression in rats with that in turkeys to identify common regulated transcripts. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was conducted on liver from weanling rats fed an Se-deficient basal diet (0.005μg Se/g) supplemented with 0, 0.24 (Se-adequate), 2, or 5μg Se/g diet as selenite for 28 d. In addition, transcript expression was compared with liver expression in turkeys fed 0, 0.4, 2, or 5 μg Se/g diet as selenite. Se deficiency significantly downregulated the rat selenoprotein gene set but also upregulated gene sets for a variety rongly indicating that adaptation to high Se lies outside transcriptional regulation. The dramatic increase in significant liver transcript DE and GSEA gene sets in rats fed 5 compared with 2 μg Se/g clearly appears to be a biomarker for Se toxicity, albeit not Se-specific. These analyses, however, failed to identify specific transcripts or pathways, biological states, or processes that were directly linked with high Se status, strongly indicating that adaptation to high Se lies outside transcriptional regulation.Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive brain cancer and its relapse after surgery, chemo and radiotherapy appears to be led by GBM stem cells (GSCs). Also, tumor networking and intercellular communication play a major role in driving GBM therapy-resistance. Tunneling Nanotubes (TNTs), thin membranous open-ended channels connecting distant cells, have been observed in several types of cancer, where they emerge to drive a more malignant phenotype. Here, we investigated whether GBM cells are capable to intercommunicate by TNTs. Two GBM stem-like cells (GSLCs) were obtained from the external and infiltrative zone of one GBM from one patient. We show, for the first time, that both GSLCs, grown in classical 2D culture and in 3D-tumor organoids, formed functional TNTs which allowed mitochondria transfer. In the organoid model, recapitulative of several tumor's features, we observed the formation of a network between cells constituted of both Tumor Microtubes (TMs), previously observed in vivo, and TNTs. In addition, the two GSLCs exhibited different responses to irradiation in terms of TNT induction and mitochondria transfer, although the correlation with the disease progression and therapy-resistance needs to be further addressed.