Cochlear Implantation (CI) is an effective surgical approach to rehabilitate the severe to profound hearing-impaired patients. However, the insertion of CI electrodes into the cochlea may adversely affect vestibular receptors, resulting in vertigo or dizziness. The present study aimed to investigate the impacts of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) exercises on dizziness symptoms of patients who underwent CI. A total of 21 consecutive patients (age range 28 to 61 years) with profound sensorineural hearing loss undergoing CI operation participated. The VRT therapy plan consisted of a habituation and adaptation exercises in combination with gait and balance exercises. The handicapping influences of dizziness was measured using a Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) scale to measure the level of respondent's performance on physical, emotional, and functional dimensions. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was also conducted to assess the severity of dizziness symptoms. The DHI and VAS scales were conducted beforestibular rehabilitation to CI recipients. The findings of this study showed that vestibular rehabilitation therapy has a positive impact on the symptoms of the patients who underwent CI surgery. These exercises lead to an improvement in balance and postural stability, and a reduction in the self-report measure of handicaps. These findings provide the basis for better pre-operative counseling and postoperative vestibular rehabilitation to CI recipients. Patients with profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) are susceptible to vestibular disturbances following Cochlear Implant (CI) surgery. This study aimed to evaluate vestibular dysfunctions following unilateral CI in the congenitally deaf children. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 24 children (mean age 10.56 ± 5.49 years old) who underwent unilateral CI and 24 age-matched controls (mean age 11.13 ± 6.21 years old). Vestibular functions were as