If the hypothesis of sweepstakes reproduction cannot be rejected, then models of sweepstakes reproduction and associated multiple-merger coalescents will become at least as relevant as the Wright-Fisher model (or similar models) and the Kingman coalescent, the cornerstones of mathematical population genetics, in further discussions of evolutionary genomics of highly fecund populations.Cells utilize transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms to alter gene expression in response to environmental cues. Gene-specific controls, including changing the translation of specific messenger RNAs (mRNAs), provide a rapid means to respond precisely to different conditions. Upstream open reading frames (uORFs) are known to control the translation of mRNAs. Recent studies in bacteria and eukaryotes have revealed the functions of evolutionarily conserved uORF-encoded peptides. Some of these uORF-encoded nascent peptides enable responses to specific metabolites to modulate the translation of their mRNAs by stalling ribosomes and through ribosome stalling may also modulate the level of their mRNAs. In this review, we highlight several examples of conserved uORF nascent peptides that stall ribosomes to regulate gene expression in response to specific metabolites in bacteria, fungi, mammals, and plants. Generalized convulsive status epilepticus (GCSE) is a neurologic emergency demanding prehospital identification and treatment. Evaluating real-world practice requires accurately identifying the target population; however, it is unclear whether emergency medical services (EMS) documentation accurately identifies patients with GCSE. To evaluate the validity of EMS diagnostic impressions for GCSE. This was an analysis of electronic medical records of a California county EMS system from 2013 to 2018. We identified all cases with a primary diagnostic impression of "seizure-active," "seizure-post," or "seizure-not otherwise specified (NOS)" and within each diagnostic category, we randomly selected 75 adult and 25 pediatric records. Two authors reviewed the provider narrative of these 300 charts to determine a clinical seizure diagnosis according to prespecified definitions. We calculated a kappa for interrater reliability of the clinical diagnosis. We then calculated the positive predictive value (PPV), sensio had a non-seizure related diagnosis including non-epileptic spells (7 records), altered mental status (8 records), tremors (2 records), anxiety (1 record), and stroke (1 record). EMS diagnostic impressions have reasonable PPV and specificity but low sensitivity for GCSE. Improved coding algorithms and training will allow for improved benchmarking, quality improvement, and research about this neurologic emergency. EMS diagnostic impressions have reasonable PPV and specificity but low sensitivity for GCSE. Improved coding algorithms and training will allow for improved benchmarking, quality improvement, and research about this neurologic emergency. Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) is a novel approach for treatment of emphysema. Several techniques are available to accomplish BLVR including Bronchoscopic Vapor Thermal Ablation (BVTA). This technique is easy to perform and considered safe due to its gradual effect. We discuss BTVA in detail in this editorial. We discuss our experience with BTVA in detail including patient selection, equipment, procedure, post-procedural care and complications. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/VX-770.html We also review the literature to determine the pros and cons for its use. Other modalities such as endobronchial valves, coils and lung sealants are also briefly discussed. Vapor ablation is a novel and safe approach in inducing lung volume reduction in emphysema patients. The effects are gradual, and therefore potentially making it safer than other minimally invasive modalities. Pneumonitis and infection are common side effects. Just as in other BLVR techniques, a case by case evaluation is needed to determine the right candidate for BTVA. Further larger studies are needed before BTVA becomes standard of care in treatment of patients with emphysema. Vapor ablation is a novel and safe approach in inducing lung volume reduction in emphysema patients. The effects are gradual, and therefore potentially making it safer than other minimally invasive modalities. Pneumonitis and infection are common side effects. Just as in other BLVR techniques, a case by case evaluation is needed to determine the right candidate for BTVA. Further larger studies are needed before BTVA becomes standard of care in treatment of patients with emphysema. Relatively few studies have compared outcomes between helicopter transport (HT) and ground transport (GT) for the transfer of trauma patients to tertiary trauma centers (TTC). Mixed results have been reported from these studies ranging from a slight increase in odds of survival for the severely injured to no evident benefit for HT patients. We hypothesized there was no adjusted difference in mortality between patients transported interfacility by HT or GT taking into account distance from TTC. Data from an inclusive statewide trauma registry was used to conduct a retrospective cohort study of adult (18+ years old) trauma patients who initially presented to a non-tertiary trauma center (NTC) before subsequent transfer by HT or GT to a TTC. Records from the NTC and TTC were linked (N = 9880). We used propensity adjusted, multivariable Cox proportional hazards models to assess the association of HT on mortality at 72-hour and within the first 2 weeks of arrival at a TTC; these multivariable analyses were e HT for these patients was resource-driven rather than clinical. Only for patients transferred from an NTC less then 90 miles from the receiving TTC was HT associated with a significantly decreased hazard of mortality in the first 72 hours. Many HT patients, especially from the most distant NTCs, had minor injuries and normal vital signs at both the NTC and TTC suggesting the decision to use HT for these patients was resource-driven rather than clinical. Strokes are a leading cause of disability in the United States. Approximately 25-40% of individuals who experience a stroke will have aphasia. Individuals with aphasia experience many life changes and some have found that writing activities, such as publishing text entries on a personal website, or weblog, to be therapeutic. This study aimed to gain a greater understanding of the therapeutic use of blogs for stroke survivors with aphasia. Inductive qualitative content analysis. Potential, publicly available weblogs written by people with aphasia were identified using a pre-determined search method and five met inclusion criteria. Data were collected from websites and collated into 453 pages of narratives. An inductive qualitative content analysis process was used to extract codes that were reduced to sub-categories and generic categories. A main category of therapeutic healing and three generic categories of (1) living with aphasia, (2) accepting a new identity, and (3) creating a community were identified.