Researches of cellulose nanomaterials have seen nearly exponential growth over the past several decades for versatile applications. The characterization of nanostructural arrangement and local chemical distribution is critical to understand their role when developing cellulose materials. However, with the development of current characterization methods, the simultaneous morphological and chemical characterization of cellulose materials at nanoscale resolution is still challenging. Two fundamentally different nanoscale infrared spectroscopic techniques, namely atomic force microscope based infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR) and infrared scattering scanning near field optical microscopy (IR s-SNOM), have been established by the integration of AFM with IR spectroscopy to realize nanoscale spatially resolved imaging for both morphological and chemical information. This review aims to summarize and highlight the recent developments in the applications of current state-of-the-art nanoscale IR spectroscopy and imaging to cellulose materials. It briefly outlines the basic principles of AFM-IR and IR s-SNOM, as well as their advantages and limitations to characterize cellulose materials. The uses of AFM-IR and IR s-SNOM for the understanding and development of cellulose materials, including cellulose nanomaterials, cellulose nanocomposites, and plant cell walls, are extensively summarized and discussed. The prospects of future developments in cellulose materials characterization are provided in the final part.The high-temperature conductivity of the perovskite oxides of a La4BaCu5O13+δ (LBCO) thin film prepared by RF sputtering deposition and thermal annealing has been studied. While the bulk LBCO compound was metallic, the LBCO film deposited on a Si substrate by sputtering and a post annealing process showed semiconductor-like conduction, which is considered to be due to the defects and poor grain connectivity in the LBCO film on the Si substrate. The LBCO film deposited on a SrTiO3 substrate was of high film quality and showed metallic conduction. When the cation site Cu was substituted by Co, the electrical conductivity of the LBCO film increased further and its temperature dependence became smaller. The transport properties of LBCO films are investigated to understand its carrier generation mechanism.Electromagnetically induced transparency-like (EIT-like) effect is a promising research area for applications of slow light, sensing and metamaterials. The EIT-like effect is generally formed by the destructive interference of bright-dark mode coupling and bright-bright mode coupling. There are seldom reports about EIT-like effect realized by the coupling of two dark modes. In this paper, we numerically and theoretically demonstrated that the EIT-like effect is achieved through dark-dark mode coupling of two waveguide resonances in a compound nanosystem with metal grating and multilayer structure. If we introduce |1⟩, |2⟩ and |3⟩ to represent the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) resonance, waveguide resonance in layer 2, and waveguide resonance in layer 4, the destructive interference occurs between two pathways of |0⟩→|1⟩→|2⟩ and |0⟩→|1⟩→|2⟩→|3⟩→|2⟩, where |0⟩ is the ground state without excitation. Our work will stimulate more studies on EIT-like effect with dark-dark mode coupling in other systems.The B mating-type locus of the tetrapolar basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune encodes pheromones and pheromone receptors in multiple allelic specificities. This work adds substantial new evidence into the organization of the B mating-type loci of distantly related S. commune strains showing a high level of synteny in gene order and neighboring genes. Four pheromone receptor-like genes were found in the genome of S. commune with brl1, brl2 and brl3 located at the B mating-type locus, whereas brl4 is located separately. Expression analysis of brl genes in different developmental stages indicates a function in filamentous growth and mating. Based on the extensive sequence analysis and functional characterization of brl-overexpression mutants, a function of Brl1 in mating is proposed, while Brl3, Brl4 and Brl2 (to a lower extent) have a role in vegetative growth, possible determination of growth direction. The brl3 and brl4 overexpression mutants had a dikaryon-like, irregular and feathery phenotype, and they avoided the formation of same-clone colonies on solid medium, which points towards enhanced detection of self-signals. These data are supported by localization of Brl fusion proteins in tips, at septa and in not-yet-fused clamps of a dikaryon, confirming their importance for growth and development in S. commune.Hexaploid tritordeum is the amphiploid derived from the cross between the wild barley Hordeum chilense and durum wheat. This paper reviews the main advances and achievements in the last two decades that led to the successful development of tritordeum as a new crop. In particular, we summarize the progress in breeding for agronomic performance, including the potential of tritordeum as a genetic bridge for wheat breeding; the impact of molecular markers in genetic studies and breeding; and the progress in quality and development of innovative food products. The success of tritordeum as a crop shows the importance of the effective utilization of plant genetic resources for the development of new innovative products for agriculture and industry. Considering that wild plant genetic resources have made possible the development of this new crop, the huge potential of more accessible resources, such as landraces conserved in gene banks, goes beyond being sources of resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. In addition, the positive result of tritordeum also shows the importance of adequate commercialization strategies and demonstrative experiences aimed to integrate the whole food chain, from producers to end-point sellers, in order to develop new products for consumers.Pandemic management increases the burden on healthcare workers to provide care and also affects their personal lives, with dentists being at particular risk. Therefore, we aim to describe the quality of life (QoL) and limitations experienced due to pandemic management-related measures (PanMan), as well as to assess the association of PanMan with QoL during the first lockdown after the coronavirus outbreak. We obtained data from 500 dentists (33.2% males, M/SD = 43.8) registered with the Slovak Chamber of Dentists using an online questionnaire. We categorized PanMan as the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the ability to implement anti-pandemic measures, information overload, pandemic-related limitations and QoL in terms of their impact on family life and activities, housekeeping, relationships with relatives, financial situation and mental well-being. PanMan mainly affected financial situation, mental well-being and housekeeping. Factors contributing most towards the worsening of QoL were information overload (odds ratio/95% confidence interval, OR/CI 5.